
Dc: The Brother of Superman

Follow our protagonist without memory of his past self he woke up in a normal family....wait isn't that Martha Kent.....why is she calling me son?. (Disclaimer, First fanfic to learn how to write.)

Refaim1992 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs

Invasion (6)

Commander Thorn and the mage Cron looked at each other; both of them were questioning each other with their eyes.

(What are we going to do!?) (Commander Thorn) He looked intensely at Cron as if ordering him to think of a solution.

(How da f*ck do I know!?)(Mage Cron) He rolled his eyes at him.

During their private discussion, a calm voice interrupted.

"Oh, so that's how a [Fallen] looks, huh?"

This voice immediately put Thorn and Cron on high alert. Both of them looked behind them and only saw a mage walking slowly to where they were.

Someone recognizes this mage...


It was Commander Braza in the hands of the Fallen, trying to speak.



In response, Fallen tightened his grip around his neck.

"Oh, Commander Braza, again in a pretty dire situation..."

Isaac looked at the mage, Cron.

"You were the one who destroyed my golem; huh, interesting spell, by the way," he said, then he focused on the Fallen again.

(Interesting creature; although the combination of magic is unstable, it is only a matter of time before it stabilizes itself, then it will become a problem.)

Isaac was calmly analyzing the creature before him. Only after he reached the same spot as Thorn and Cron did he speak.

"[Fallen] are a subspecies of the [Corrupted]; unlike those, the [Fallen] willingly convert themselves into demonic creatures by a contract with a higher demon; they retain their cognition, isn't that right?"

The last sentence was directly at the [Fallen] before them.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, to think that some will know about us." (Fallen) His voice was weird; it was as if two voices were speaking at the same time, but one of the voices was high-pitched and the other low-pitched.

(Sh*t!) Both Thorn and Cron thought about it at the same time.

Everyone knows that it's easier to kill a mindless monster that only attacks by relaying on its instincts than an intelligent monster that knows how to fight.

As they were trying to think of a strategy to bring this creature down, the mage beside them spoke.

"Well, let's do this..."

"Eh?" (Thorn, Cron)

The mage pulled a staff out of nowhere, then pointed at the Fallen in front.

"[Crackling Lance]"

From his staff, golden-colored lighting started to gather, taking the shape of a 3ft lance, then it bolted out directly at the fallen.

The Fallen, sensing the danger on the lance, used his right hand and put the body of Commander Braza as a meat shield, but the lance didn't stop.

"No!, [Metal Spikes]" (Mage Cron)

Below the fallen a group of metal spikes sprouted out of the ground. As soon as the spikes were out, the lance made out of golden lighting divided itself into many miniature individual lights that were absorbed by the metal spikes.

The metal spikes were charged with the lighting.

"Oh, convenient, [Lighting]"

Isaac pointed his staff on top of the Fallen, and a massive cloud began to form in a matter of seconds. A golden light descended directly into the Fallen, and with the help of the charged metal spikes, it only took a fraction of a second to reach him.





Both the Fallen and Commander Braza were hit by the supercharged lighting.


The smell of burnt flesh permeated the fortress, and the look of grief could be seen in the faces of Thorn and Cron.

"Hey, what are you both doing? This will not stun him for long. I suggest that you rescue your friend quickly before it's too late."

The voice of the mage woke them up, and indeed, they could feel that this creature known as the Fallen was still alive, and looking closely at their friend Braza, he was too.

"Cron!" (Commander Thorn) He pulled out his sword from his side, and he quickly sprinted directly at the fallen right side.

"I know!, [Holy Edge] (Mage Cron) he immediately moved his wand, pointing at the sword.


The sword charged with holy magic was used by Thorn as soon as he was close to the Fallen and Commander Braza.



With a swift movement of his sword, he cut the right hand of the fallen...


The body of Commander Braza fell to the ground, and at the same time, Thorn picked him up.



Swiftly enough to avoid the wrath of the Fallen...




... waves of dark blue energy began to push everything backwards away from him. The three of them could see how the Fallen was regenerating himself; in a couple of seconds, he was healed along with his right hand.


Seeing that his hostage was in the hands of Commander Thorn made him mad.

"I will kill you all!" (Fallen)


A pressure never felt before fell on the three of them, but only two of them fell.

(Hmm, this pressure is like a light breeze compared to the others.)

"I propose to work together.."(Commander Thorn) looked at the new mage.

Isaac looked at him.

"Sure, go for it, [Minor Protection] + [Stone Armor]," he said, pointing his staff at Thorn.

The two buffs boosted his presence, making him able to move freely, and a full armor made out of stone gave him confidence to fight.


Commander Thorn charged at the Fallen, and the Fallen, with a face full of confidence, extended his left hand at him.

"[Hell Fireball](Fallen): from the left hand, a massive dark red fireball was launched directly at Thorn.

"[Stone Wall] (Mage Cron)

A massive earth wall appeared in front of Commander Thorn, who, being used to fighting with his partner of many years, jumped on top of the wall.


When the wall was destroyed, he used the momentum to launch himself into the air. He grabbed his sword with two hands and sliced downward.

"[4th Sword: Fallendown]" (Commander Thorn)

Thin slice projections of energy fell rapidly...

*Slice*x 50


...dark blue-red blood splashed out of the wounds, but the Fallen looked undisturbed.

Thorn landed a couple of feet from him, stunned by this.

"It's that all?" With a smirk on his face, he extended his right arm and chanted,

"[Dark Spear]" A 4-foot spear launched itself at the head of Commander Thorn.

He tried to dodge it, but it was impossible from this short distance.

"[Arcane Ward]"


A bluish veil appeared in front of Thorn, absorbing all the damage from the spear.

Thorn didn't stay still; he immediately moved backwards, trying to make more space between them.

The Fallen looked at Isaac and Cron as the wounds healed themselves.

"You both will be first!" (Fallen) For the first time, the creature moved.


At an incredible speed, the Fallen appeared behind the mage Cron, and with his right leg, he kicked him from behind.



He was instantly blown by the kick into a nearby wall.

"Now you"(Fallen)

He looked at Isaac with a murderous gaze.

"[Shadow Bind]"

In the shadow of the fallen rope-like structures, started to tie him up tightly. This give him some time that he took advantage of.

He pointed his staff at the fallen...


[Curse of Energy has been granted. Curse of Energy: For 5 minutes, all spells cost 50% more to cast.]

Sensing the curse that was placed on his person, the Fallen screamed.

"Aggh, you piece of sh..." (Fallen)

"Hey! Don't forget about me! [3th Sword: Dragon Fang]" (Commander Thorn)

He charged at the Fallen from the right side; his sword made an upper right downward slash; and three thick slices of projections of energy fell into the body of the trapped Fallen.




This time, it really seems it worked because he fell to his knees.

(Just to be sure.)

"[Fireball], [Wind Slash], [Lightning], [Ice Spear] [Flame Pillar], [Crackling Lance], [Flaming Skull]"


Isaac started to blast the living hell out of him, but he still didn't die.

(Well, this is troublesome.)


Again, he looked dead, but he was only not moving and using this time to regenerate himself.

"Ho, ho, we have a really resistant creature isn't it?"

The mage, Cron, finally decided to approach him.

"Well, he has a dark core, which is supposed to be his greatest weakness, but..."

"You don't know where it is(Commander Thorn)

Thorn also approached Isaac.

"Correct, hmm. Maybe he can help with this." Isaac looked at the charred body of Commander Braza, which was in critical condition.

(F*ck, I forgot about him!) (Thorn, Cron) With pale faces, they immediately ran to him.

"Cron, can you help him!?" (Commander Thorn)

"Do I look like a healer to you!?" (Mage Cron)

They were frantically looking into their pouches for healing potions.

"Let me"

Isaac pulled out a small crystal vial with a blood-red liquid inside. The vial was covered in runes, and the design was beautiful.

"That's!, impossible!" (Mage Cron)He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"What? What is that!?" (Commander Thorn)He was completely ignorant about that crystal vial.


Isaac broke the top of the vial and poured the content directly into the body of Commander Braza.

*Glug* *glug* *glu..*

When the vial was emptied, it disintegrated by itself.

"Aggh...eh?, where am I?"(Commander Braza)

He woke up a little dizzy.

"Are you good, Commander?" (Mage Cron)

He took a closer look to see if there were any problems, but when Braza saw his face, he exclaimed.

"Sh*t, am I in hell!?" (Commander Braza)

"Ho, ho, ho, he is fine (Mage Cron). The mage responded a little hurt.


"Excuse me, Commander Braza, we have a very important situation here."

Braza reacted to that voice, following with his sight.

What he saw was a mage with a strange mask on his face. The mage wasn't looking at him; instead, he was looking at the Fallen, who was regenerating himself as they were speaking.

"Sh*t, is that bastard still alive!?" (Commander Braza)

His words brought confusion to Thorn and Cron; those words sounded as if Braza knew this creature.

"Oi, Braza you know that thing?"(Commander Thorn)

He questions Braza with a serious tone.

"We know him. He is Arden Collin(Commander Braza).

"WHAT!?" (Thorn, Cron) The shock was evident on both their faces.

"How did that little bastard become like that!?" (Commander Thorn): He immediately questioned Braza.

*Nod* *Nod* (Mage Cron)

"Well, when I was going to investigate the fortress..." (Commander Braza) He started to narrate what happened a couple of hours ago, but before he even started...

"Sorry to interrupt, but is there any chance that you saw where the dark core location is on his body?"

Isaac interrupted, pointing at the body of the fallen, which was almost fully healed.

"Is the dark core that you mentioned a black marble with many runes?"(Commander Braza)

"Oh, it is indeed."Isaac didn't expect that he really knew.

"Then it's on his left eye..."(Commander Braza)He pointed at the head of the fallen.

"...I saw him pulling his left eye and forcefully inserting that thing; after that, the explosion happened(Commander Braza). He looked around him, and his expression turned sad.

"Thank you, Commander."

Isaac started to write a couple of runes on the air.

[ᛊᛈᚨᚲᛖ ᚲᚺᚨᛁᚾᛊ](Space, Chains)

Purple chains started to pierce the space around the Fallen; the chains immediately wrapped around him, making him unable to move.


A murderous gaze was the only thing he could do.

"Let see..."

Isaac reached for the left eye...


A runic pattern appeared on the left eye.

"These runes are fascinating."(But they are in the wrong order; maybe that is on purpose.)

He started to make another set of runes.

[ᛊᛏᛟᛈ, ᚱᛖᚢᛖᚱᛏ, ᛞᛖᛊᛏᚱᛟᛁ] (Stop, Revert, Destroy)

The runic pattern on the eye stopped moving, and after that, a massive change was happening on the body of the fallen.

"Gggaah, y,you...motherf*k...agggh" (Fallen, Arden Collin)

The horns, wings, feet, hands, and color of the skin were changing from what they used to be.

In a couple of minutes, he changed from a terrifying creature to an average guy, and after that, the dark core...

*Creack* *Crash*

"Aaaggghhh!" (Arden Collin)

...was destroyed.