

Their night was just starting as they both begin to undress. Y/N fingers undoing her dress the silk belt that ties at her hip as the fabric comes undone. Moving her eyes from the vibrant red, to Peter, who stands with his back to her shrugging out of his jacket, and moving on to a new topic on some new idea, a slow smile spreads across her face. Delicately removing the belt from the dress she moves forward with a purpose, as Peter remains oblivious, lost in his own world. Dropping the silk over his eyes he trails off as she secures it around his head.

She can hear his breath hitch just slightly as he turns slowly to face her, a smile fighting to show "Y/N?"

He's never requested more out of their sex life, they've mixed it up with various positions and locations around the house, but she knows it's all relatively tame compared to his past. With how fast his mind moves, anything repetitive and mundane can bore him quickly. She also knows it's very unlikely of him to open up about any weird kinks of his, as that requires a level of vulnerability he's not comfortable with, so she'll have to be the one to make the first move; it's always been her job to look out for his best interest.

"You talk too much," she whispers, trailing her lips along his ear, kissing down his neck.

"Oh God," Peter shutters instantly, his breathing picking up speed. Y/N grins in satisfaction, enjoying the feeling of control over him, and how he seems ready to come undone at a simple word.

Just as he lifts his hands trying to pull her closer she steps away, leaving him to grope empty air. "Y/N," he calls, blindly probing the air as a frown appears.

"You're not the one calling the shots tonight Peter." She knows from her time as his PA and his playboy days that he has a thing about restraints. It wasn't uncommon for her to notice handcuffs and scarves mixed into the bedding the morning after his latest conquest stumbled out of bed, gripping the sheet tightly as she fought to hold onto some dignity.

Having never engaged in the activity herself, she had simply written it off, now with him practically vibrating with excitement and the sense of power she has, she can certainly see the appeal. Leading him over to the bed she moves him in front of her, pushing him down on the end of the bed. His knees knock against it as he sits, bouncing slightly, the smile on his face only growing. Straddling his waist she kisses him hard on the mouth, deciding when his hands settle on her and move up her back as he tries to change their positions, the blindfold isn't going to be enough.

Pulling back, she removes his hands from her waist, securing them as best she can behind his back. Her voice drops huskily as she leans in to whisper in his ear, excitement coursing through her with her next words. "Where do you keep the handcuffs?"