
Chapter 44: Worst Day to Invade!... Part 3 (Darkseid is ???)

[AN: Like I said in the chapter I just deleted; Grammarly wasn't working yesterday on my end and I feel like there is a tone of grammar errors like more then usual which is why I didn't post it yesterday so I waited for a bit but Grammarly still didn't work so I posted it like this.

There might be more grammar error then usual.]

[Third Person's Point of View]

Parademons can be seen flying and raiding all across the world. Those with powers or numbers on their side were able to fend them off or protect themselves but not everyone was so lucky. Some had neither the strength, the numbers nor enough luck to survive this invasion.

A man and a woman can be seen hiding behind an alley observing three Parademons that are looking for some humans to capture or kill. Seeing that the Parademon's backs are turned toward them as well as the fact that both of them have firearms, feels the armed woman with confidence as she whispers to the man beside her.

"We can take them if we work together!"

"Oh, okay... Y- you go and I'll be right- I'd be right behind you."

The man responds with a shaking voice to which the woman replies.

"You want me to go first?"

"Yes, that's-"

The man answers before being interrupted by the woman with a baffled tone.

"It makes more sense for you to go because you have a bulletproof vest and I don't."

The man looks at her and nods before he speaks.

"Yes, those points are valid but let me ask you a question."

The man musters all the courage he has while facing the woman and speaks in a calm tone.

"Is chivalry dead?"

"I... I don't-"

The woman says still baffled at what is going on before the man interrupts her.

"Because last time I checked... I was a gentleman and I will not sacrifice my status because we're in the midst of an apocalypse. Ladies! Are! First!"

The woman looks at him with a bewildered look before it turns into a deadpan expression then speaks in an exasperated tone.

"Are you seriously using chivalry as an excuse not to go first? For fuck sake, be a man!"

The woman yells to which the man replies with a yell as well.

"Oh, that's fucking rich! I thought this year was the year for equality, and here I am giving you the chance to prove that you are just as good as any man. Isn't that what you want?!"

"Listen here you cowardly Lion looking ass, how in the absolute fuck would you know what I want?! We just met like five minutes ago! Grow some balls or we're going to dead meat real soon!"

The woman yelled which caused the man to yell louder than her before she did the same which led to a cycle pf insults and yells forming up. Naturally with the commotion that came from their yells, the three Parademons that had their back facing them heard it all and turned towards them.

The man and woman realized that they were making too much sound far too late and the Parademons managed to locate them. With Darwinism being proven by the two humans, the three Parademons flew off to search for more prey though this would not be the last time Darwinism takes action.

[AN: it is from one of AceVane's video and when I saw it I thought that in case of an apocalypse, there would be at least two people that would have this sort of conversation.]


[AN: Just a heads up, this next part is going to be a little confusing until you read the end of it.]


In another part of the world, a man can be seen screaming his lunges out while running away from Parademons, entering an alley only to end up in a dead end. He turns back to exist the alley and run somewhere else only to realize that four Parademons are blocking his only way out.

"This can't be happenning! This can't be happenning! This can't be happenning! This can't be happenning! This can't be happenning! This can't be happenning! This can't be happenning!"

The man mutters to himself as he starts to hyperventilate with tears and snot running down his eyes and nose respectively. As the Parademons advance towards him, he yells out a scream of panic while grabbing his head with his hands before abruptly stopping.


He says as he looks at the Parademons then around him before looking above him then continues as he touches his face and start inspect himself.

"I can't believe it... I've regressed... to the day it all began!"

His eyes are no longer filled with fear even when he looks at the Parademons, only confidence and conviction can be found in his eyes. He walks towards the Parademons while wiping away his tears and snot then speaks.

"I am in a good mood, so I will let you all live if you leave this place now and tell your master Emperor Doom Blood Moon Snake that his end is near!"

The Parademons looked at each others while the man smirk and continued.

"What? You are surprised that I am speaking in your own language?"

Noticing that the Parademons were not running away and that one of them was getting ready to lunge at him, the man took a stance that consisted of putting his left arm behind his back and folding his fingers of his right hand into a fist except for the index and middle finger which were raised straight.

"Heavenly Wheel of Soul Sword- First Form: Heaven splitter!"


The man said as he closed his eyes after seeing the Parademon lunge at him and moved his right diagonaly from his lower left to his upper right. He opened his eyes and looked at the remaining Parademons. A smirk appeared on his face when he heard a thud sound coming from behind him.

"I will not repeat myself a third time, leave now else you are courting death!"

The man said before the Parademons flew off. As he watched them fly away, he thought to himself.

'Good thing, they are at the lower tier and I can defeat one if I use most of my inner ki. I was bluffing but it paid off. Now I just need to extract the soul jewel out of the one I killed and begin practicing my Heavenly Space Cultivation Techniqu-'

The man stopped midway through his thought when he turned around and saw what was laying on the ground. It was not a Parademon as he thought but himself with his skull cracked open. Now some may wonder what is going on and what are they reading.

To be short, the man had a mental breakdown due to the fear of death like how at the moment of their death some say that your life flashed before your eyes though in this case what flash before his eyes was a life filled with delusion that the man made up.

The true reason why the Parademons were looking at each other when the man was speaking their "language" was because he was speaking incoherent jargon which he believes to be the Parademon's language.

"Bahe blahfnra aibibfehnan abiefbeabfah awdabdibakwdbakwudhyn ,sevbvabfwekbakhsbcahk!"

[AN: Above is what he was actually saying to the Parademons.]

Even now, after seeing his body, the man had yet to accept reality and kept shouting that this should not have happen that he was the Heavenly Moon Soul Splitting Swordsaint and continued to rant about how his regression should not end like this.

He did not know what flashed before his eyes were delusion that had came due to him reading a chinese novel about regression right before he started getting chased. As he continued to rant, he heard a robotic voice coming from behind him.

"Hello. I am Baymax, Death's temporary intern. I was alerted by your confusion upon your death and came to help clarify the situation while also avoiding making you uncomfortable."

Upon turning back, the man was greeted by being that had the appearance of a cute, fluffy snowman, or, as the man thought to himself, a big marshmallow. Baymax waddle to the man before asking said man a question.

"May I ask what seemed to be the confusion?"

"I am the Heavenly Moon Soul Splitting Swordsaint and I am not supposed to die like this! I have finally been given a chance through this regression. I can't die at the hands of a mere henchmen of Emperor Doom Blood Moon Snake."

Although still taken aback at what Baymax had said, the man answered Baymax's inquiry which led the latter to clarify the situation.

"I do not know who this Emperor Doom Blood Moon Snake but you appear to have died at the hands of a Parademons who are the henchmen of Darkseid not Emperor Doom Blood Moon Snake. As for the matter concerning your regression... Please stay still while I scan you soul."

Baymax's eyes light up as he looked the man up and down before they died down then Baymax spoke.

"My scan indicates that there has not been any regression done by or unto you whatsoever."

This revelation caused the man to shout at Baymax.


"Three thousand years is an impresive amount of time to live for a human being though-"

Baymax noted while bringing a finger up but he was interupted by the man who was still in denial.

"Oh let me guess, three thousand years is but a mere spec compared to the amount of years, you have lived!"

Maybe it was because of his appearance or Baymax's voice along with its polite tone but the man could not stay angry at Baymax.

"That would be incorrect as in this point of time, I am negative six hours old."

Baymax said with his right index still pointing upward causing the man to mutter something.

"Come again?"

"I am negative six hours old, in fact I am to be created during this invasion of Earth through the Black Racer's- *Beep* *Beep* It seems that I am not allowed to speak any further on this matter. To return to the subject in question, my scan did show that you seemed to have suffered a mental breakdown which might have led to the creation of a false set of memories.

As you have already died, the effects of the mental breakdown should fade at any moment."

As soon as Baymax finished his sentence, the man seemed to realize that there was a lot of plot holes in the memories of his "regression" such as the fact that he does not even know what the bad guy or final boss looks like. upon regaining his wits, he felt ashamed as Baymax patted his back.

*Pat* *Pat*

"There, there. If it makes you feel any better, there is seventy-three death that are identical to your during this invasion. For confidiality reason I cannot tell you their names but I can state with absolute confidence that you are not the only one that has died like this."

[AN: FYI, I got nothing against chinese novel. I just thought of what would regular people do or act if Apakolips invade. My first thought was panic and have a mental break down if there are no super heroes close enough to save them and it led to me thinking about this which I found it funny and I thought that I should include it in this chapter.]


 In Washington, D.C., Hordes of Parademons can still be seen swarming the place. No matter how many Parademons the heroes fought and destroy twice as much were produced by the Tower that was near the city.

Although the founding members of the Justice League and most of the Team were there, that did not mean that every citizens in Washington, D.C. was safe from the Parademons. Luckily for the citizens, there were more heroes in the city when the invasion began.

Hawk and Dove are a duo of crimefighters powered by the Lord of Chaos T'Charr and the Lord of Order Terataya. By shouting their hero names, Hawk and Dove can transform into the avatars they represent while granting them several powers such as super strength, durability and danger sense among others.

Hawk, a man, represent the avatar of war while Dove, a white haired woman, represent the avatar of Peace. When the invasion began, Hawk and Dove were casually patrolling the city in their civilains form though if they were to be honest, they were simply going on a date but that changed when Parademons started attacking.

They, as Barney Stinson would say, suited up and went to fight the Parademons that were attacking the civilains. Sensing danger with his danger sense, Hawk turned and saw a Parademon lunging at him from his right, he raised his right hand to block it while cocking his left hand back.

'Get that shit out of here Tin can! Now you're going to catch this left-'



Hawk thought with a smirk as he blocked the Parademon's attack with his right hand then proceeded to throw a mean left hook. Had it hit, it would have done some damage to the Parademon but unfortunately for Hawk, that Parademon was not the danger that he had sensed.

The danger that had been noticed by Hawk's danger sense was another Parademon that had rushing at him from his blind spot. That other Parademon proceeded to hit Hawk from behind just as the latter was about to lend a hit.



Hawk groan after falling on the ground, he was enrage and tried to get up as he promised to beat the shit out of whoever hit him from behind when the two Parademons rushed at him. They would have jumped him had it not been for Dove coming in to save Hawk by drop kicking one of the Parademons who flew towards the other making both fall onto the ground.

Hawk got up gritting his teeths and proceeded to pummel the two Parademons into mush while they were still lying on the ground. Dove helped him and when they were done with those two Parademons, they were greeted with a dozens Parademons encircling them.



Just as they were thinking about the chance of them taking all those Parademons at the same time, two laser beams, originating from up above, cut through the dozens of Parademons that were surounding the two heroes.

"Are you two alright?"

Upon looking up, Hawk and Dove saw Superman flying down to check up on them. The two heroes could not answer Superman's question as they were still awestruck by meeting their hero. Seeing that they were alright and this not being the first time it happen to him, Superman spoke before they answered.

"The league is currently evacuating any civilains they can find to the George Washington University Hospital and the area around it which will serves as a temporary shelter slash safe zone until this whole mess is sorted out. Do you know how to get to said Hospital?"

Hawk and Dove simply nodded to which Superman added.

"Good, there are league members stationed there to help with the police and military to protect the the safe zones. If you find any civilians out here, lead them to the safe zone. or bring them to the league members that are going around saving the people that are being attacked, they should be able to tell where the nearest safe zone is."

After Hawk and Dove nodded once more, Superman took off into the sky. Now some may consider him dumb for reveiling this much to two stranger who could from his perspective been spies for the invaders but Superman was not dumb.

As Clark Kent, he had many perks due to being a reporter and among them was being one of the first to hear of any new superhero or villain that came up so he knew who Hawk and Dove were. He was also a good judge of character so he could tell that those two were good people.

Had he not been in the middle of an invasion thus knowing that hundreds of lives would not be at stake if he wasted time, he would have taken a nano-second to joke about the fact that he might hear news about villains faster then Bruce.


The Female Furies are a group of warrior women who have been trained by Granny Goodness to serve Darkseid. As for who Granny Goodness is, she is one of Darkseid's most trusted generals, working as the leader of the demented orphanage that many members grew up to join the Female Furies.

Originally, Granny Goodness and her Furies were supposed to split up and conquer different part of the planet at the same time while each leading a legion of never ending Parademons before regrouping with Steppenwolf and Godfrey and finishing off those that were still standing.

They would then bring those, who would be captured or died by their hands during the invasion along with the invasion's intended target, that had some worth to contribute to Apokolips to Desaad, Apokolips chief, sadistic and mad scientist.

His role would to break the minds of those that were alive and use the bodies of those that were dead to make better Parademons as well as extracting the means of attaining the Anti-Life Equation from Acnologia.

That plan, however, failed as soon as the invasion began. Acnologia's vulnerability to anything that make him strongest led him to switch place with those that were going to be trapped in the closed off dimension since thanks to his luck would end up with him gaining two philosopher stones.

Some may be confuse as to how or why Acnologia temporarily lost his ability to use Alchemy. It is because when he switches place between people or between someone else and himself, he combines his ability to bend space with his alchemy.

By doing so, he exchanges the location between his targets. This requires Alchemy as his ability to bend space would not be enough to instantously swap places with someone else or between others.

Since he swapped places between himself alone and more then one person, he needed offer a equivelant exchange to replace the number of people that his side was missing thus temporarily losing the ability to use Alchemy.

[AN: I saw that people were confuse why he could not use Alchemy and realize that I had not explained how his swapping worked so I figured why not explain it here while also explaining why he has yet to lose due to his weakness, because of the luck that he originally wish for.]

Acnologia being in the closed off dimension led to Godfrey being taken care off by the founding members of the Justice League as well as Steppenwolf momentarily dropping his guard which caused the latter to be almost instantly taken out.

With those two taken out at the beginning of the invasion and their individual task, such as destroying the Watch Tower, not being fulfilled, the Female Furies and Granny Goodness had a harder time dealing with the region that they were invading.

This was mostly because with the Watch Tower still standing, the heroes could stay inform on what was going on and remained organized. The League was able to delegate each members to a specific area that was being invaded thus fending off the force of Apokolips.

Still, the Justice League members were not the only ones that were fighting off the forces of Apokolips. The Light had instructed their operatives to protect their most precious assests first and for those that were not tasked with protecting said assests, they were to neutralize the invading forces that they encountered.

An unspoken agreement had been made by both villains and heroes thoughout the whole world during the invasion which was a temporary truce. The heroes would ignore the villains as long as they fought the Parademons while the villains would not try to kill the heroes as long as the invasion was still ongoing.

In some part of the world, heroes and villains were actually teaming up to defeat the horde of never ending Parademons. Meanwhile in Kahndaq, a man mostly dressed in Black with a yellow lightning motive on his chest could be seen flying around the country killing every Parademons that he saw.

He is Black Adam, the ruler of Kahndaq, the ex-Champion of the Wizard known as Shazam and one of the people Vandal Savage wanted to recruit into the Light thought Black Adam refused as he did not care about what happen to the world outside of Kahndaq.

[AN: If I remember correctly I allueded to him in chapter 18.]

His mindset remained the same, in fact, it was reinforced due to the futuristic Tower that emerged from within his country. He was currently flying around his country to eliminate as much Parademons as possible before he return to destroy the Tower once more.

He had been doing this for a while because he aimed to lessen the amount of Parademon in his country to a level that would be manageble for the military forces of Kahndaq, which had gone through a drastic improvement after Black Adam reclaimed the homeland of his people.


As he flew across his country, he noticed a Parademon snatching a young woman and flight off, Black Adam swiftly flew towards the Parademon and proceeded to behead said Parademon with a karate chop.


Pressed with time, he ignored the woman's scream as he safely brought her to the ground and flew off not knowing that she would later become his wife but that is a story for another time. After finally reducing the numbers of Parademons to a manageble level for his forces, he rushed towards the Tower.


Black Adam proceeded to hurle series of lightning bolts towards the Tower one after another, pulverizing the Tower and scorching the Parademons that came from it before the Tower reformed itself then Black Adam resumed destroying the Tower and preventing anymore Parademons from escaping.


Meanwhile in Gotham, an army of Parademon could be seen walking on a street towards a series of car assembled barricade. In front of said barricade lied one bald man, unarmed wearing a white sleeveless undershirt and white pants, facing the army of Parademons.

"You made a big mistake, you sorry excused for demons picked the wrong city to attack!"

The bald man said while raising both his hands to perform a T-pose. As the man performed that pose, dozens of gun muzzels could be seen exiting the multitude of cracks that were along the barricade made of cars. The bald man spoke as the Parademons charged towards the barricade.

"You guys are a long way from home..."

*A series of people cocking their guns at the same time*



As the bald man shouted this, a hail of bullets was fired into the upcoming Parademons and mysteriously managed to riddle them with bullet holes along with the bald man that had just spoken.

Now most would be confused as to why the bald man was also shot and how did mere bullets manage to damage Parademons since the latter are equiped with Apokoliptian technology. The Church of Blood is the reason for the latter.

Due to their yet to be revealed plan for Gotham, the Church of Blood decided to land an invisible hand to the citizen of Gotham by using dark magic to continuisly weaken every Parademon's defenses so long as they enter the city.

It barely took five minutes for regular bullets to start working on Parademons but now everyone with a gun in Gotham, which was practically everyone at this moment, could kill a Parademon. As for why the bald man was shot... it is because he was not with those that were inside the barricade.

Inside the barricade were people from various gangs or faction within Gotham who joined hands due to the fact that they may not like each other but they would rather lose their territories to a rival gang then to an outsider.

Anyway, returning back to the topic of the bald man, he was simply a crazy guy that escaped Arkham through luck and decided to do a 'This is Brazil' bit once he saw the barricade and Parademons heading towards said barricade.

Relatively speaking, Gotham was faring better than most cities because the various gangs and criminals joined hands to beat the Parademons because only they had the right to burned down Gotham.

"The moment is at hand my bretheren! For too long have we left this world to the meat bags! It is time for the superior life form to regain dominance over this planet! We shall not let this invaders steal our destiny from us!"

A giant humanoid plant like creature with a crown could be seen yelling while commanding an army of almost identical giant humanoid plant like creature as said army took care of each horde of Parademons that they encountered.

On a street close to that first giant humanoid plant like creature, Catwoman, Harley and Poison Ivy fighting off the Parademons Horde with Penguin and his gang. Poison Ivy and Catwoman seemed to confused for a second before they turned to face Harley then spoke in unison.

"Anything you want to say, Harls?"

"Hey! This ain't my fault, okay!"

Harley responded in an offended tone before she continued.

"I did just like you told me to, Ivy. I put the plants, that you made through the modified seeds that Acno gave you, to safety then came to back you guys up..."

She then added with a sheepish tone.

"But they said that they were bored so I just gave them the nearest computer that I could get and told them to just surf the internet."


Poison Ivy said before Catwoman spoke with a deadpanned expression.

"It hasn't even been thirty minutes since she told you to put those plants in a safe place."

For those that might have forgotten, Acnologia had given Poison Ivy modified plant seed during a no question ask in exchange for sheltering Doctor Roquette during the whole Fog Mission along with the other two villainess.

[AN: Chapter 29, for those that are wondering.]

Ivy grew those seed and took heed of Acnologia's warning thus only partially made them sentient as in they would move on their own to feed on the pollution as it was their intended purpose as well as obey the order of whom Ivy had given permission. That however seemed to have changed after browsing the internet.


Upon arriving on Apokolips, Acnologia sent his Symbiote army throughout Apokolips with the order to eliminate Apokolips' army that remained during the invasion while also assimilating them thus increasing the ranks of Acnologia's army.

Leaving the grunt work to his army, Acnologia quickly headed towards the Palace where Darkseid resided via teleportation. When Acnologia appeared inside Darkseid's throne room, he was met with a giant figure of a man with grey skin akin to stone and eyes that were pitch red.

He was sitting on a throne on top of a long flight of stairs while wearing futuristic clothes that seemed to function as an armor and was mostly blue with a touch of black, red and gold here and there. With his trident at hand, Acnologia confidently walked towards Darkseid as he spoke.

"Let's not waste either of our time by skipping the whole you giving me the offer to surrender with the reward of said unthinkable surrender being the right to rule Earth... Which you have no idea of the amount of freedom I would loose by lowering myself to such a title...

Then it would be followed by me giving a heroic, cliché and naive type of speech. So, let's fight and winner decides at the end."

While Acnologia spoke he did not make eye contact with Darkseid but simply looked in front of himself because that would require him looking up and Darkseid looking down on him while sitting on a throne which Acnologia's ego could not allow.

"Very well."


With a tone that would send shiver down most who heard it, Darkseid spoke as his eye glowed brighter before Omega beams were launched at Acnologia. Acnologia simply threw his Trident to Darkseid, still not looking up, and clapped his hands together as the Omega Beams were about to hit him.



Darkseid grunted as he felt his Omega Beams hitting his knee which bewildered him for a second before he realize that he was standing and due to his Omega Beams, he was now kneeling. Darkseid is kneeling. What shocked Darkseid even more was what he was currently witnessing.

Acnologia was sitting on his throne with a hand held high, that caught the Trident that was launched at his throne, and was looking down on him with absolute contempt. While he was angry, Darkseid quickly regained his bearing as he stood up while Acnologia spoke.

"I think this is the proper way for our eyes to meet one another. From what Orion said, you have the foolish notion of using me to obtain the Anti-Life Equation... A notion I will correct but make no mistake into deluding yourself into thinking that you can win.

We are not the same... You need me alive to obtain the Anti-Life Equation, which to me is a symbol of your admission of inability to conquer reality through your own abilities and I want you alive to smoke your pack."

Veins could be seen threathning to pop all around Darkseid's body but he calmed himself rather quickly. He was not dumb enough to fall for such taunts. He promised himself to make Acnologia regret such transgression as he looked Acnologia into his eyes and spoke after scoffing.

"*Hmph* You arrogant words only serve to prove how immature you are as well as the depth of your lack of knowledge. I will crush those arrogants thought of your and teach you the universal truth. No matter what you do... I am finiteI am final. Darkseid is... THE END."

Darkseid's eyes glowed red as he finished his sentence. They threathened to unleash Omega Beams once more when Acnologia spoke in a light tone.

"See, from my point of view, it is your words that are arrogant but I think we can both agreed that the arrogants are the one that lose while the prideful are the ones that wins."

Darkseid's eyes dimmer for a moment as he spoke.

"That is true."

Silence ensued between both of them before Acnologia and Darkseid started laughed in unison.


Their laughter started small and heartly before it became louder and louder then out of nowhere, Darkseid launched his Omega Beams towards Acnologia while Acnologia threw a punch, with a hand that had a sort of bubble formed around it, towards Darkseid.




The air between them cracked causing shockwaves to be send towards Darkseid. The shockwaves managed to block Darkseid's omega beams. As both attack collided, Darkseid and Acnologia could be seen wearing a stoic expression and an uncontrollable grin respectively.


The entire palace was shaking from the impact of both attacks. The throne room was currently bathed in blue-ish light on the side where Acnologia was and blood red light on the side where Darkseid was. Taking this fight seriously, Darkseid decided to summon the Black Racer.

Out of nowhere, a figure glad in futuristic black armor with red lighting here and there appeared above Darkseid. It had some sort of Skit shoes and two scythes. When the collison ended with a draw, Darkseid pointed at Acnologia and the Black Racer lunged at the young Atlantean.

Granted, Darkseid wanted Acnologia alive but that did not mean that he would be opposed to capturing Acnologia in a critical condition. As the Black Racer flew towards Acnologia, a giant dark-skinned hand came out of nowhere, strecthed itself towards the Black Racer then grabbed its prey.


Darkseid thought as he saw the giant hand retracted itself from where it came from and vanished while still holding the Black Racer who vanished with said hand leaving only a floating white piece of paper that looked like it was made of white flames. Not understand why, Darkseid read what was on it.

{Hello Darkseid,

I am future Acnologia. I decided to take the Black Racer cuz that would be funny but since I have manners I will exchange the Black Race with a little helpful advice... DODGE!}

When the white piece of paper disipated, Darkseid tried to mutter something but before he could he was greeted with the appearance of Acnologia who was now mere inches away from him and was about to attack.

Acnologia could be seen cocking his right arm back which had a sort of bubble formed around his right hand. His right hand then started to turn dark before black lightning started to crackle around it.

Acnologia had infused his fist with advanced Busoshoku Haki and Haoshoku Haki after creating a quake bubble around his fist. He wore a bloodthirsty grin as he saw Darkseid shocked expression that revealed that the latter knew that dodging was impossible at this point. 


'Gekishin Divide!'

"Wha- ARGH!?"


Acnologia thought as he threw punch at Darkseid's face, who could barely mutter a word before groaning, with his right hand. The air in front of him was cracked, causing a massively powerful shockwave to head towards Darkseid's head.


A vertical fissure was created on the ground behind Darkseid as his massive body flew back. Acnologia teleported behind Darkseid and kicked the latter's upper back to force him to stand up before teleporting once more in front of Darkseid then throwing a gut punch.




Darkseid groan slightly as blood came down of every orifice on his head. Acnologia did not give him a single second of rest as proceeded to kick Darkseid's chin, prompting the feet of rule of Apokolips to detached themselves from the ground.

Aconologia then brought his hands towards Darkseid's head in attempted to grab his face but Darkseid caught Acnologia's arms with his hands before spreading Acnologia by his arms. Darkseid gritted his teeths while his eyes were blood crimson red then shouted.



Under the threat of enduring Omega Beams at point blank, Acnologia remained calmed as he brought his knee to his chest then proceeded to drop kick Darkseid's face. This caused Darkseid to fall back and take a step back, causing a heavy thump, to prevent falling.




Red eletricity coursed through Acnologia's body as he used Darkseid's upper body as a platform to jump. Darkseid tighened his grip on Acnologia's arm to prevent the latter from escaping his grasp but to his shock, Acnologia's arm strecthed as his body flew further and further away from him.


Acnologia yelled from afar as Darkseid felt Acnologia's hands stretching and gripping his arms. He also noticed that Acnologia's shadow had ensnared itself onto Darkseid in a way that temporarily prevented him from moving.

Darkseid noticed that each of Acnologia's feet were coated a bubble that suddenly turned black with dark red lightning crackling around them.



'Shingen no Ichigeki!'

Acnologia thought as his body flew back towards Darkseid and he proceeded to drop kick Darkseid chest.




Upon contact, the image of Darkseid seemed to break as a cracking sound resonated through the throne room then a powerful shockwave burst through the crack sending Darkseid flying and crashing through a wall while also destroying everything that had been behind Darkseid.

'That did a lot of damage considering the mouthfull of blood that he coughed when he was sent flying.'

Acnologia thought as he looked as where Darkseid had been sent flying. The area was covered in smoke and rubbles. Now some may be wondering how Acnologia was doing this and the answer was the philosopher stones that he acquired.

They did not simply augment his Alchemy based abilities but also magnified all of his abilities. He could grant himself any ability he wanted to as long as the philosopher stones that he obtained through Kalibak and Grayven were enough of a price.

[AN: It's here. You won't get it rn now but after reading the rest, you will know what I am talking about.]

Before the smoke could clear out, Darkseid emerged from it, bloodied and enraged as he flew from the wreckage, grabbed Acnologia and proceeded to slam him onto the ground.

"You insolent worm!"

Darkseid yelled as he punched Acnologia causing the latter to cough off blood. Darkseid cocked his arm back ready to throw another punch when Acnologia crossed his arms together to block the incoming attack.

Seeing this, Darkseid used his other hand to grab both of Acnologia's arms, he twisted them causing both of them to break before he began to beat Acnologia black and blue using the fact that the latter healed fast to vent his anger. After a while, Darkseid stood up and looked down upon a bloodied and mangled Acnologia.

"Be grateful that you are still of use to me else I would have ended your miserable life-"

Darkseid stop midway through his sentence when he saw Acnologia raising his right arm. Acnologia was currently in a small crater surrounded by smashed rocks covered in his blood. Darkseid saw that Acnologia's right hand was mangled but still had all of its fingers attached.

Acnologia's arm seemed to tremble as he was raising it. Still, with what looked like great struggle, Acnologia raised his arm towards Darkseid who took this as Acnologia begging for his life. Acnologia eyes looked lifeless.

Acnologia then staightened his index and middle finger before the trembling in his right arm stopped as he twisted his hand so that his both fingers were now pointing at the still intact throne. Darkseid proceeded to look at the throne then heard Acnologia's voice.



*Itachi's Genjutsu Theme*

With the sound of glass breaking and ominous music playing, Darkseid's eyes widden as he saw Acnologia, who now looked older, sitting on said throne. Acnologia had his right elbow on the right arm rest of the throne while using his right hand to support his head which was tilted to the right.

"What is this?!"

Darkseid asked in a stoic yet enraged tone as he noticed that the beaten and bloodied Acnologia was no longer there. Acnologia who was currently sitting on the throne smiled before speaking to Darkseid.

"I thought I would allow you a moment of triumph before your inevitable defeat but if I was to summarize what you just saw in one word then it would be pity... But I wonder if you can guess what was real and... what was fake."

Acnologia ended his sentence with a charming smile. Although Darkseid was angry he quickly calmed himself once more as he knew being agitated in a fight was one of the easiest way to lose said fight. Darkseid spoke while giving a death stare at Acnologia.

"I will personally gouge your arrogant eyes and have you eat them."

This caused Acnologia to smirk as his shadow expanded from the throne that he was sitting on all the way to the wall behind Acnologia. Multitude of eyes and mouths appeared on the shadow coated wall as an amalgametion of voice that resembled Acnologia's to a tee spoke in unison.

"That is as unlikely to happen as your chance of victory. It is time for you to realize that this can only go two ways, we win or you lose."

Acnologia continued to smile as the sentence ended in a cryptic way since Darkseid did not know what Acnologia had done while the latter was under the former's illusion or how much time had actually gone by while Darkseid was pummeling the ground.


I'd like your opinion on the fight and this chapter, the more the better. The fight with Darkseid isn't done yet cuz I promised some action but that doesn't mean that I would make the MC do some stupid shit like giving up his advantage or fight fair and square.

I still need to research Darkseid cuz I want to make the fight believable so release schedule will not stay the same, I want to make sure that deliver on the action that I promise you guys like eight chapters ago.

Want more? Like Thanos, I want those STONES!!!]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Isekai_enjoyercreators' thoughts