
DC:Amazonian Prince

Dont be too harsh this is my first and this is heavily insired by DC:The male amazon and kind of inspired by Survival of a loner so check those out too. And the picture on the front isnt mine if you want me to take it down I will thankyou...

tdk_lastking1910 · Anime e quadrinhos
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7 Chs

The Beginning

My name is Michael Smith.

A year ago my girlfriend and I had a fight cause I caught her cheating on me with my brother Robin.

I was furious I almost blew a fuse. The worst part is caught them in my bed right next to my daughter Sarah. I said to them "You guys are perfect for each other im out" I said after insulting them.

I left the house knocking over lamp on my way out.I was planning on surprising my girlfriend Anna with a new car I had been saving up for.

I sped away leaving my problems behind me until I saw i was on the wrong side of traffic.An eighteen wheel large truck hit my car and that's the last thing I remember.

I have been in infinite darkness for a while now.I think its been about about a year now and I've just been contemplating all the mistakes in my life.Top of the list was trusting her.

I think i have finally found inner peace and i am ready to face my fate.Just then a light that seems like it was from the heavens decended in the pitch black darkness around me.

"Where am I", I said.

Well nothing came out but the cries of a baby.I still fully had ny memories but it seems that I was reborn in some kind of underdeveloped land.

I could see a load of women around me with distasteful looks.I knew that this was going to be a rough life.

The first chapters will be short but I will upload more frequently later

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