
DC: Allen The Alien

In DC as a Allen, a member of the Unopan race, a race belonging to the Invincible universe. He has four more gifts.

Tenzi_Rohana · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

The Bastard Clone

Allen was still in disbelief on the kind of luck he had going. Apparently, the ship was kind of an interdimesional bacteria that was light years more advanced than any human on Earth, even in DC! The amount of evolution she had to go to be this sophisticated must have burnt out the braincells of its creator! It could act as an inter-galactic wide satellite for communication, a portable teleportation machine, recon ship and much more!

Svetile was grinning like a happy cat seeing his flabbergasted look, "She's more than you than you thought, isn't she?"

Allen glared at her, "Don't think I can't throw you out. Now that Bunny and I are in perfect symbiosis, your use in here is insolute!"

"Yet I am still here. Surely, you need something," Svetile smugly countered.

Allen needed her, sure. But the kind of help she offered could easily be offered by any other alien out there. If he were to chose, he would replace her in a heartbeat with someone useful, someone he could leave alone in Bunny and still be able to take care of business. Svetile was stronger than an average human but that's that!

"Look, I am not as useless as you're thinking. I will have you know I am an excellent shot," Svetile discerned his thoughts and immediately became wary.

"A good shot! What do you think this is, the Straw Hay crew? You think our power of friendship will let you survive someone that can tank your shots? That I will always arrive right before you die in a badass way and save your life? That you will have comedic timed power ups as you face more enemies?" Allen blew up on her face, aggressively approaching her as she backed up in fear till she was boxes in by a wall. By then, Allen was glaring down at her, fists clenched.

"This isn't a shouted jump kind of situation. You are weak and it will always remain like that. Thus, you have no use to me," he said harshly before walking away. "Bunny, take her...wherever, I really don't give a fuck!"

"Waaa..." Was all Svetile managed to say before Bunny teleported her away.

Allen was glad of the quiet before he started to explore the ship...bioship? He couldn't help but have intrusive thoughts of entering a for idden area and Bunny suddenly squealing 'Yamete kudasai oniichan!'

"Okay, I have watched way too many hentai!" Allen laughed at himself. Once he finished exploring and maping out the entire ship, he sat on the Captain's chair before taking out the badge.

It was cold to the touch despite always being next to his skin. The metal it was made off was completely different from any thing he knew off, yet again, he couldn't really say he was an expert on all metals. It was just instinctual. He held it in his fists before trying to crush it with his whole strength. The air vibrated as he huffed and puffed, trying his best before trying with both his hands. Yet, only an incision was made!

"Crazy!" Allen exclaimed in amazement.

"Why does everyone immediately try to destroy on of us?" the badge suddenly spoke up, making Allen almost throw it away. He blushed in shame as he realized be literally got scared by something so insignificant.

"Are you alive?" he asked, trying to burry his previous misdeed.

"I am an artificial intelligence meant to guide and help all bounty hunters in Daugfry Bounty and Commission," the voice spoke up.

"Wow, you know where I come from, your kind are just hypotheticals. It's really amazing I am actually speaking to one. Your creators must be really advanced in technology to house you in such a small space. Doesn't your compution like emit huge amounts of heat..."

"You are from one of those planets, huh?" the AI condescendingly proclaimed, making Allen look at it with a scowl. That was offensive in so many ways!

"What do you mean one of those planets?" he asked.

"A planet that has not achieved to be qualified as a class four civilization. If you haven't even touched on the concept of Artificial intelligence, your race is way below average in the cosmos. Its a surprise how strong you actually are," the AI answered, yet Allen could feel the repulse it had towards him dripping in its voice.

"You know, I'm not going to argue with you," Allen dismissed the conversation entirely. Entering into a logic battle with an AI was just asking for a sound thrashing. He wanted his dignity intact, thank you.

"Do you have bounties for me?" he asked.

"I do, infact. This one was posted not long ago," the AI said, suddenly business like. It projected an image of a pale grotesque alien. "These is a White Martian from the planet Marrz. However, these Martians had found a way to get to planet Savoot and they are causing mayhem. The bounty states you have to kill them all to be given three million credits."

"Martians? I think I met two of them on Earth though they were green,"

"Green Martians, the opposites to white Martians. While the later are war like and genocidal, the former are peaceful though very racist. I wonder how that works, being peaceful yet you're racist!" Allen almost scoffed at the AI's remark, but kept in. He couldn't believe that calm and collected figure sitting condescendingly in the Watchtower was actually a racist alien! Not to mention his niece!

"Do you take the bounty?" the AI asked.

"Yeah, sure," Allen answered.

"Bounty accepted. Transferring destination coordinates to your ship's navigation system...Sent. Good luck, bounty hunter," the AI said.

Allen felt Bunny knocking in his psychic shields and let her. She asked if she would authorize the blatant power move from the AI in hacking her and he agreed, thou told her to always be alert in case the AI would do something malicious. Bunny agreed and bound towards destination.

"What abilities do White Martians have?" Allen asked the AI.

"They have the same abilities as their cousins the green and red Martians. They have base supernatural strength, speed, senses, durability and senses. But, they can enhance them even further with their shape shifting abilities and density shifting. But, their most dangerous abilities are their telepathy and telekinesis. No race is as gifted to using the two as Martians and they know it. A piece of advice, White Martians are violent creatures, so when fighting one, you need to always be on the look out. They will forcefully get into your head and do irreversible damage to your psyche. So, if you have countermeasures against that kind then this is your opportunity to arm it."

"Good thing I came prepared then," Allen grinned as he got off the chair. Then, he started making clones after clones till they numbered to eighty!

"Alright everyone, just like we planned," Allen excitedly shouted.

"Don't worry, boss, by the time we're done, you'll be having PTSD," many of them shouted at the same time. Twenty of them suddenly jumped him while the rest started attacking him using telepathy.

Due to his zenkai boost, every aspect of him was always getting a boost each time he got better. That meant the weak telepathic power he got from Allen had also grown with him and it had become tremendous!

With sixty clones attacking his psyche and twenty clones just beating him up, Allen started to feel a difference. He was getting hurt both physically and mentally, a new kind of hurting he had not experienced. His healing factor that he got from Wolverine had way surpassed its donor. Now, it was experiencing uncharted territories. It could heal his physical harm but his psyche was just foreign to it, it couldn't touch it!

So, here comes Allen to the rescue. His zenkai boost is actually a minor form of reactive adaptation. He gets hurt so this power rises to the occasion and strengthens him so that the same thing that hurt him before would not be so much of a threat next time. He does not outright surpass the threat because the power was not that strong yet and his healing wasn't that fast.

But, Allen (the mc), is different from the other. His healing is almost instaneous. So, while the boosts might not be small, they add up astronomically due to the healing. The reactive adaptation doesn't improve but it does improve his healing! (A/N: Sorry, got lost there. It's so amazing to explain power ups when they make sense to you.)

Now, to the matter of his psyche, the more he was getting damaged, the more he healed. And in return, the more his reactive adaptation strove to improve him! So, even if his healing was not healing his psyche, his reactive adaptation was improving it as a consequence to his healing! A full circle.

The ganging up went on till Bunny finally arrived at Savoot. She did not breach the atmosphere but kept a distance with the planet before sending surveillance drones that were practically her offsprings! Their search were not the White Martians but any recent damages.

Savoot was as big as Saturn so it would take a while for the surveillance and summing up the surveillance would conclude. Allen took this time to stabilize his gains, especially his psyche. He had gone through seventy clone changes and he had benefited greatly. The last three sets had a hard time trying to breach his defenses which he would call a success considering each one of them was as strong as he was psychically.

Instead of ripping off thousands of other mc's and make a mind palace, he decides to go with his own thing, an endless battlefield. Once an enemy gets into his head, he will have to face an infinite amount of himselfs with the same powers as his! Scary! Now let's say those infinites hims make infinite number of clones infinitely? He didn't care how talented Martians were, nobody would breach his single layer of defenses! Now, he was just adding more details to the battlefield, making it seem more realistic and thus making it a realistic illusion, the most dangerous kind of illusion.

"The White Martians have been found," Bunny suddenly announced. Allen immediately got up, fully mentally prepared for the battle to come.

"Let's collect our bounty, Bunny," he said, grimly. Bunny did not respond but teleported him to a devastated landscape where he saw the same kind of Martians the AI had shown him. They were ten of them and yet they were completely dominating the battlefield.

"Let's go," Allen said. He stabbed the ground in front of him with his hand and with a grunt, exerted force as he executed Saitama's move, Seriou Tableflip. Of course he was not as powerful as the man, but he had enough power to cause devastating effects. The ground exploded, its hundreds of thousands tonnes upon hundreds of thousands tonnes meant it couldn't come off as one piece. But the force was too much to just disipate so, as the ground rose up in chunks, the force caused apocalyptic level of earthquakes. The Martians immediately became intangible due to the commotion while the defending army was sent into disarry, being sent flying far away by the upheaval. In seconds, a hundreds miles worth of land was destroyed with only the Martians and Allen left.

"Who are you?" one of them asked him. Of course they weren't speaking English but due to the badge, he could understand them.

"I don't have any wise cracks at the moment but it's suffice to say that I am here for two things, kicking ass and taking names. And since I don't know your names, I guess kicking your asses will be all I need."

"It speaks like a Terran yet its species are not native in Terra. What is it?" one of them asked its companions, puzzles.

"Its rude to speak among yourselves in front of a guest, you know," Allen said as he prepared himself. His muscles clenched, ready to provide explosive power at his behest. His eye was focused on the Martians as his mind quickly dissected each of them, looking for an advantage. Not seeing one due to how well they were as a unit, he knew his plan B was his only option. Going in Leroy Jenkins style and hope his physical defenses were enough to hold up.

Like his clones had told him, he had really gotten PTSD, especially that one clone always going for his balls or the thousand years of pain move! Even if he changed clones, there was always one going for the sacred spots making him think the same clone was being reincarnated again and again!