
Chapter 77: Attack on Themyscira 3


If we surpass 300 power stones then I will upload the next chapter this Sunday which is: Ares vs Ghost Rider. 




"Ghost Rider Voice"


Themyscira, in the fight

The Justice League had arrived. And in an orderly, efficient and tenacious manner. They knew what was at stake. They knew the level of difficulty of the mission. And, above all, they knew the very level they were at.

Those who could fight the gods, went to meet them. Those who couldn't, had the job of supporting the Amazons in their fight. Their costumes, too, had been upgraded for this encounter. And there was no magic to hinder or slow down their technological weapons.

In short, the battlefield had been turned in their favor.

And this was a great surprise, since only 10 minutes had passed. Too little time for the League, even with its new, more efficient organization in different continental subsidiaries, to prepare for all this.

The reason is simple. With Xanadu's warning, Diana practically learned of this invasion shortly before Hippolyta had asked her for help. Valuable time for Diana to activate multiple specific protocols for attacks on her land. Including, the help of the Atlanteans.

That they had such a quick response time, and such an efficient organization, was only due to the quick response of the Amazon princess. Princess who, at this moment, was fighting like a force of nature on the beach.

Her sword was cutting through the terracotta warriors like butter. And her fists, fists imbued with the divine power of Zeus, only made her a lethal force, even to the gods present.

Flying, all around her, was Edgar with his infernal motorcycle. Hurling numerous projectiles with his shotgun. All the projectiles he fired were coldly calculated to the most vulnerable areas his senses could capture.

Each shot generated a small explosion that caused each terracotta warrior to simply fly into a thousand pieces.

However, Edgar's task was not only to attack these vulnerable areas, but to analyze every detail to find out what state the island was in. All this at the request of his beloved Diana, who was worried about the whole situation.

But also, it was his job to find the queen, Diana's mother, Hippolyta, since she was the one who had requested the help. Diana loved her island, yes, but she would be lying if she said she wasn't worried about her mother's safety.

And that was because she knew that, if Ares was involved in this raid, her mother would be the one to go to meet him and stop him. She was sure. Hippolyta had a fierce hatred for this god.

Also, that her mother knows that only she, Antiope and Diana herself, were the only ones who could stand up to Ares on Themyscira.

(AN: as I had already mentioned. Ares is empowered on Themyscira, which makes him more dangerous than he already is)

But she was nowhere to be seen. Her enhanced eyesight could see her friends/sisters fighting valiantly, even her aunt fighting a god by herself, but not her mother. And that was why he had asked Edgar to go analyze the whole island.

If anyone could find her, it was him. However, her hopes died, when Edgar approached her, and said.

"I'm sorry, Diana. But your mother is not on the battlefield. I also scanned the castle, but I couldn't find anything. I don't know where she is"

'Damn it' thought Diana. In her heart there was a lot of fear at the thought of her mother fighting that monster alone. Ares was a maniac. She didn't want it to be too late to go to her for support.

Diana's desperation was growing. Desperation that Edgar felt. He got off his bike, and, gave her a big hug to comfort her.

"Don't worry, we'll find her. We just got here, and we still don't know the whole situation. Besides, there are areas where I haven't checked. I'm sure I'll find something there"

Edgar's words calmed Diana's restless heart a little. A small smile formed on Diana's beautiful face. That's why she loved him. He always knew what to do, or say, to calm her down. If he wasn't here, she would probably be in a rage. Something not good for a chaotic battlefield like this.

They both continued to hug and show their affection. Even though they were on the battlefield, a couple of seconds like that wouldn't hurt anyone.

In fact, now that they thought about it. It had been a long time when they simply didn't stop and just hugged each other to show their love. Make no mistake. Their relationship was still just as strong as it was in the beginning. They both loved each other.

But, because of their busy work schedule, the relationship had turned into one where they only saw each other in the evenings, or mornings and couldn't stop to chat as much because they had to rush off to work, or had some assignment, or an event, etc.

This moment was interrupted by a female Amazon who approached her side. It was Ariel, the Amazon soldier who had been sent to deactivate the barrier. Diana released Edgar. There was a hint of a blush on her cheeks derived from the embarrassment she had at being seen by her sister with her beloved like this.

With the League it didn't matter. With society, in general, neither. But, with her sisters, it was another story. For here, she was seen as the powerful, fair, strong and capable princess of the Amazons. Something that was not seen now, since, at this moment, she was only shown as a princess in love with her beloved knight.

Ariel, though she saw this, did not think much of it, and said to Diana.

"My princess. I am glad to see you. Your friends have brought a respite to the battlefield"

"Ariel, it is also good to see you. I see they put you in the ground ranks. Your combat skills are sure to be a formidable addition to this team of warriors"

"My princess, your words flatter me. It is because of your help and training that I was able to come this far" Ariel thanked. Diana was a beloved princess. A formidable warrior. The most powerful Amazon. But, also added to all that, she was a quite capable instructor.

She had taught a large batch of Amazons with her apprenticeship in the outside world. Lot where Ariel was. She was a good warrior. But with Diana's help, and her arduous training, she was able to get noticed by the queen and be upgraded to castle guard.

However, she did not come to say thank you, or to have a pleasant chat with the princess. She had come to tell her something important.

"My princess, I would like to chat, but this is not a favorable situation. Our conversation has to be postponed for later. I have news of your mother. I know where she is!"

Diana quickly resumed her royal character. Edgar, who was standing next to her, also became serious.

"Tell me, Ariel, where is my mother?, I don't see her on the battlefield"

"My princess, I saw the queen head to the private room of the prison where the gate to the underworld is located. Unfortunately I couldn't see any more because I had to join the ground forces"

While this conversation was going on. Edgar was still chasing away the terracotta warriors with his weapon. But he had heard the whole conversation clearly.

"Where is that room?" asked Edgar. He didn't even turn to look at Ariel. But kept firing his fireballs.

Ariel looked at the princess, and she nodded as a sign that it was okay to answer him. So she replied.

"The room is across the forest. The door is protected by an optical illusion. Even for us, the Amazons, this illusion can affect us and confuse us. The queen has a way to enter through the castle. That's why I could see her heading that way"

Edgar took no notice of the illusion. Optical illusion. But he didn't use eyes to see. To him, that room would be as clear as water. But first he had to get closer. Now that he knew where to go, it would be easy.

However, he didn't even have to head, when just at that, a great powerful signature was felt all over the beach. The signature was a ripple of raw, potent power. A signature Diana recognized well.

"Ares..." she said with a lot of venom in her voice. As she guessed, her mother was heading to meet him. Also, as Ariel said, the signature was coming past the forest. Right into the room of the Underworld.

Edgar, with his senses, could see that the entire battlefield was controlled by the heroes. Also, he could sense that Constantine, Fire and Ice, were already supporting Diana's aunt, Antiope, against the god who was fighting. So it was good that they were going to support Hippolyta.

Edgar held out his hand to Diana and said.

"Let's go" Diana didn't even hesitate and quickly jumped on the bike. Like an arrow, they both shot off towards the forest.

But as they were crossing the forest, something strange happened. The branches of the trees began to come to life and started to grab Edgar's motorcycle. Edgar easily dodged these trees, but, up ahead, a large wall of branches, which were covered by dark shadows, prevented him from passing.

Edgar was about to fly over the forest, but just then, a dome of darkness began to form, covering the entire radius they were in. Edgar tried his luck with his fire, but the dome didn't crack one bit.

It wasn't shadows like Raven's or Duke's power. It was a different power. It was a power like darkness itself. But it was not demonic, but divine. As if the night itself had been projected and made tangible.

Even this dome prevented the sun from bathing the couple on the motorcycle with its warmth. The light had not completely darkened, but the day had become dim and dull. A voice, at that, was heard.

"Don't waste your time with your fire, Rider. Nothing can harm the night itself"

Out of a shadow, stepped a man with red eyes, greenish almost black skin, and an Aztec ceremonial armor. He wore a crown of feathers indicating his royal character. He was Tezcatlipoca, ruler of night and darkness.

Edgar did not recognize the signature of this god, but he did feel his divinity. His conclusion: He was powerful, VERY powerful.

Diana, however, did recognize him. The Amazons were taught various mythological folklores. Not just Greek. Normal Amazons had to study one more than Greek if they wanted to have a soldier's rank. But she, as a princess, had to learn ALL the folklores there were.

From the characteristics of this god, his tattoos and powers, she quickly recognized him.

"Tezcatlipoca, lord of the night, you are invading Greek territory. And, above all, you are preventing me from reuniting with my mother" Diana drew her sword and pointed it menacingly at this god. Releasing her divine power, she told him, "If you don't let us go by hook, then my sword will do it by crook"

Tezcatlipoca put on a thoughtful face. His hands stroked his chin, as various thoughts came into his head. However, his face changed to a happy one when an idea came into his head.

"Okay, I'll do it" Tezcatlipoca snapped his fingers, and the dark dome began to disintegrate. But just as the dome was about to disappear, at that, it formed again as before. "On second thought, I won't"

Diana and Edgar were going to move and attack this god, but he stopped them before they moved.

"Wait. I'm sure you want to go to Hippolyta's aid. But if you stop to fight me, I am sure you will no longer have time to go to meet her. I am not weak. That you have not been able to destroy my dome is a sign that it will not be easy to defeat me. Even for fighters of your caliber. Therefore, I have a proposition for you"

"What proposition?" asked Edgar. He had barely met this god, and already he did not like him.

Edgar felt that, to this god, everything was a game. Something that was almost true, since Tezcatlipoca was a god who liked fun. He liked to play with people. Like Loki, he was a prankster god. Pranks he played for his own amusement.

And obviously, the proposal he was going to make to them was for his entertainment. But one thing was certain. Defeating him was not going to be easy. He was right that, by the time they did, Hippolyta would probably be dead.

"Look. I have a mission. Prevent her" he said, as he pointed to Diana, "from getting to help her mother. I know that to get to where they are, you have to cross this forest. That's why I used my power to generate this dome and control the forest"

Tezcatlipoca pointed off into the distance and said, "But Ares doesn't pay me enough to hold both of you. And frankly, at this point, I wouldn't have fun doing it. So I'll make you a deal. One stays and fights me, and one goes. But that said, somebody has to stay"

"I-" Edgar was about to decline the proposal, but just at that, Diana's voice interrupted.

"Go, and help my mother. You're faster than me and also, I know that Ares doesn't expect you as an opponent"

"No, Diana. Tezcatlipoca only plays with us"

"I know, I know he does. But, even so, he is right that time is limited and he is a tough opponent to fight. Time we will lose without going to help my mother. Go, Edgar. Go and help her. I'm staying to fight this god"

Edgar nodded his skeletal head. He didn't like it. But Diana was right. Before he got on his bike, he turned to 'see' Tezcatlipoca, and pointed his finger at him.

"I have your divine essence engraved in my head, god. If anything happens to her, I swear there will be no place on earth to hide you from me"

"Oh, how scary. Look, look, you even made my skin crawl, wey. But don't worry, Ares doesn't pay me enough to kill her. Actually...he doesn't pay me" Tezcatlipoca had a lost look on his face. But then he went back to his usual smiling face, "Besides, that's not my style. I don't like getting blood on my clothes. Dry cleaning gets expensive when that happens. I'm more into watching people die in sacrifices in my name. That gives a flashier, more exotic touch to death"

Edgar no longer lingered in conversation. Flying, he set off to where Ares was. As Tezcatlipoca said, he didn't make it difficult for him to leave.

But just at that moment, Tezcatlipoca had to move to dodge a slash that went straight to his throat. Diana didn't wait a bit and started attacking this god.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop your chariot, amazon. And I wanted to invite you over for tea"

Diana didn't even answer him. Instead, she moved fast and, in an agile and powerful movement, she made a diagonal slash right at Tezcatlipoca's chest. The god wanted to dodge, but at that moment, he realized that he could not move courtesy of Diana's lasso that held him in place.

The slash hit him squarely in the chest. Golden blood dripped all over the place, bathing the forest. However, Tezcatlipoca's smile did not fade. It grew even bigger. Perhaps the gods had different desires and different tastes. But, if there was one thing they all shared, it was that they loved a good fight. And this, was a good fight for the god of the night.

"Phew, that hurt, amazon. You're pretty good, I'll give you that. Your sword is also very sharp. Despite my tough skin, even so, your weapon cut through this very one like butter. You are someone to be feared. I see why Ares asked me to stop you. No doubt, with your strength, you will be able to give him a hard time"

"Your praise will not stop my momentum, god of the night. It is only fuel to stoke my fury. First I will finish you, and then I will go to help my beloved against Ares. Your mission will fail"

Diana could quickly tell that this was not a war of conquest. They were coming for something. And if Ares was at the gates of the Underworld, it was easy to understand what it was he had come for.

Diana moved like a force of nature. Taking her lasso, she tied the god's arm, and pulled him to her. Then she kneed him hard in the ribs, and then, with her sword, she slashed him right across the face. Tezcatlipoca melted into a shadow and was able to avoid being cut. Or so he thought...

Just as he materialized again, he could see that there was a cut on his cheek, which caused him to spill blood. He thought he had avoided it, and yet, he realized he had not been quick enough to do so.

'I reiterate my thought. She is very, VERY dangerous. But she doesn't know how much. I know she is holding back and doesn't seem to know it' thought Tezcatlipoca. Although he was quite surprised by Diana, Tezcatlipoca still saw that the Amazon did not know her true strength.

He did not know if it was because she had not explored it or because she did not control it. Either thought only made him more excited. A wild grin painted his face as a bright and entertaining idea came to him.

"You're dangerous. At this rate, with my current strength, I won't be able to stand up to you for even five more minutes. Phew, you are a formidable woman, princess of the Amazons. For that very reason, and knowing my capabilities, I surrender"

Tezcatlipoca raised his hands in surrender. This took Diana by surprise which made her stop her relentless attacks.

"Then, I leave" if there was no one to stop her, then she would leave. But she was quickly stopped by Tezcatlipoca, preventing her from leaving.

"Stop your horses, mija. I said I was giving up, but I didn't say you could leave. You still have an opponent to defeat if you want to all this to end"

"Who is it?"

Tezcatlipoca didn't answer. He just smiled and snapped his fingers. When he did, the entire forest changed, fading away. All light went out, leaving a completely black stage. Diana felt as if she had been teleported to another place. Like a prison in a sea of consciousness.

However, she quickly realized that she was not alone in this place, when footsteps began to be heard, approaching her. Even though it was dark, there was just enough light to get a good look at who was approaching.

Diana was surprised when she could see that the person approaching .... was herself.

Same features, same outfit, same weapons. But with one difference. The eyes. The Diana who had arrived had a look of madness and evil. Like a version of her that surrendered to the evil and darkness of her darkest desires.

The evil Diana, with a smile, that looked maniacal even on her perfect face, said to her

"I am your opponent"

"You are..."

"I am you. Or well. I'm an improved version of you. One who doesn't care about all the moral stuff that limits your powers. One that surrendered to your strength. The better version of you. That's me"

'This isn't real' Diana thought. This was an illusion like the ones Circe produced. Tezcatlipoca surely used his power to put her in an illusion and waste her time. To Diana, it was clear that this was not real. A figment of her imagination.

The evil Diana quickly ran and attacked with her sword. Diana didn't even dodge it. To her, it was clear, that this was all a mere illusion.

However, she had to rethink that idea again, when a cut, right in her side, was produced by the evil Diana. Even though she knew it was an illusion, she still felt pain. She even saw blood dripping from her side.

"If you think all this is not real, then you will die. I am real. You are real. This, all of this, is real. The pain, and the blood is real. And if I kill you... then I will really kill you. But that's better. When I kill you, I'll take everything that belongs to you and make it mine. Your life. Your authority in the Justice League. Your house and your assets. And, most of all, that hottie Rider who is your boyfriend. I wonder how good that juicy meat he's loading up will taste"

'Now that's a big no'

There Diana didn't hesitate and attacked. The evil Diana intercepted. Sparks flew from her blades. But there the evil Diana realized that the good Diana's strength was even superior to hers.

She never realized that her biggest mistake was telling her that she was going to take Edgar away from her. NOBODY was going to take away what was most precious to her.

If she wanted to fight, Diana would show her a good fight....


Seth was a dangerous god. That was quickly seen by Artemis by the numerous wounds on her body derived from his dagger. Although they were evenly matched in weapons, the level was not comparable. Seth moved with overwhelming combat experience. Millennia of experience fighting against beings that the Amazons could never even think of facing.

The worst part was that he was not only focused on Artemis, but on the entire group. While attacking Artemis, he never forgot that there were more Amazons in the place. With simple but powerful moves he had already killed another 5 Amazons. Leaving only 5 more and Artemis standing.

He was not exempt from injuries either. Seth had multiple lacerations on his skin, arms and legs, and some severe burns from the fire of Artemis' spear of Ra. But this only motivated him more.

"I had not been so excited since I fought my nephew Horus in front of all of Egypt. That day I made my superiority known to the beloved people of the Nile. What a good time!"

Seth moved against an Amazon holding a shield, and with a sweep of his legs, he quickly knocked her down and with his dagger, slashed the Amazon's neck three times. Another one had fallen.

Artemis was angered by this. She was the commander of the forces and yet she could not stop this god from slaughtering her sisters. Simply put, the god's superiority was overwhelming. She had to do something. Something to stop this god's momentum and give her time to be able to kill him.

'Stop him, I need to stop him' she thought. An idea popped into her head. Looking at her Amazon sisters, she commanded.

"Sisters, capture maneuver 8. NOW!"

The Amazons moved at her command. Maneuver 8 was a maneuver they were just rehearsing, but it was just such a maneuver to stop the movement of opponents in close quarters. Like the place they were in. Something perfect to use against this god right now.

Artemis just needed one chance. Just one, and she would kill him. Of that she was sure.

One Amazon grabbed a rope and tied Seth's upper limb. Another came up right behind and slammed her shield into his legs, bringing him to his knees. Another tied off the other limb. As if that wasn't bad enough, the last Amazon took her spear and drove it into his chest.

Finally, they had him in custody. Artemis did not waste this. Taking her weapon, she approached Seth, who was looking surprised at this maneuver that, in less than 2 seconds, they had performed on his person, and attacked him.

"I told you I was going to kill you. Die" Artemis in one motion, slashed right at Seth's neck. It was going to be a clean cut. A final cut that would end this god's life.

Or so Artemis thought...

Just when she thought she had him, at that, everything changed. Like sand, his limbs began to crumble into thousands of particles, breaking free from the grip of the ropes. This happened so fast that the only thing that could cut through Ra's spear was the jackal mask Seth was holding. Artemis had failed.

However, the mask split in half, revealing Seth's hideous face. A scarred face, with burn marks and blisters covering the entire area of the cheeks, forehead, and cheekbones.

If one were to compare. Seth's face was similar to that of Freddy Krueger. Horrible, that would only bring out nightmares in children. 

Seth thought he had been able to dodge the cut, but because it was too fast, the mask was cut off. The mask that covered his greatest misfortune. His face, full of scars, was only his reminder of his horrible stay in the desert.

What made him what he is....

The remaining Amazons were completely disgusted at the sight of this god's face. Seth seeing this, tried to cover his face with his hand. But it was too late. His disgrace had been seen by all of them.

Seth looked at their faces. Their faces of disgust. Of fear, even. To everyone's surprise, this made him laugh.


"Ha, ha"

"Hahaha, your scary faces, hahaha. I forgot how much fun it is to see those faces. The last time I saw that kind of face was on my ex-wife...right before I killed her" Seth stopped covering himself. A manic look adorned these scars making it all the more terrifying. "Sadly, I can't let you live. Not seeing as you saw my greatest misfortune"

There Seth moved. If Artemis thought she had a chance before, that's when she realized Seth was never serious about their combat. If he really wanted them dead, he would have done it with a simple move.

A move he made when his body turned completely into sand and, in a surprise attack, began to get into the nose, mouth, and eyes of the Amazons standing there. Thousands of sand particles began to internally violate these Amazons, cutting every vein and nerve in its path.

This made them kneel down and begin to convulse. Blood came out of all the orifices of the women who were bleeding internally.

Artemis, frightened, wanted to help, but it was too late. They all fell like rags. All of them... all of them were dead. Killed by Seth. And just as easily.

Seth returned to form from the arena. Looking at the defeated Artemis and seeing that her hopes of a fight had died at the sight of her fallen sisters, he addressed her

"They died easily. I killed them in a painless and simple manner. It is my respect for not giving up even though they knew they would never win. But you, you are another story. Like I said, your head is going to be on my trophy wall. You will die for my dagger"

Seth raised the dagger. He imbued some power into it. And he approached Artemis. But just as he was about to slash, a golden beam struck him from behind. The beam, surprisingly burned his back, making him feel pain.

If that wasn't bad enough, at that, like a blur, a man came at such a fast speed that even Seth couldn't follow with his great senses. In an instant, the man arrived right where he was and struck him with his fist bathed in this golden power.

Seth all he could do was cross his arms to defend himself, but even so, he could not stand against the strength of this man. Seth was thrown flying away. There was a lot of surprise on his scarred face at the mammoth strength displayed from this man.

He was a superhero. But he knew he wasn't Superman. Nor the Martian. He was a new one. But the strength shown by this new hero was impressive.

Artemis was also surprised. She thought it was the end of her, but she was rescued by this man. What surprised her most was that his attacks wounded Seth. Something she thought only her divine weapon could cause.

"Are you alright, miss?" the man asked without any emotion in his voice. There was a courteous tone as he addressed Artemis, but it lacked feeling. As if this man was a robot. "Sorry I'm late"

"Who are you?"

"You can call me, Icon"

(AN: image)

This man was a new hero. And one of the most powerful the Justice League currently had. Specifically, a member of the African Justice League team.

Augustus Freeman III, or as his superhero name became known, Icon. Dressed in his red suit with green cape, he was a rather powerful African-American superhero. A 'heavy tank' as he was referred to by the League. On the level of the Martian, Superman, Wonder Woman and Aquaman.

Augustus was a pretty good lawyer before he awakened his powers. Like his father and grandfather, he helped thousands of African American people in Dakota, his hometown, with his career. Always seeking a better deal for his people discriminated against because of their skin color.

However, everything changed when The Light kidnapped him and subjected him to the experiment to awaken his powers.

As a metahuman one would expect to awaken a power or two. But Augustus proved to be special by awakening multiple powers. Superhuman strength, Superman-level speed, superhuman senses and flight.

But his most dangerous power he had obtained was the generation of positron energy. The positron, or anti-electron, was a spectrum of antimatter that caused electrons to simply disintegrate. That is why his beam damaged Seth. All matter had electrons, and Augustus practically nullified it with his powers.

But acquiring this strength and power came at a cost. An expensive cost for Augustus. His emotions. Augustus' emotions just... shut down.

I mean, he felt love. He felt anger. He felt happiness. But he couldn't express it. His face was an expressionless face. His voice had a tone devoid of emotion. Emotions that a lawyer needed to generate empathy in the jury. Augustus' career as a lawyer died.

But his powers made him a vital member of the Justice League. Batman had sent this hero to this place to fight this god. His analysis told him he was perfect as a backup against this enemy. If anyone could fight a god it was Icon.

Seth stood up and attacked Icon with the dagger, but Icon moved faster and easily dodged these attacks. Icon did not stand still and quickly placed a powerful blow to Seth's ribs, and then generated some positrons that made him bleed heavily from his stomach.

Icon did not stand still, and quickly grabbed Seth's face and smashed it against the wall. He began to use Seth's face to adorn the walls with his blood. Blow after blow, he began to leave cave paintings of the scars adorning the place. Artemis was frankly numb to this sight.

She didn't like men. She hated them. But this man, was fascinating. He was powerful. But most of all, he was brutal. He showed no mercy to Seth. And just as Icon could show no feeling, he showed no mercy to his enemies.

After numerous blows had passed, Icon released him and used his powers to cut off his legs. Already at this point, Seth just wanted to escape, but Icon wouldn't let him. 

He used his powers and covered him with a positronic aura that prevented Seth from being able to dissolve as sand.

"You are under arrest-"

Icon, however, wasn't going to kill him. He was going to apprehend him for trial by the Amazons. But just at that, a clean cut severed Seth's head, separating it from his body. Prevented from turning to sand, and stopped by Icon, he was finally at the mercy of Artemis.

Artemis, with a clean cut of her spear, finally killed the god, thus avenging her beloved fallen sisters.

Seth, the Egyptian god of the desert, was dead.

Icon only raised an eyebrow at this. He didn't want to kill the god, but it didn't stop the Amazon from taking revenge. It was clear why she did it, and besides, this was her land. Therefore, her rules. But still, showing no emotion in his voice, he asked her.

"Was it necessary?"

"Yes" Artemis turned to look at her fallen sisters. Fifteen sisters slain by this god. A couple of tears fell comforting her sad emotions. "Yes it was"

'I told you I was going to kill you, Seth'



Next: Ares vs Ghost Rider

Next Next: The gates of the Underworld

Next Next..... Next: Deal with the devil

My P@treon 

TioIroh99 (10 chapters ahead)

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