
DC Prime

=================================== Synopsis: "So I died and found myself in the body of an unknown character in world of The Flash Series..." "But why am I seeing news of Superman in metropolis, Batman in Gotham and moreover..." "...Why is Wonder Woman so hot-...I mean why is she looking at me with suspicion?" "This is gonna be a crazy DC adventure..." ================================== { For advanced chapters and to enjoy 2 chapters daily visit my Patreon if you can support me.} www.patreon.com/clonevaden Thank you! Note: chapters will be short.

clonevaden · Anime e quadrinhos
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6 Chs


Chapter 5: A Twist of Fate

Elon set to work, lifting the fragile boxes and carrying them towards the awaiting ship. To his surprise, the boxes were not as heavy as he had anticipated.

The old man, Matthew, had been right - they were indeed fragile goods, which meant they required careful handling but weren't overly burdensome.

Elon sighed with relief, grateful that the physical strain wouldn't be too overwhelming.

As the hours passed, the workers toiled diligently, the rhythm of their movements becoming synchronized with the ebb and flow of the tasks at hand.

The work was demanding, but Elon found a sense of purpose in his actions. This job was just a stepping stone, a means to survive in this unfamiliar world.

He knew he had to persevere if he hoped to find his way back to where he truly belonged.

After six hours of continuous labor, the supervisor called for a one-hour break.

Food and drinks were provided for the workers, and Elon took the opportunity to retreat to a secluded corner.

As he ate his lunch, he kept a watchful eye on the man who had robbed him earlier.

The man was engaged in a conversation with three others, but their sudden glances in Elon's direction sparked his curiosity.

He couldn't help but wonder if the robber had mentioned anything about their previous encounter.

Suspicion nagged at him, and he felt a growing unease about his proximity to the man.

When the break ended, the workers returned to their duties, knowing they wouldn't stop until the job was completed.

The hours ticked by, and the setting sun painted the horizon with hues of orange and pink.

Finally, at eight in the evening, the task was finished, and the warehouse was emptied of goods.

The supervisor gathered the workers together, informing them that payment would be made immediately.

Excitement filled the air as they eagerly awaited their hard-earned wages. Conversations buzzed with plans for spending the money.

"I'm finally getting my sister a birthday gift," one man exclaimed with a grin.

"I'm going to treat myself to a nice dinner," another chimed in.

"Hahaha! My girlfriend will treat me well tonight. Gotta release all this stress after all."

Elon remained quiet, his mind elsewhere. He had earned a decent sum, and he knew it would help him get by for a while, but his thoughts were still preoccupied with the man who had robbed him.

Just as they waited for the payment, the lights abruptly flickered and went out, plunging the warehouse into darkness.

Elon's heart skipped a beat, a sense of foreboding washing over him.

His instincts screamed danger, and he acted on impulse, running towards the warehouse entrance.

Before he could react further, a force struck the back of his head, and the world went black.

When Elon regained consciousness, he found himself in a dimly lit cell, the cold, damp walls surrounding him.

Panic surged within him as he tried to make sense of what had happened. The memories of the warehouse and the abrupt attack flooded his mind, leaving him disoriented and anxious.

He regretted taking the job, regretted ever setting foot in this world. He longed to be back in the comfort of his old life, reading comic books and dreaming of fictional adventures.

His eyes darted around the small, confining space, searching for any way to escape.


He pounded on the cell door, but it remained stubbornly closed.

He knew calling for help would be futile; he was alone, trapped in an unknown location with no one to hear him.

Just as despair threatened to consume him, a calm, feminine voice cut through the darkness. "Try to remain calm. Panicking will not help you right now."

Elon turned towards the sound, his eyes adjusting to the dim light. There, sitting just outside the cell, was a woman with dark, flowing hair and an aura of confidence. Her piercing eyes bore into him, and he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"Who are you?" Elon managed to ask, his voice betraying his fear and uncertainty.

The woman offered a small, knowing smile. "I am Nyssa al Ghul," she replied, introducing herself with a hint of enigmatic grace.

Elon's mind raced with thoughts and questions. Nyssa al Ghul, the daughter of Ra's al Ghul, known as "The White Ghost" in some circles, was now before him.

But as he looked at her appearance he discovered that she didn't look like her counterpart in the series at all.

'She looks like the actress who played Talia al Ghul in the movie Batman Rises.' Elon was shocked again.

'But she only has similar features but they are not precisely the same.' he noted.

And this gave him a reality check.

'This is an alternate universe?!'

His journey had taken yet another unexpected turn, leading him to this fateful encounter with one of the figures tied to the influential League of Assassins.