

I was in the school's library searching for some books . finally I found a book named "Tell me your dreams "by Sidney Sheldon. I settled myself near a rack which was my usual spot . this place never misses the chance to calm me down . usually no students would be here as they were busy in sports and games but I preferred here.


after sitting there for more than two hours , I realised that it was time for me to go. I got up and headed to my class. I took my books and wait for Hiromi but she wasn't in the class. I thought she went to play or something. I packed my stuffs as I was standing near a shop which was nearby the university and just then Hiromi and Ritsuko came out . a spark immediately blinded by eyes as I just stared at her , she giggling continuesly as she waved her hands as Ritsuko went the opposite way.

Hiromi started to go the opposite way which made me quietly follow her. she then went inside a shop , that was an ice cream parlor .

I checked my pocket and found some money which was enough for me to have a bubble tea. I went in and sat at the corner of the shop as Hiromi was in a clear view . she ordered something which I couldn't hear as the waiter came to me.

"a bubble tea"

I ordered as he took a note of it and went away.

Hiromi sat idle as she started using her phone . I took out my phone and captured her picture secretly as I smiled . I was adoring her , each and every part of her .

she noticed me staring her as she blinked her eyes twice before passing a adorable smile to me . my heart was set on fire as it was so sudden that I couldn't reply her . I clutched my heart trying to control myself from exploding as I couldn't . I headed out without having my bubble tea .

I ran to my home as I didn't even greet my granny as I went straight to my room and plopped on the bed . opening her photo I smiled and started to jump on the bed.

"she smiled at me "

I was repeating that continuesly while smiling and giggling . my cheeks were flustered as it started to ache.

"Kiyoshi you came home?"

my granny yelled from downstairs as I opened my door and went down and gave a tight hug .

"what were you doing as soon as you came home ?"

she asked as I didn't reply and smiled widely and hugged her tighter.

"aish enough enough , don't kill me "

she said pulled away.


click , click , click

my phone was filled with her pictures . I followed her and adored the hell out of her. but I didn't have a single courage to speak with her . I couldn't even say a proper hi when we see each other.

I was in the class sitting irritated cause those fanboys were surrounding Hiromi blocking my way to admire her . just then Ritsuko came as she banged the table .

"out now !"

she said with a low voice enough for them to hear. this girl was making me have axiety and depression . I watched her movements as she sat down and started to write something in her notebook . I blinked several times wondering how even Hiromi manages to be her bestfriend.

that evening I went to the shop as I printed the pictures of her and took them home .

and that night passed by admiring her pictures . and this is what love feels like , it makes us do crazy things . on the other hand my granny was happy , she was happy to see me all gloomy and positive. I would usually sulk for going to school or going out somewhere but not now . it was the total opposite . I was going to the university half an hour early , just for her and I came home late just because of her . it was like my life was going smooth which infact frightened me the other way.

it was exam time everyone were busy studying . the same was with me . I had been concentrating more in it on the other hand Hiromi wasn't coming to the university which I hated a lot. and now it was the fourth day she hadn't come .

gathering up all my courage I turned to Ritsuko .

"Ri-ritsuko ?"

I called her as she looked up to me having no idea why I called her because we hadn't had any conversation since the first day.

"umm y-you know why hi-hiromi didn't come for the past days "

I asked looking down afraid to look at her .

"she wants to read for the exams so she she took some days off"

she said with one go and diverted herself to her work again .

"oh ok "

I mumbled .





"If I miss you any harder, my heart might come looking for you."