

(The episode start with a beach filled with Ampromorphic characters. The screen shows Cameron: a cat boy, he has short brown hair, wearing a white shirt, blue jacket, blue jeans, his ears out, and his tail; working on the script of an adventurous boy that finds part of a necklace, it gives him the power to bring happiness and on the journey he gets visited by ghosts, while talking to one of the ghosts, he meets another boy that has the other piece of the necklace and they have an adventure together discovering they were meant for each other)

(Helilah comes into Cameron's office bringing the parts of the story that the boss copied down. She has mouse features, she has long silver hair, wearing a polka dot dress)

Cameron (looked at the papers): It seems the boss gave it a better review, then he did for my last story.

Helilah (with excitement in her eyes): Does that mean?

Cameron: Yup, we can continue with casting, the movie will be shown.

Helilah: Yes.

Cameron: Helilah remember, you're supposed to be acting professional.

Helilah: Of course.

(Helilah starts touching Cameron's ears)

Cameron (quivering, trying not to laugh): Helilah, stop you know that tickles

(The screen shows the other side of the building Cameron and Helilah's boss is working, when he hears a knock on the door. The boss has hamster ears, short blonde hair, wearing a blue suit and is thin.

His name is Mr. Peach.)

The boss: Yes, come in.

The boy: Uh, boss.

(This boy is the size of a highschool boy who has short black hair, wearing a sweater, blue jeans, and white shoes. He has rabbit ears, and a tail. His name is Peter)

(Peter is blushing, and holding a notebook.)

Mr peach: (looks at Peter) What are you doing here, peter?

Mr.peach (smirks): I told you to come after work.

Peter (looks at Mr. Peach, shyly): The...supercomputer...has picked up a large range of supernatural energy.

Mr. Peach (curious): What?! What kind of energy?

Peter: The kind that would rip apart our world.

Mr. Peach: Is Alice on it?

Petee: Of course, but it's hard to contain.

Mr. Peach (while walking away): I'll go help with the supercomputer, you keep an eye on my employees.

Peter (nervously): Of course, sir.

Me.Peach (by the door): Oh, and Peter remember our plans tonight. (closes the door)

(Peter blushes after hearing that, and hides his face with his notebook.)

Mr. Peach (walking in the hallway with a smile on his face): He's so adorable.

(Mr. Peach continues walking until he heads downstairs to the lab, where he sees a woman who has long red hair, fox ears, wearing a white lab coat, red shirt, blue pants, holding a clipboard. She's Alice)

Alice: Boss, everything is going well, but there are still faults.

Mr. Peach: What is the result?

Alice: It looks like a portal will open

(A flash of light covering the whole building)

(The screen opens with Soarah: 18-year-old woman who has long brown hair, wearing a ranger outfit running through the forest along two men: Tenfield:one who has short white hair, and Danny: the other has red hair, both wearing ranger outfit, the screen shows Tenfield has a necklace, Soarah has earrings, and Danny has a ring, all of them are Egyptian objects)

(Danny, Soarah, and Tenfield are being chased by a void of darkness and escape to the temple)

(Inside the temple, there is a huge hallway, which is where Soarah, Danny, and Tenfield is trying to avoid all the traps)

(The screen switches to Soarah destroying the Labyrinth wall)

Danny (tired): We made it.

Soarah: True, but there's still (points to a statue) that

Tenfield: Right, this is where we give up our objects.

Soarah (touches her earrings with a sad look): I've gotten so used to having this power, it feels kinda sad not to have it.

A voice (echoes): You don't have to give them up

Danny (concerned): Who said that?

A voice: A friend, Unfortunately I don't have the strength to present myself to you.

Soarah: Then, how do we know we can trust you

A voice: Doesn't the young boy's necklace tell you?

(All the kid's eyes widened)

Tenfield: That's true (closes his eyes as the necklace glows) It's telling the truth there is another way.

Soarah: What is it?

Tenfield: You have to confess your feelings

Soarah: Feelings, what is this a fairytale.

Tenfield: Not you? I mean Danny.

Danny (eyes widened): You don't mean.

Tenfield: Only between the people that possess the items, can this work.

Danny (blushed): No way! (Turns his head)

Tenfield: The hag forgot to tell us that if we give up the items we will die.

Soarah (surprised): Die!

Tenfield: Yup, Die.

Danny (angry): Why that! (Looks at Tenfield) You can't be serious.

Tenfield (blushes with his arms folded): I don't kid about these things.

Danny (heart beats) (backs up): But.

(The screen shows the walls get closer)

Soarah (pushing the wall): It's another trap

Tenfield: You have to do it.

Danny (shakes his head): No way!

Soarah: You idiot! if you don't do it, we're going to die.

Tenfield: Just do it.

Danny: But...I've never

Tenfield: Neither have I, just do it.

Danny: Fine! (walks carefully to Tenfield)

(Tenfield smiles)

Danny: I hate you!

Tenfield: I know.

(Danny kisses Tenfield on the field, as Soarah is pulling the wall, it looks as if the wall are going to flatten them, then it stops)

Soarah: I thought you have to kiss on the lips.

Danny (angrily looks at Soarah): As if I kiss him on the lips (blush with his arms folded)

Tenfield (thought) (smiles): True, there's no way he could do that.

Danny (points to the glowing door): Let's go.

(Tenfield, Danny and Soarah walk to the glowing door)

Soarah: Do you think we will be going on adventures like this every time?

Tenfield (smiles): That's a secret

(Soarah and Danny gasp)

Soarah: What do you mean secret?

Danny: You better answer that question.

(Danny and Soarah talk to Tenfield angrily as the walk into the glowing door)

A voice: Cut.

(Bell rings)

(The screen shows a megaphone, then shows a man who has short purple hair in a ponytail with two blue streaks in the front, wearing a white shirt with a red tie, and blue pants with his legs crossed)

Tenfield (looking excited): How did we do?

A man: Fantastic, Tenfield you definitely made me believe that you were an almost emotionless person.

Tenfield: Thank you

(Soarah drinks some lemonade)

Soarah: I felt like I was literally playing myself.

Danny: That's because you were (Drinks some water)

Soarah (looking angry): Why you?

(Soarah and Danny run around the place)

The man: Those two are crazy

(The ground shakes)

Soarah: Whoa! What was that?

Danny: I don't know.

(They all look at the ceiling and see all rumble come down)

(The screen switches to Cameron being sucked by a portal)

(The portal looks like space and an electric field hits Cameron, making him scream)

(The ceiling open up, the portal is shown, then Cameron falls and lands on the floor)

(The episode ends)