

I was laying in my bed covering myself fully with the duvet afraid to go to the university . she would have told Hiromi , what if she hates me now , what if she gets a bad opinion on me? . groaning I sat upright as I looked out of the window.

"kiyo? aren't you going to the university?"

grannie knocked the door as I opened it.

" I don't feel good grannie , so I'll take a day off"

I said as her face grew worried .

"what's wrong sweetie ? do you have fever or something?"

she asked checking my temperature.

"nope , it's nothing grannie , I just feel tired "

" oh my , take rest sweetie , if you want something call me ok?"

I nodded as she placed a soft peck on my forehead as I locked the door immediately .

I looked at her photos which were stuck all over my room as I left a sad sigh .


I was sitting in the living room waiting for my parents and sister . they had been abroad since I was born . they would come the see me once or twice a year . I loved the three of them but my father hated me just because I had little space . I would annoy him and ask him to baby me when I was little which he hated a lot but still I loved him .

The door opened revealing my dad and mom as I ran and hugged my mom , how much I missed her . she chuckled as she put down her trolley and embraced me with the same strength .

"how are you?"

she asked as I replied cheerfully

"I'm awesome mom "

I turned to my father and I was about to hug him but he walked away . my heart striked a flash as I was hurt . I looked around the door but my sister wasn't there . guess she didn't come , I turned back and saw mom had already left to her room .

I sniffed back my tears preventing them from coming out as I was about to close the door when a car parked infront of the gate. I waited for the person to show as the door opened revealing my sister . my lips immediately curved up as a hint of happiness rushed through me.

I ran to her and embraced her like no tomorrow as she hugged me more tightly . my eyes were with tears.

we pulled away as she left a small peck on my cheek .

"oh my goodness , how much I missed my baby "

she said as her eyes were teary too .

"let's go in "

"where is grannie?"

"she went for a walk "


I smiled as I let my hands rest on her shoulders as I took her inside .

"the house is still the same , just like I saw it before "

kiyoko told as she let herself fall onto the couch.

I smiled as I sat beside her .

"so how is your married life ?"

"it's really good , it's really too good to marry someone I loved and wake up every morning seeing his face and closing my eyes to sleep while seeing his face , I'm really so happy "

she exclaimed as I was happy for her but at the same time I was upset that I couldn't get my love .

"Kiyoshi? something wrong?"

she asked as I shrugged .

" is that my kiyoko? "


kiyoko ran to her as she hugged her tight.

"oh my baby kiyoko became too skinny , are you eating properly or not "

granny scolded her as I sat there chuckling .


It's been three days since I went to the university . mom and dad left the previous day as granny went to her friend's home . kiyoko stayed with me as she was doing something in her phone as I was in my room staring at the ceiling thinking about Hiromi.

suddenly someone rang the bell as I got up and went to the main door as I opened it .
















it was freaking Ritsuko!!!!!