
DC: I am the Monkey King

What happens when a young and sickly child inherits the will and legacy of the Monkey King in the world of DC? Will the Monkey King succumb to this world full of Aliens, Magicians, Immortals and beings with powers of gods? Or will he dominate with his godly abilities and truly become King? *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- This story will follow the Monkey King from the Journey to the West storyline. I know I have Mori Jin as the front cover but his Monkey King isn't the same as mine. No System and No Harem. The front cover isn't mine. The source is Pinterest. Also, join the discord!!! discord.gg/wfxxZv8j4B

_MYSTERY · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs


"My name is Isaac Hale." He said as he stood at the door. The bald man, who was most likely the teacher, stood silent as he thought of where he had heard that name.

"Ah, yes. The new student. Come in and take whatever seat is available." Said the teacher dismissively, as if he didn't care much.

Isaac did as he was told as he looked around for a seat. As he did, he felt the gaze of everyone in the classroom, eyeing him as if he were a piece of meat. Luckily, thanks to the help of his grandfather, he knew what was happening.

The students were sizing him up, looking at every detail of his being to grasp at any small hint that showed any information about him. Without saying anything, Isaac walked straight to his seat as he stood with a straight back and sharp eyes.

As he sat down, he made sure to act in a direct manner with no nervousness or weakness showing from him. Soon, the students turned back their heads. 

"It's just like Grandpa said. The Lion doesn't walk into the jungle with a timid posture and nervous steps. The Lion strides into the jungle, a majestic conqueror claiming his untamed domain with unwavering grace. Something like that, and I guess it worked." He thought as he somewhat felt at peace.

The class went by smoothly as Isaac sat in his new seat by the window. He found it refreshing to look out of the window whenever he lost interest in the lesson. Soon came lunch as the bald teacher dismissed the class.

"Daniel, I'm putting you in charge of showing the new boy around the school." Said the teacher with his usual uninterested face. It was a face which depicted his apathetic view on everything in life, usually the one you would see on the face of depressed individuals.

The boy named Daniel kissed his teeth as he stared at Isaac with an unenthusiastic gaze.

"Hello, Daniel." Greeted Isaac as he spoke in a voice full of taunt.

"Don't talk and just follow me. I'll only explain once so listen closely."

"Actually, if you don't mind, I'd rather you just show me to the cafeteria. I'll figure out the rest on my own. I'm just pretty hungry." Said Isaac as he smiled.

Daniel looked at him with the same neutral gaze but soon shrugged his shoulders and started to walk. This was just less work for him, he couldn't care less for anything else.

As they walked and drew closer to the cafeteria, Isaac's mouth watered as he thought of the delicacies these rich kids consumed daily. In fact, it was one of the few things he was looking forward to when enrolling. Although he drooled like a madman in public, it didn't stop him from noticing all the stares he was getting.

"That's him. That's the new kid."

"Him? He doesn't look like someone from the Ravenwood District."

"Don't let appearances fool you. I hear that place is worse than Gotham."

"Please. At least Gotham has the Batman."

Whispers and gazes of condescension were all noticed by the boy as he darted his eyes around his surroundings.

"What's their problem?" He asked the silent tour guide.

"The problem is you. Haven't you noticed already? You're clearly not welcome here." Isaac raised an eyebrow as he was slightly confused. He had barely attended this school for a few hours. How had he already given himself a reputation? A bad one no less.

"What are you talking about?" Daniel grunted as he contemplated deeply.

"I'll only tell you if you promise never to utter a word to me again." He said, his tone changing as if he was telling a secret. Isaac gave a nod of agreement as Daniel started to speak.

"Since this school is a prestigious one, where academics, as well as wealth, is a large factor in attending, we don't get very many new students. Maybe once every 2 months." 

"As I said, wealth and academics play a large part in being accepted to this Academy, therefore the students have made it a sort of tradition to investigate the new kids."

"Really? That sounds stupid." Said Isaac as he scoffed at the way these brats think.

"Although it may seem that way, it means a great deal. It helps place that new individual on a social hierarchy. For example, if this individual turns out to be a boy from a prestigious, wealthy and powerful family, it would be wise to not get on their bad side. Believe it or not, money and power go a long way in this world."

"Well, when you put it like that it kinda makes sense. But what's this got to do with me?" He asked. He knew the answer, he just wanted to hear him say it.

"It's simple. Of course, you were no exception to this tradition. When the background check was done on you, people were quite shocked to see what they found. You're just a filthy peasant from the Ravenwood District. It wouldn't be surprising if you were a member of a gang or even if your whole torso is covered in gunshot wounds and tattoos. Or so they say on the school's forum."

'Peasant? Gunshot wounds and tattoos? Wow, these people are worse than I thought.' Thought Isaac. At this point, it was almost laughable how these students acted.

"If they're so disturbed by me why don't they do something about it? Don't tell me they think I'll get my gang to kill their families or something?" He laughed as he asked sarcastically. 

"Well, it's no secret that rumours have spread about you. Especially since you were able to enrol into this school with such a low social ranking. But you would be wrong on your speculation." He said, which made Isaac raise an eyebrow.

"No matter the problem they have with you, however big, they wouldn't dare do anything to you inside, or maybe even outside of school."

Isaac looked at Daniel with a confused look. Only then did he notice the peculiar behaviour the students around him were exhibiting. Their uniform was perfect, not a hair out of place, they were all using their indoor voices and weren't speaking too loudly and they all walked in perfect and neat order.

He didn't pay much attention to this beforehand as he thought this was how the stuck-up brats behaved, however, something was off. They were all perfectly behaved. Even small behaviours that could be considered wrong such as chewing gum or running in the hallway were all absent. They were all like robots, following the rules they were given to a T.

As he thought this, they entered the cafeteria and all thought left Isaac's mind. All that ran through his head was the fresh, delicious smell of the food he would soon consume.

However, his fantasy was once again cut short as he heard the wailing of a boy coming from inside the cafeteria.

"Please, stop!" Yelled a boy as he caused a ruckus.

"You pathetic little runt! That freakin hurt!" Yelled another voice that was considerably more mature and deeper. The owner of this voice unleashed a barrage of punches onto the crying boy as two trays of spilt food laid on the ground beneath them.

The boy shielded himself the best he could from the attacker as he yelled and screamed.

"Isn't anyone going to help him?" Asked Isaac as he looked around.

"No. Because in a situation like this, for anyone involved, no one is in the right. Well, that's according to them at least." He said. As he did, the countless people at the cafeteria entrance made way for specific individuals as they walked past the cleared people.

Close to a dozen people walked into the cafeteria as they emanated an aura of power and supremacy. Among them, 2 men stood in front of the rest, clearly, they were some sort of leaders. 

"Enough!" Behind the attacker, a giant of a man towered over him as a shadow was cast over the offender. The man had brown hair as well as brown eyes. He had a chiselled face and multiple veins bulged on the man's intricate muscles. He gazed down at the attacker with a face of indifference as he stood with both arms by his side.

"Maxwell." The attacker said in a shivering voice after he slowly turned his head back.

He witnessed a sight that shook him to his core. The so-called 'Maxwell', stood in front of 1 other individual who looked of similar status. The whole group wore what looked to be a modified school uniform that fashioned blue and white colours rather than the normal black and red.

"No, this is a misunderstanding. This runt… William over here spilt hot food all over me because he wasn't watching w… where he was going. I…I just slightly lost my temper. That… that's all." He tried to explain, however, anyone with eyes could tell that he was clearly the one in the wrong for becoming aggressive after an accident.

"You're in violation of school regulation #6. Violence of any sort shall not be tolerated." As the big man said this, two others from behind him grabbed the attacker by both arms and pulled him to the side.

"Are these the people that you're all so afraid of? They seem like pretty decent teachers to me." Said Isaac as he praised their good work.

"Teachers? Yes, I suppose it would seem that way. Those aren't teachers. They're students. Students of the Student Council at that. The 2 that stand in front of the rest are the Vice Presidents. To put it simply, they are part of the few individuals that run this school." Explained Daniel. Isaac hadn't seen him act this way yet. He always spoke and acted as if he was better than others, especially to Isaac. However, right now his character has made a complete turn.

"Student Council? Well, either way, they don't seem to be terrible people…" Before Isaac could finish his naive words, what sounded like fists making contact resounded through the cafeteria. The former attacker was now being beaten down by multiple members of the Student council as the so-called leaders stood and watched.

"Violence of any kind shall not be tolerated. Unless of course, you're one of us. Violence gets treated with violence. Don't cry about it now." Said the other Vice President. He wore glasses but one could still see the faint tinge in his eyes. It was quite hard to explain for a normal person. However, if Isaac had to describe it in one word, it would be madness.

"Look at you. What a pathetic sight. Shut up and take it like a man." He said with unhinged laughter after he joined in with the beatdown. The previous attacker wailed as blood splattered across the floor. If one listened closely, they could even hear the faint cracking of what seemed to be bones.

After a few more minutes, the victim laid on the ground, unconscious as he bled. The whole cafeteria went quiet and some even turned their heads due to the gruesome scene.

"T…thank you," said William, trying his best not to stutter. He was given no reply as the unhinged individual walked to him. No words were spoken as he pulled back his hand and struck William, straight in the face with a devastating blow. The boy cried as he held his bloody nose.

"Look at you crying after you caused a ruckus. You were in violation of school regulation #31. Screaming, yelling or any obnoxious uproar of any kind shall not be tolerated while on school grounds. You thought you were the victim?" Said the maniac as he laughed obnoxiously.

Isaac watched this with a straight face as he remembered his grandfather's words.


"A lion is patient. He's patient enough to eye his prey for the perfect moment to strike. Like the lion, you must always wait for the right moment to pounce. Never jump in blind." Explained the old grey-haired man as he stood before Isaac. 

As he said this, they touched gloves and started to circle each other. Isaac made the first move as he threw a punch. However, this was easily countered by the old man as he threw Isaac over his shoulder.

"What did I just tell you?" Reprimanded the old man as he noticed Isaac's mistake. However, Isaac couldn't speak as he breathed heavily.

"Let's end it there for today. I know you have a hot head, Isaac. However, running in blind is never a good tactical approach."

"What about…a time where you have to think on your feet and… you don't have time to think?" Asked Isaac in between breaths. The old man gave a long pause as he thought of the question.

"I can't say I haven't been in that position. In a time like that, you just do whatever the hell you want."


"Stop crying and take it like a man." Yelled the unhinged lunatic as he raised his fist for another blow. However, before he could land it, he was hit with an attack that sent him skidding across the ground as a large lump formed on the place of impact.

"Did he just hit Juniper?!"

"He's crazy."

"Isn't that the new kid?"

All the students gasped in shock as they rubbed their eyes to verify the sight in front of them. Someone had actually done something they could only ever dream of. He was either extremely brave or extremely stupid.

Juniper tried his best to find his way to his feet however it proved to be challenging. It was clear that he had suffered from that attack.

"I've never really liked Lions anyway. I'm more of a Monkey person."