
Dawnguard: Male OC X Serana

after meeting at the Dimhollow crypt Khalid a vampire hunter along with Serana started a long journey to obtain Auril's bow. a lot of things will happen along this journey, you just need to read to find out. 1. in this story there is no cure for vamparism. 2. there is characters from mods. 3. the oc is based on my Palladian character.

the_reluctant_hero · Videojogos
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17 Chs

Touching the Sky 10

Khalid and Serana were riding on Arvak back, she was holding into him wrapping her arms around his body and resting her head against his back.

Serana: are we there yet?

Khalid: not yet, why are you asking? you want to hold into me like that longer.

Serana: yeah actually...you really know me too well.

she said as she rubbed her cheek against his back.

Serana: you know last night in dawnstart was amazing...despite what happened in that house...I have never slept so peaceful like that...in your arms I felt like I'm free...loved cherished and protected.

she then rested her head on his shoulder and gave him a peck on the cheek. soon there reached the Darkfall Cave, then they made there way inside, Khalid walked ahead while Serana was walking behind him, observing what's around her.

Serana: I had my fare share of caves...I have been in one for four thousand years, I hope this one is better.

Khalid: Caves are different, I was into many Caves that had an entire ecosystem.

Serana: like the ancestors glade?

Khalid: even bigger....my mom nd dad also told me about places that the visited...especially my father.

as they got deeper into the cave they saw a camp fire when they approached it they found a body of a recently dead woman.

Serana: "I wonder what happened to them. These people were... why would anyone want to set up camp here?"

Khalid: they were probably running away from someone...and they stayed here...there is not trace or smell of another human...from the looks of it I think it a cave troll....look at the broken bones and she got one of some of her limbs eaten.

Serana: let's keep moving I don't want to stay here longer.

Khalid: will burry her, don't worry I will be quite.

Khalid summoned his sun spear and start sta ing the ground with it making a grave for the woman, then he picked her body and rested it into the grave before covering her body with the dirt.

Khalid: let's keep going.

Serane gave him a node with proud smile clearly feeling proud of how he respect the dead, then the continued their way until the reached a wooden bridge

Serana: "Something's not right here. Be careful. I think we may be in for some trouble."

as they were passing on the wooden bridge, the wood brock, reaction so fast Khalid held Serana into his arms before there fell into the water preventing her from drowning, the water pushed them further deeper into the cave, Khalid kept holding into Serana as she did the same, the passed my spiders but Serana used Ice spike spell and killed few while Khalid used his astral spear to kill the big one, when they finally landed, Serana wrapped her arms and legs around Katrine's eyes widened in surprise but she didn't pull away. Instead, she leaned into the kiss, her tongue dancing with yours as their lips locked together. She could feel her heart racing and a shiver running down her spine at the intensity of the moment..

Serana: thank you love.

she said as gave him multiple kisses on his cheeks and lips.

then they saw a fire in the distance, and they start approaching it, using his detect life spell, he saw someone who is standing there, when they got closer Khalid's eyes widened as he saw the man standing in front of him.

Khalid: a snow elf!?

Serana looked at him then at Khalid shocked by the revelation.

Serana: really?! a snow elf!?

the two of them approached him.

Gelebor: "Come forward. You have nothing to fear here."

Khalid: i have no fear brother.

Gelebor felt it when he looked into his moon like eyes he then casted a spell and a shrine emerged from the floor.

Serana: "What's that? I can feel some kind of power from it..."

Khalid: yeah it familiar.

Serana: "So this is snow elf magic. Incredible."

Gelebor: "This structure is known as a wayshrine. They were used for meditation and for transport when the Chantry was a place of enlightenment. Prelates of these shrines were charged with teaching the mantras of Auri-El to our Initiates."

Khalid kept looking at the at the snow elf a lot of thoughts running through his mind.

Serana: "What's that basin in the center signify?"

Gelebor: "Once the Initiate completed his mantras, he'd dip a ceremonial ewer in the basin at the wayshrine's center and proceed to the next wayshrine.

"Serana: "So these Initiates had to lug around a heavy pitcher of water. Marvelous. How long would they have to do that?"

Gelebor: "Well, once the Initiate's enlightenment was complete, he'd bring the ewer to the Chantry's Inner Sanctum. Pouring the contents of the ewer into the sacred basin of the Sanctum would allow him to enter for an audience with the Arch-Curate himself."

Serana: "All that just to end up dumping it out? Makes no sense to me."

Gelebor: "It's symbolic. I don't expect you to understand."

Serana: "So let's get this straight. We need to do all that nonsense to get into the temple, so we can kill your brother and claim Auriel's Bow?"

Gelebor: "I know how it all sounds, but if there was another way I'd have done it long ago. The only way to get to my brother is by following in the Initiates' footsteps and traveling from wayshrine to wayshrine just as they did. The first lay at the end of Darkfall Passage, a cavern that represents the absence of enlightenment."

Khalid: let's go.

the two of the approaching the Wayshrine he took the ewer with him strapping it on his hip.

Serana:"I don't like the look of this..."

Khalid: don't worry it will be like passing under a gentle sun ray.

Upon entering the wayshrine's portal Serana closed her eyes ad held his hand. after they passed through the wayshrine Serana opened her eyes and looked at him with a smile.

Serana: "That... wasn't as unpleasant as I thought it would be. Kind of soothing, actually. I feel a little warmer, now."

together they started their journey first they went through the Falmer encampment fighting hordes of Falmer

Serana:"Hmmm. Pull chains and traps. Be careful here. Whatever's on the other side of this, the Falmer wanted to keep there."

Khalid: i whish that we didn't have to kill them.

Serana: can you tell me why you feel this way about them?

Khalid: let's finish this and i will tell you everything.

they continued walking deeper into the cave seeing the beautiful animals and the water falls it was a deferent ecosystem.

Serana: it.... almost doesn't looks real you know

Khalid: any thoughts about this place?

Serana: (mockingly) Serana, this vale is as beautiful as you are...white and cold to the touch just like your palled vampire skin.

Khalid: not a good impersonation but i'm absolutely using this compliment later.

Serana: this incredible it's like another whole world, come on the bow had to be in the valley somewhere.

they went from the first shrine then to the second shrine Upon approaching the second wayshrine Serana run up ahead.

Serana:"Is that another one of those wayshrines up there? I wonder where this one goes..."

Khalid: It's ironic that we're "helping" these priests.

Serana: "Honestly, I don't think they care what a vampire and a vampire hunter would do with Auriel's Bow. They're pretty focused on the past. As long as we can get this "Vyrthur" out of the Sanctum, I think they'll be happy to just hand it over."

when they passed through the wayshrine portal it took them to another side, a long cold icy river separating two side of the Forgotten Vale, When approaching the river in the Vale Serana knelt down and merged her hand into the water.

Serana: "It... almost doesn't even look real. You know?"

Khalid: yeah places like this used to be full of life. let's keep moving.

throughout their adventure in the Forgotten Vale the fought large snow trolls that had spheres with different materials.

i know about those my mom told me about them we just have to find the portal and it will take us to deferent location in this Vale. he then placed the the sphere in the pod as soon as it was locked in place a portal opened when they stepped inside they found themselves in a forest, then Khalid saw a Falmer with a bright glowing shield, with wasting any second he dashed toward him and as soon as his hand touched the shield he absorbed it, then he kicked the Falmer in his head.

Khalid: great! only one to go.

Serana: wow how did you do that?! that's incredible, the shield looks like those sword nd spear that you sometimes use.

Serana: yeah I didn't think that I will find it here...well now enough about that let's finish this.

after going from wayshrine to a wayshrine reached the last wayshrine they made their way to the Chantry's Inner Sanctum,

Serana: "That... has to be the place. I've never seen a building like that before. It looks like some kind of temple. By the blood... The bow has to be in here."

Pouring the contents of the ewer into the sacred basin of the Sanctum opened the gates for them. when they entered the found a number of Falmer that frozen solid into the ground.

Serana: wow...this place is so beautiful....These Falmer are... they're frozen in the ice. And I thought the Soul Cairn was creepy."

Khalid: this place is indeed beautiful...look at the structures and the craftsmanship, the snow elves really were a great civilization...but just like any...they are Destined to be fall....come on...let's keep moving.

Serana sensed something in his voice and saw something in his eyes but she chose to not push him and gave him a nod before the continued their adventure. and finally the arrived to the throne room Vyrthur was sitting there on an icy throne protected by a thick ice wall.

Vyrthur: you are finally here, I was getting bored waiting for you.

he then raised his hand and a group of frozen Falmers broke from the ice and start attacking them, the fought waves after waves, the ice around them was filled with their body part.

Vyrthur: I guess I have to do this myself.

he then summoned a big ice troll that slowly approached the two of them, if loud heavily footsteps echoed through the room, then Khalid raised his hand and used a spell to banish it.

Vyrthur: you can't do that to! do you know how much I sacrificed !? damn it! I will make you suffer.

he then caster a strong ice strom spell that broke the room roof, Khalid pulled Serana closer to him and used the shield to protect the two of them, when the storm cleared the followed Vyrthur to the balcony.

Serana: "Enough, Vyrthur. Give us the bow!"

Arch-Curate Vyrthur "How dare you. I was the Arch-Curate of Auri-El, girl. I had the ears of a god!"

Serana: "Until the "Betrayed" corrupted you. Yes, yes. We've heard this sad story"

Arch-Curate Vyrthur: "Gelebor and his kind are easily manipulated fools. Look into my eyes, Serana. You tell me what I am."

Serana: "You're... you're a vampire? But Auriel should have protected you..."

Arch-Curate Vyrthur: "The moment I was infected by one of my own Initiates, Auri-El turned his back on me. I swore I'd have my revenge, no matter what the cost."

Serana: "You want to take revenge on him really?"

Arch-Curate Vyrthur: "Auri-El himself may have been beyond my reach, but his influence on our world wasn't. All I needed was the blood of a vampire and his own weapon, Auriel's Bow."

Serana: "The blood of a vampire... Auriel's Bow... It... it was you? You created that prophecy?"

Arch-Curate Vyrthur: "A prophecy that lacked a single, final ingredient... the blood of a pure vampire. The blood of a Daughter of Coldharbour."

At this point, Serana grabed Vyrthur by the shoulders and holds him in the air in anger, Khalid stood behind give this chance to Serana.

Serana: "You were waiting... all this time for someone with my blood to come along. Well, too bad for you... I intend on keeping it. Let's see if your blood has any power to it!"

Vyrthur uses his feet to push himself free of Serana's grip and charges with magic while hovering in the air as he prepares to face them in combat. Serana then stabbed him with he dagger then she used the super jump spell jumping high in air and used her slow fall spell

Arch-Curate Vyrthur: "What trickery is this?"

she didn't let him use his spells and dagger as she kept stabbing him before using her drain life spell on him and throwing him off the balcony. when she landed she rushed to Khalid and hugged him tightly. after few minutes she let go of him and walked to Vyrthur's body, Gelebor came out of the wayshrin and looked round him his eyes resting on Khalid.

Gelebor:"So, the deed has been done. The restoration of this wayshrine means that Vyrthur must be dead and the Betrayed no longer have control over him."

Khalid: The Betrayed weren't to blame

Gelebor:""What? What are you talking about?"

Khalid: He was a vampire. He controlled them

Gelebor:"A vampire? I see. That would explain much. Deep inside, it brings me joy that the Betrayed weren't to blame for what happened here."

Khalid: Why?

Gelebor: "Because that means there's still hope that they might one day shed their hatred and learn to believe in Auri-El once again. It's been a long time since I felt that way and it's been long overdue. My thanks, to both of you."

Khalid: You're welcome

Gelebor:"You risked everything to get Auri-El's Bow, and in turn, you've restored the Chantry. I can't think of a more deserving champion to carry it than you. If you wish to learn more about the bow, or obtain Sunhallowed Arrows for it, I'd be more than happy to help. You've but to ask."

Khalid: no need( summoning an arrow) yeah this will do( readying it into the bow) there is still one to go( shooting the arrow)

Auri-El's Bow then disappeared into his hand, the snow elf paladen looked at him with wide eyes, his jaw hanging

Gelebor:"how?!...are you? there is no way.

he smiled at him before he looked at Serana who's still inspecting the body of Vyrthur she then picked his dagger before she came running to him.

Serana: "It's... not as shiny as I was expecting. Still, it's beautiful."

Khalid: it's time...

Serana: " yeah I think we both know... it's time to face my father. If we don't, he'll keep chasing us for the rest of our lives.

Khalid:"as I said before, he'll have to die.

Khalid: "I've been thinking about this for a long time. It's... it's not easy. But I don't think we have much of a choice.

Khalid: "Then let's face him, together.

Serana: "If we head back to the castle and kick the front door in, we're going to be knee deep in his friends. Let's head back to Isran and let him see what we've got first. I'm betting he'll lend us a sword or two."

Khalid: Are you ready to do this?

Serana: "I don't think you can ever be ready to kill your parent. I'm doing my best not to think of him as my father anymore."

Khalid:I'm sorry Serana, but remember...I'm your family now...I will always be there for you t anytime and any place.

Serana: thank you love....thank you so much.

then Khalid held her as he used his recall spell to teleport back to Fort Dawnguard.

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