
Chapter - 12

I can't believe it's already my first day of college. Time flew by so quickly.

It's the same emotion I experienced when my parents brought me to my first college tour. My anxiety levels reached the point where I pleaded with my father to take me home, because I didn't want to go on the college premises.

This college's look, which is my preferred style, intrigues me since it resembles a dark, mysterious castle. I'm always attracted to them, I'm a sucker for such things. Just my mood, really. The only things I'm missing are my K-pop music and earbuds. To have them right now would be fantastic. That time is missed by my heart.

The whole college looked so old with paint almost disappearing from the walls giving off a creepy feeling. Beside the college was a playground for students to play cricket. It would take at least 3 mins to walk to the other side.

Now that I need to know my classes and schedule, I must visit the admissions office. I'm not sure where to look for it. I might easily get lost in this college's size and never find my way back. I rubbed shoulders with someone as I was stumbling about the workplace looking for the office and not paying attention to where I was going.

I looked at the person who bumped me while feeling like someone had just hit me with a brick. Aaahh... that hurts, my blood began to boil.

He's so dashing, how could he bump me? He took the chance before I could react.

He mocked me and said, "Watch where you're going," then he may have left with his companion.

How could he? I'm not going to let him off without a fight.

I was obviously not looking, but it seemed like someone was hiding their eyes behind their head.It appears that my attempt to make a stronger effect backfired. However, I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of him, so I glared at him and quickly went away.

It would be humiliating if he wasn't enrolled in my class.

He fits the kind of people with bad attitudes, with whom I often avoid conversation.

I eventually located the admittance office after a ten-minute search, where I turned in my joining form and completed the appropriate steps. I miss my dad, who used to do all of these things for me. How are you doing, dad?

Why do I want to cry? Why? Why? Am I experiencing this? Engineering involving machines? This witch deserves to be choked to death. Could you have made a better decision? My current situation is a nightmare. Mom and Dad would undoubtedly throw me out of the house if I messed up, and I would have to beg to survive in the outside world before I could come home.

During my time in college, I barely managed to pass despite having access to all the incredible resources that were available. Now, without those resources, I am driven to work tirelessly and push myself to such extremes that I even suffer nosebleeds, all in order to barely get by.It's virtually impossible for me to thrive here.

In my prime, surrounded by abundant resources, I scraped by in college with minimal effort. Despite lacking such advantages in my current situation, I am driven to study diligently to the extent that I push myself to the point of nosebleeds, all in pursuit of success. With most care, I meticulously made my way up the stairs, feeling the strain as the sweat poured down my body, pushing me to the brink of exhaustion.

I already detest this place; all I want to do is return home and spend the day dozing off. I've always wanted to live alone, but now I see how challenging it is. Without money, there is nothing I can do.

Only if I have a job that suits me and provides me with a place to live can I live alone. I'm grateful that my parents are still providing me with a monthly stipend, so I may live independently.

As soon as I entered the classroom, chaos raged. Others were just sitting about doing nothing while others were playing, talking, napping, or sleeping. Students occupied around half of the benches, with others remaining unoccupied. Because the first and third are too close together, I always choose the second seat. The second seat is absolutely incredible. I looked around the room before settling onto the second seat. Only two individuals can fit comfortably on this bench in front of me, and one of them is a stunning young woman. She had me spellbound with her beauty. What's the matter with me? Why am I experiencing this? Suddenly, I feel envious of her? She appears to be a mix of angel and devil? What?

I rapidly recovered from my haze. In an attempt to avoid being hypnotised by something unknown, I lightly slapped my cheeks.

I froze when I heard her name as she flashed me a grin and added, "Hello, I'm Satyabhama." She is the book's female protagonist, WHAT? It's no wonder she's so stunning. I didn't anticipate meeting the main character so soon, and I'm not sure how to act around them. I want to be there to see the beginning of their blossoming love. Not only that, but I have to act cautiously, since I shouldn't derail the plot at the same time. Furthermore, I gave her a short grin and introduced myself.

"Why are you alone in this chair? She tapped the open space next to me and invited me to have a seat there.

I had never had anything spoken to me that way, and it made me so happy. This brought back memories of how miserable my soul had been in the actual world. I came to terms with the fact that I would never be able to make friends. Now that someone in this world was willing to be my buddy, I started crying. You may assume I'm exaggerating, but it's difficult to comprehend the overwhelming emotions that arise when someone brings you immense happiness one day, only to treat you like a complete stranger the next.

I grinned and left to sit beside her.

I assume there are many girls in this class. I'm delighted that I discovered you, since I feared I would be left alone in this male-dominated classroom.

The words "I don't like it at all, but I don't choose now, it's too late" left me in dismay.

Why did you accept it, then? Satya approached me and kindly asked about the sadness that was evident on my face.

"Can I give you a call, Satya?"

"Sure, my parents call me the same," she smiled proudly.

I blatantly said that my parents put me in this circumstance and provided their names.

She expressed her confusion and questioned, "Why do they do this?"

I was a rebellious child, so they dumped me in this college with one of the most difficult courses to study, and threatened to disown me if I failed. I mostly told her the truth.

Satya comforted me, saying, "Oh no, that's terrible. Don't worry; I know we just met, but you can rely on me, and I'll help you right away if you need any assistance with your studies." "Thank you; I never had any friends, and you just became my first friend," he replied, feeling moved.

"What's with the crying? You're such a wretched soul, Satya comforted me with.

When the door suddenly banged open, everyone turned to look at the individual.

Isn't he the one who is well-known for his visual, OMG?

Who is he called? Will he attend our class?

God has fulfilled my wish; I am grateful to him.

I looked up to see the person everyone was adoring, and saw it was the guy I had knocked into before.

Hey, can you tell me his name?

I suppose Arjun is there!


To be continued…