
Daughter of The Underworld

If you like Action, Adventure, forbidden love, and overprotective fathers, then this is the book for you. This book is based on the Percy Jackson series.

Payton_Hart · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter 1: My complicated Family

Hi my name is Haley and I'm the daughter of the god Hades. I'm a demigod. Even though my father wasn't supposed to have any more children with mortals, he had me. I have orange wavy hair like fire, deep green eyes, which my dad says I inherited from my mom, I'm small size for my age but medium height,( because I don't eat a lot). I never knew my mom. My dad said she disappeared after I was born, but that I remind him so much of her. He and Phosephone raised me in the underworld. I've never left, Because my dad is very protective. My father is a god, so I have special powers, I can control fire, I can't be burnt, I can shift the earth and it's crust, I can also shapeshift into different people, animals, and I can teleport. I've always wanted to go up to see the real world, but you know being the daughter of one of the big three gods, Zeus, Poseidon, and my dad Hades. I wouldn't really be able to get around without being attacked by monsters and other mythical things. I wanted to be normal, I mean not like a mortal but a normal demigod. All I wanted to do was see one of the major cities, maybe New York city, or Los Angeles. Maybe one day I'll visit. "Haley!" I hear a deep voice pierce through the walls of my bedroom. I shot right up and let out a loud groan as I heard the voice of my father. I quickly get out of my queen sized bed and throw on my silk robe. What does he want? I think to myself, is he mad? I didn't disobey any of his rules. I quickly walk to my door as I tie my robe. I open the door and basically run down the corridors of our mansion, in the direction of my fathers voice. Our house is in the very center of the underworld. I can't think, my mind is overwhelmed by what my father might want. I walked into the dining room where I figured my father called me from. There were usually 3 throne-like chairs at a table that could fit about twenty people. but all I could see was darkness. It is quiet, maybe a little too quiet. "Dad." I whisper, 'Creek' I turn my head, light a fire ball in my hand. And the lights suddenly turn on as I hear "SURPRISE!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I see the guards, maids, and my complicated family. I extinguish my fire ball. My dad walks forward towards me with a smile plastered on his face as his eyes light up with joy. He's wearing Black ripped jeans, a marine shirt, and a leather jacket. "Happy sixteenth birthday honey, were you surprised?" he said as he gives me a hug. " Yeah I was surprised, I was so scared I almost set someone on fire." I said, my dad started laughing. I didn't like my birthday, but my dad was always his happiest on it. Whenever it was my birthday my mind always wondered about my birth mother. Even though Persephone is like my mom and I call her mom, she isn't my birth mom. She knows why I don't like my birthday, and she understands. I can talk to her about anything. Even though I don't like my birthday, she tries to make it fun for me. Persephone walks over and joins the hug, " Happy birthday dear…...We got you something." Persephone said elbowing my dad. " ohhhhh, right, here." He looks at the maids as they bring something over that I can't see. The maids move and I see a…...suitcase?

Thank you all for reading I hope you liked it. I will try to have the next chapter out as soon as I can. Please comment if you have any thing that you would like to see.

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