
Dc:New god

DaoistMonkey · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


I've made some improvements and fixes to your story. Here's the revised version:

"I'm not sure where I am, nor how I got here. But one thing I do know is that I am... dead. Many people wonder what happens after death, but I never would have thought I would end up in an unknown void.

There is no heaven or hell, no God or devil, no deceased family members, judge, or reaper. There is simply nothing.

"Is this really my fate? To float aimlessly across a dark abyss?" I question, feeling depressed at the thought that this is the end.

Time moves on endlessly as I slowly accept my fate. I think about the life I lived, wishing I had done more, wishing I had left behind a legacy. Regret is all I feel.

"Now, now, young one," an old man says, appearing out of nowhere. "You made the best out of your life."

"Are you God?" I ask hopefully. After years of cursing Him and denying His existence, I finally have hope of leaving this void.

"Yes and no," he says. "I am a higher entity, which is what you humans call God. But really, there is no ultimate God. There are multiple beings, all born through various methods. Some gods are born through belief, some evolve into higher entities through special means like cultivation, and some entities inherit the essence of a past entity from lower worlds," he explains.

"Hmmm," I say, taking in what I have been told. "So why are you here? Am I finally going to leave this place?"

"Yes, but it's not how you think," he says, his face turning serious. "You are a Higher Entity now."

"...Me? A god? How is that possible?" I ask, shocked by this revelation.

"As I've said, some gods are born through special means. This void is one of them. Sitting here, your soul has strengthened beyond the normal limit of a human soul, making it something different entirely," he explains.

"So this place was actually a blessing?" I think to myself.

"During my time here in the void, I never felt myself become stronger or gain any sort of divine power. Why is that?" I inquire.

"Because you haven't completed one step: reincarnation. Void gods are special. They are usually stronger than most higher entities and possess more divinity. But during their time in the void, they are nothing more than strengthened souls. After reincarnation, the void will strengthen you once again and give you divinities matching your lifestyle," he clarifies.

"So, I'll be reborn, and after death, I'll be a god?" I question, seeking confirmation.

"Exactly," he affirms. "If you're ready, you can be reincarnated now. But if you have any questions, you can ask me before you leave," he offers, while opening a strange purple vortex.

"Where will I be reborn?" I ask, curious about my next destination.

"You will be reborn in a world similar to your original one, but with super-powered beings such as heroes and villains," he reveals.

"...Okay," I say. In a world similar to my old one, with the soul of a god, I feel I have no reason to worry, nor do I have a choice.

"See you after death," the old man says, pushing me into the portal.


Old man's pov

After closing the portal, I turn to leave, contemplating, "I wonder what kind of god he'll be," I mutter.

Suddenly, a distinct *crack* interrupts the silence. I swiftly spin around, only to witness a sight that rattles my very being. The void, once seemingly impenetrable, begins to fracture like delicate glass. Cracks spiderweb across its surface, spreading like wildfire.

With a resounding *shatter*, the void crumbles into countless pieces, leaving behind gaping holes in the fabric of space itself.

"Only time will reveal what the future holds. Young soul, Isincerely hope you live a fulfilled life," I utter, bearing witness to this extraordinary spectacle.


[The End]