
DC: Dimensional Luck

In a world where aliens and gods wield unimaginable powers, Anthony finds himself in a new reality with powers known as Gacha and Dimensional Chat. He discovers friends, enemies, and unforeseen challenges that will test his understanding of power and destiny. [You have been chosen as the administrator of the Dimensional Group Chat] [Searching for participants started... 10%... 34%... 69%... 100%"] The participant has been added to Chat: "MissKnowItAll" The participant has been added to Chat: "Exhibitionist" The participant has been added to Chat: "AmbitionlessShinoa" The participant has been added to Chat: "God's Tongue" An administrator has been added to Chat: "BrotherOfSupervillainGenius" ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Cover image is AI generated. ---This is a Translation--- Original Author: Larchout

Sothisq · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
115 Chs

Chapter 72: Succubus

"You know, I don't think they'll leave you alone now."

I said, looking at the tied-up members of the Cult of the Cold Flame as well as the bodies of civilians lying in the center of the pentagram. 

Zatanna had received a tip from an acquaintance about where members of this cult might be hiding, and she brought me along. 

As a result, we found them... along with the site of some kind of ritual.

"Damn... bastards." 

Zatanna kicked one of the cultists, but he was already unconscious. 

"There's still someone else present over there." 

Zatanna nodded towards a small hill behind the mansion. We were currently in San Francisco.

"Meht detcerusser." 

I said this while holding my sword which was now made completely of Eighth Metal as I had obtained it myself. 

Over time, I was able to do this without much trouble. 


After three days had passed since my meeting with Kara and Clark, and I chose to try to make Eight Metal without using the system.

This could be achieved through magic, and my will with alchemy made it even easier. 

I managed to obtain about seventy grams of the metal. 

At this point, my sword was made out of Eight Metal which was undoubtedly good for me. 

Fortunately, I knew how to make it because even some real gods couldn't do so due to a lack of information. 

Now, I was trying to resurrect people. 

Their souls weren't used in the ritual, and everything went smoothly. 

We arrived just in time because I would still be powerless if not.

At that moment, the resurrection was successful, and their souls returned to them, their bodies healed, and they breathed again. 

There were seven women, three men, and five children under thirteen years old.

"Did you do it?" 

Zatanna asked in surprise. 

At that moment, I felt a chill, as did Zatanna. 

"Ahem, I hope we didn't attract the attention of someone we shouldn't have... but you did everything right. It looks like they didn't become victims of the ritual." 

Zatanna nodded and quickly wiped their memories while teleporting them to the hospital, where the staff would pick them up.

"I hope so too..." 

The chill that ran down my spine was probably the attention of Death... I hope we won't offend her because I don't know what to do in that case. 

"Do you feel it?"


Zatanna murmured quietly as we walked in the right direction. 

There was a large and expensive mansion registered under the name of Alberto De Cecco, a drug lord whom the police couldn't touch. 

It was precisely behind him that the dark magic emanated.

"It's a bus... a school bus." 

Zatanna hastened when she noticed a yellow school bus. 

Soon enough, we saw another pentagram nearby where the children were still alive.

Next to them was a pale, bluish man exuding necromancy.

"So, it's you who's interfering with great Brother Night?" 

Eldon Peck asked when turning towards us. 

At that moment, one of the children tried to scream something, but his mouth was gagged with a bone tied to his head. 

"Quiet, I can't stand the sound of children crying... it annoys me."

"I've heard of you, second-rate necromancer... Now you're dealing with the bastards from the Cold Flame?"

 Zatanna clearly intends to save the children.

"Ember, kill them, and throw them into the pentagram for additional sacrifices that will only benefit us." 

Eldon said, and Ember, with large horns and hooves instead of legs, literally jumped out of the ground.

"Ember again? Whenever something goes wrong, it's always Ember. You're such a loser." 

Ember sighed while showing no respect or kindness towards him. 

"Oh, listen, I think you... how to put it, that's it." 

Ember said to him while staring intently at me apparently sensing my power. 

"Hey, kid, I don't have anything against you, and I don't want to be here at all. I was forced to sign a contract with him. So if you help me get rid of him, you'll get the best sex service."


Eldon was surprised by her actions. 

"We'll talk about this later. Girls, kill them." 

He summoned ghosts of dead girls in flaming red dresses that appeared behind him. 

They were already about to pounce on us to tear our bodies apart.

"Yawa og!" 

Zatanna said, using mnemonic magic, and all the summoned spirits dispersed. 

On the other hand, I had already managed to bind Eldon with earthy bonds. 

"I hate necromancers selling their ass... kids, go to sleep." 

Zatanna said to the frightened children and put them all to sleep.

"Um, so will you help me get rid of him?" 

Ember nervously asked. 

"Kid, I'll definitely be more attractive than your girlfriend, and believe me, you won't be able to resist my holes later."

"Horny demon." 

Zatanna hissed with a hint of jealousy and applied demon-banishing magic with a sadistic smile as she inflicted pain on Ember who screamed in response.

"You're being harsh on her, but you definitely used the right spell." 

I approvingly nodded while walking past the spot where Ember had recently been banished to her native plane of existence.

"Are you planning to take her on her offer?" 

Zatanna crossed her arms under her chest and gave me a disapproving look.

"Not really, you saw her aura; she's quite... a loving person and has been for quite a few centuries. Of course, she has a lot of experience, but I'd rather do without experience." 

I expressed my opinion.


Zatanna chuckled.

"But you were ogling her boobs."

"I couldn't help but appreciate her appearance, but if you're talking about her words, then I like you more."

I stated.

"Who likes you anyway..." 

Zatanna mumbled, not knowing what to say, and walked past me and towards the children. 

"He was going to gather their souls and trade them with some demon." 

Zatanna understood the type of pentagram.

"Well, we just need to solve the problem." 

I shrugged and freed Eldon's mouth, using magic to force him to speak only the truth. 

Zatanna and I began questioning him, and as it turned out, he was doing business with some "Dark Power.".

It was them who informed him about the Cult of the Cold Flame with which he decided to collaborate. 

After interrogating him, I beheaded him with my sword, and Zatanna said nothing as she fully agreed with my decision.

"Now I can understand why Dad didn't want to involve me too much in his work... if he encountered things like this frequently, he was just trying to protect me and my mind." 

Zatanna said it tiredly while dropping down on the couch in her home.

"All sorts of crap happens everywhere, and children are still dying from bullets and explosions in the Middle East." 

I said this while sitting next to her, and she immediately scooted a bit closer while resting her head on my shoulder. 

"So don't take it all on your shoulders because today we saved the kids."

"Yeah... you're right." 

She sounded more confident and relaxed now, and she settled more comfortably on me while using magic to pull a book closer to herself.


[3rd POV]

"Five hundred thousand dollars each." 

Lena said thoughtfully, sitting at the table in the Atlantic City office. 

"Do you think he lowered the value?"

Lena's eyes were glued to the specifications of the armored vehicle created by Tony for release in Gotham under LuthorArm. 

No, the price of military SUVs ranges from about a hundred and fifty to three hundred thousand dollars, but... the specifications of this vehicle are much better. 

She could even call it something like an armored personnel transport.

"Master Luthor didn't want to set an unreasonably high price, especially as he put it because he can't make an armored vehicle worse; it's beneath his dignity and his skills. So let them be happy with this price because it's already low." 

Cortana's voice sounded nearby. 

Since Cortana hadn't lost her AI capabilities, she could help with all the company's affairs without getting up from the couch in Gotham... which Lena envied just a little bit. 

"Is that the pride of a genius?" 

She couldn't help but smile, thinking about her brother. Her gaze involuntarily fell on the ring on her finger that Tony had given her. 

Oh, what a ring it was.

It had some kind of pocket space in it where she could store things.

At the moment, there was everything from a bed and beautiful underwear to important documents that she preferred to keep with her.

Now, Lena's thoughts were flowing a bit in a different direction because her brother was a magician and not a weak one.

She had seen his sparring with Shinoa herself and couldn't help but be amazed. 

Their sharp movements, high jumps, and powerful strikes impressed her. 

She was strong herself, but... she knew she couldn't use that strength properly. 

Anthony was also often exposed to danger, which she had already learned from Zatanna.

"I've sent you the documents that need approval." 

Cortana's voice interrupted her thoughts, and the printer nearby chirped some sheets immediately. 

Lena reached for it and immediately pulled out a small seal from her ring that Tony himself had made. 

It perfectly imitated his signature, and Lena considered it a huge sign of trust from her love... uh, brother. 

Still, she knew about circumstances where relatives couldn't divide the inheritance or the company because it would ultimately lead to collapse. 

Money often blinds people, but Tony... warmth filled her chest at the thought of her brother, and her "spot" below quivered in anticipation of the night.


[Anthony's POV]

As I walked back to my office in the engineering department, I saw that the reactor was already finished and working. 

However, it won't be officially activated until the beginning of next month.

Chat Points: 42603

Now I have many Chat Points, and I could easily purchase the bloodline of gods. 

But... I'm not just an ordinary person myself; I can be considered a demigod. 

It would also erase all of my progress immediately if I took the bloodline of another god. 

I'd like to get more Tenth Metal because I remember that even an ordinary person in armor could fight on equal terms with the New Gods.

However, I can't hold the Tenth Metal in such a concentrated state, and it will just merge with this reality and disappear.

While thinking about this, I continued to extract Eighth Metal from this reality and another dimension while alchemy concentrated it in front of me in a sturdy laboratory. 

Cortana likes to try to analyze all these "magic tricks."


"I'm bored." 

Shinoa said, pushing the book on criminology aside. 

This was already the third book that could be useful for her admission to Gotham University. 

Shinoa had always been good at studying, but now she understood why she could process information so easily—she wasn't entirely human anymore but more like a Namanari. 

That is, she has two personalities in her body—an ordinary one and a demonic one, and she got rid of the demon thanks to her sister.

"I think the administrator-kun won't mind." 

Shinoa said with a smile, approaching her old Imperial Army clothes that Tony had recreated on his own and quickly changed.

Shinoa was in Gotham right now studying not only the university program but also the history of the world, and she clearly saw the difference. 

Thanks to Group Chat, she could easily speak and even read the local language, so that was one less problem.

She looked out the window and loved the view of the ALIVE city. It was like nothing she had ever seen before.

It's busy, there are a lot of cars, and there are a lot of different lights.

"Master Luthor warned that you might want to take a walk around the city yourself." 

Cortana's voice sounded causing the Shinoa to flinch slightly.

"Oh, the administrator-kun knows me well." 

Shinoa smiled.

"Exactly, so don't forget to take the mask made specifically for you."

"I won't forget." 

Shinoa muttered slightly and, taking the mask, immediately jumped out of the window.

In mid-air, she caught the edge of the building with her scythe and pulled herself there with force. 


Shinoa murmured. 

Cortana had already traced all the possible places where her help might be needed. 

"It would be good to stretch a bit after studying, yes..." 

She nodded to herself.


"What kind of dragon is this?" 

Hermione asked somewhat demandingly of Harry, who was already tired of looking at the book in his hands.

"It's a Welsh Green dragon." 

Harry replied.

"And this one?" 

The rustle of a turned page and a slight squint from Hermione, caused Harry to feel a shiver down his spine.

"Um, Hungarian Horntail?" 

Harry stuttered somewhat uncertainly.

"Yes. It's good that you've learned to distinguish them." 

Hermione girl snorted, raising her hand without a wand and pulling another book towards her, then immediately burying her nose as if nothing strange was happening. 

"We've already come up with different tactics for victory and even managed to beat them in the Room of Requirement..."

"Maybe I should go?" 

Harry asked hesitantly. 

"Ron's waiting..."

"Oh, go if you want. Just don't forget, tonight we'll continue the training."


"Um, maybe I'm already... ready?"

"I don't think so." 

Hermione frowned. 

"Harry, where's your desire to learn magic? It's interesting, you know!"

"Yeah, yeah, very interesting... I'll go to Ron." 

Harry practically fled from her who had barely survived a second time.

"Hm, boys... why can't you be more like Anthony?" 

Hermione expressed it in the air. 

The first task is approaching, and Harry is already getting lazy... His life is at stake! "

Why can't I go instead of this slacker?" 

Hermione shook her head, but she still had much to learn.



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