
DC: Phantom Thief Kid

A talented young man who unexpectedly finds himself in the extraordinary world of DC Comics, a universe he didn't know much about. He was forced to take on the identity of a thief known as Phantom Thief Kid, a renowned master thief with irresistible charisma and a mysterious nature. As the Phantom Thief Kid immerses himself in this new reality, he discovers that he must possess a unique set of skills and talents that make him both strong and dangerous to survive in this unknown world. This mysterious charisma becomes his most powerful weapon, allowing him to manipulate situations and influence the people around him. Phantom Thief Kid trained himself in the art of thievery and went after valuable things all over the DC Universe. His amazing skills, charming personality, and tendency to stay out of reach quickly draw the attention of superheroes and supervillains. ... This is different from the last two Kaito Kid fanfics, while those two were based on MARVEL/DC TV shows or movies, this one is based on DC comics ONLY. Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/Sothisq

Sothisq · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
222 Chs

Chapter 154: Failed Again

"If it comes, let it, If it goes, let it"

- Unknown


"Robin, don't blame me for not warning you. The magician's props are not meant to be casually touched by the audience."

The Phantom Thief was cautious as he watched Robin's moves with a serious expression.

"Hmph, no need to waste words, Phantom Thief. I know there's definitely a special lens or glass hidden beneath this cloth, and that's the secret behind making the Bat-signal disappear!"

Robin snorted and ignored the Phantom Thief's warning.

The Phantom Thief seemed strangely calm, which made Robin feel a little uneasy. However, the Phantom Thief might just be bluffing.

After all, Batman and Robin discussed and decided upon the method for making the Bat-Signal vanish using special lenses.

He trusted his own analysis and also trusted Batman's perspective.

Moreover, his hand had already grabbed a corner of the white cloth, and he had no choice but to follow through.

As he exerted force with his hand, Robin forcefully lifted the white cloth on the Bat-Signal!

Just as Robin had anticipated, when he lifted the cloth, the Bat-Signal underneath had vanished from sight.

It was exactly as Phantom Thief had rehearsed before; even though the person lifting the cloth had changed, the end result was no different.


At the same time, when Robin pulled back the white cloth, the people in the audience cheered loudly.

"Oh my gosh! Did you see that? The Bat-Signal disappeared again!"

"Even though everything that has happened so far is different from the rehearsal three days ago, the final result of the Bat Signal disappearing is still the same!"

"Yeah, I was worried for Phantom Thief when I saw Robin lift the white cloth just now. I was afraid that Robin would reveal the Phantom Thief's technique. But now I know that Phantom Thief didn't need me to worry at all."

The Bat-Signal was gone.

Robin knew for sure that this was absolutely impossible. A few seconds ago, the Bat-Signal was still there, and he was the one who lifted the white cloth.

He hadn't done anything, so how could the perfectly fine Bat-Signal disappear?

'No need to think. The lenses must have been placed on it.'

Robin silently thought this to himself and was about to reach forward to remove all the lenses from the Bat-Signal.

He wants to expose the secret of the Phantom Thief's technique in front of tens of thousands of people in the stadium.

He wanted everyone to know that the seemingly perfect and magical magic tricks of the Phantom Thief are not actually perfect.

In fact, when people find out the technique behind them, they might even find it quite boring.

"Are you ready, Robin?"

At that moment, Phantom Thief's voice suddenly came through.

"Are you really planning to seriously touch the air?"

Robin glanced sideways at the Phantom Thief, his expression half-smirking.

"Phantom Thief, are you really so engrossed in your crime that you think the Bat-signal has disappeared?"

The Phantom Thief's sudden interruption only confirmed Robin's suspicions that he was afraid of exposing the secret of the mirror.

The Phantom Thif was afraid that his secret would be revealed.

"Whether the Bat-signal has disappeared or not, I believe anyone with good vision can see it."

The Phantom Thief calmly replied.

"It's interesting; you seem to be unusually talkative today. I remember you used to take action more than speak. Why is it the opposite this time?"

Robin asked confidently, as if victory were in his grasp.

"Phantom Thief, I even perform the magic tricks you are most proud of for you. Are you admitting defeat?"

Robin continued.

Hearing this, Phantom Thief raised an eyebrow in surprise and asked, "Do you think I'm admitting defeat?"

"No, but I believe you should."

Robin replied with a smirk. "Although I can't quite figure out how you managed to replace the torn white cloth with a new one without me noticing, and I'm not sure when you planted the taser devices on the legs of the GCPD officers... I'm sure that the method you used to make the Bat-signal 'disappear' involves some kind of special lens."

As Robin spoke, the Phantom Thief's right index finger involuntarily twitched.

The movement was so subtle that it was nearly impossible to notice, but Robin's keen eyes still caught it.

"Phantom Thief, the Gotham City Stadium is wide open. Unlike before, there are no tall buildings for your Grappling Gun to latch onto, and there's no large crowd nearby for you to hide in easily. Your tri-glider is also impossible to take off from this spot, even if you've added a power engine. There's no way you can escape from right in front of me."

Robin listed the disadvantages of the Phantom Thief with confidence.

"Phantom Thief, I advise you to give up now. Otherwise, once I expose your secret, I can't guarantee you'll be spending only a few days in the hospital."

"Do you really trust your judgment that much, Robin?"

The Phantom Thief gave a small smile with a hint of reluctance in his eyes.

"Don't forget, in our many encounters, you always believe you can see through me. But are you always right? How can you guarantee that this time it's me who made a big mistake?"

He used these words to disrupt Robin's thoughts and to make Robin more aware of the Phantom Thief's growing worry.

"Phantom Thief, your words won't work now."

Robin replied.

Batman agreed with him, so he wasn't the only one who thought this way.

Did he really believe that Batman would be so easily tricked, even if the Phantom Thief could fool him?

It was strange sometimes.

Robin was eager to explore beyond Batman's methods and was becoming increasingly frustrated with Batman's severe, controlling nature.

But, deep down, there was still a blind loyalty to Batman that he himself couldn't fully understand.

Robin smirked coldly and said, "Your nervousness is completely told to me now!"

As he spoke, Robin reached out his hand toward the seemingly empty air in front of him.

Next, Robin's eyes suddenly lit up. He couldn't move forward, as his hand seemed to touch an invisible wall.

The Bat-Signal was indeed still in its original spot!

Then he saw the Phantom Thief shaking his head and sighing next to him. It was clear that the winds of victory were blowing in his direction.

At this moment, Phantom Thief's chances of winning were as fragile as a candle in the wind, and Robin couldn't see a future of defeat at all.

Bang! Click, click, click—

A muffled sound echoed as Robin's heavy fist hit the "invisible wall" in front of him. Immediately, the sound of glass breaking echoed.

In the "air" spot in front of him, many cracks suddenly appeared.

"To be honest, you were getting very close to my plan, Robin. Well, if I must say, my performance during the rehearsal was exactly as you described."

The Phantom Thief suddenly extended his hand at this moment and adjusted his top hat, and a strange light shone through his monocle.

"But unfortunately, the one who made the final mistake is still you."


As the Phantom Thief finished speaking, a thick smoke unexpectedly erupted from the cracks caused by Robin's punch!


This heist is almost over, and I am sorry that it took too long to finish. I am sure you'll be satisfied with this after the heist because the MC will really fight the real Batman, and there will be disastrous events in the upcoming chapters, and some readers wanted to know behind the trick.


You can find up to 20 advance chapters on my patreon.

