
Daryll's Son || Carl Grimes (On Hold)

Axel Dixon, the son of Daryl Dixon lost his father at the beginning of the apocalypse, left to survive with his twin sister Tanner. What happens when he finds his father and a certain brown haired, blue eyed boy catches his attention. Carl Grimes is a kid who thought he knew himself his whole life. But did he? What happens when he discovers a new side of himself. And better yet what will Rick think of this new side. I do not own any of the Walking Dead. I only own my original character. This story will contain spoilers so if you don't want those don't read.

Fanfic_is_my_porn · TV
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Chapter 17- Killing the Crazy

Axel's POV-

I was laying down trying to sleep. Carol and Lizzie were talking about Terminus. Then Lizzie started talking about how she killed some people. I sat up to join the conversation. "I shot the Governor." I said. I knew it was supposed to feel good. But I don't like killing people. "Why you?" Carol asked. "He uhh... He crossed a line with my sister." I said. "You mean like Maggie?" Carol asked. "What do you mean?" I asked with an awful feeling building up in my stomach. "He did some very inappropriate things to her?" Carol said.

I looked away shocked. There was someone Tanner could talk to the whole time. Carol stared at me waiting for my answer and I simply nodded. I then layed back down and tried to go to sleep. Although I just ended up silently crying. I missed Tanner and Dad. And Carl. I missed Carl a whole lot. At least I have Judith with me though. I also had Mica though. With all my time at the prison I've grown very close to Mica. She was as much of my sister as Tanner.

~The Next Morning~

We were walking for a little looking for something to put on Tyreese's arm. Mica has a hell of a scratch. I chuckled at the thought. "What's so funny?" Mica asked with her innocent smile. I swear her smile can make me forget that the apocalypse even happened. "Well..." I started as I picked her up and put her on my hip. "I was just thinking on how you have one hell of a scratch." I said with a smile. She gave me a big smile in return.

"Now lets go." I said putting her on my back and walking to the others. When we got over there Carol was finishing up with Tyreese's arm. I sat Mica down next to Lizzie and went over to Carol. Her and Tyreese were talking about Lizzie. "She doesn't understand walkers. She thinks they're just different." Carol said. "What about Mica. Is she the same?" Tyreese asked. "No she's worse." I butted in as I sat down. They both looked at me curiously. "She doesn't have a mean bone in her body." I said feeling a twinge of pain in my heart.

Later on we were walking and Mica started talking about some book they didn't finish apparently. I love how she can think about such irrelevant things during a time like this. I suppose it's both a blessing and a curse though. We smelt something weird and looked around. "Fire." I said as I tried to locate it. Me, Mica, and Carol went to look for water leaving Tyreese and Lizzie by themselves with the baby.

"You know Lizzie can carry a lot more than me." Mica said. "I brought you cause I needed to talk to you." Carol said. "Why?" Lizzie asked. Carol looked as if she didn't know what to say so I answered for her. "Because you sweet and your little. And those are two things that can get you killed." I said in a stern voice. "You can't change how big you are.." Carol said trying to sympathizes for her. "I wish I could." Mica said. "...but you can toughen up." I added. "I don't have to be tough. I can run. I'm good at that." Mica said.

I was about to respond to her when Carol practically jerked Mica toward her. "No." she said in a honestly terrifying voice. "My daughter ran and it wasn't enough." Carol said. The rest of the conversation was just Mica talking about how she couldn't kill a person and Carol reprimanding her. I tuned out not caring for the conversation anymore until Mica spoke up. "Look." she said as she pointed at a house. "My mom used to say everything works out the way it's supposed to." Mica said with the biggest smile.

Sure her mom was definitely wrong but there's no harm in it. For now. We went back to get everyone and then headed to the house. There were Pecans everywhere. I shed a tear thinking about how much Tanner loved Pecans. I wonder if she's still alive. "You know maybe we could catch our breath here for a while." Carol said. "Look." Lizzie said pointing to the fire. There it is. Carol had me and the girls wait outside while her and Tyreese went and searched the house.

"There gonna be okay." Mica said as she noticed the worried expression on Lizzie's face. "It's not that." Lizzie said. Mine and Mica both followed Lizzie's eyes to a grave. It looked like a babies. "Is it that there was a baby?" Mica questioned. "No." Lizzie said. It was silent for a couple of seconds before Lizzie spoke up again. "There gonna find one of them in there and there gonna-" Mica cut her off. "Stop it! They aren't people." Mica snapped.

Lizzie looked at her with a look that broke my heart. The girl had simply lost it. "But your wrong. All of you." "They aren't people Lizzie. They're just dead." I said trying not to freak out on the girl. Just then a walker came out and walked off the balcony. Mica raised her gun and shot it. Carol and Tyreese came running out and Carol picked Lizzie up off the ground. "Why are you crying?" I all but spat. Carol gave me a warning look. "Were you scared?" she asked. "No." Lizzie said. "Then why were you crying?" Carol asked. "I don't wanna say." Lizzie responded and ran off. I just scoffed as Carol sent me a glare.

Later that night me Carol, and Lizzie were sitting at the dinner table. "You okay?" Carol asked Lizzie. "Sometimes, I don't understand. But I'm trying to, ma'am. I am." Lizzie said. I feel like I should've felt closure in this but for some reason I didn't. All the sudden Mica ran into the room. "Look what I found!" she said excitedly, holding up a doll. "I'm gonna name her Griselda Gunderson." she said and ran to the carpet to play with her new doll.

"Will you play with me?" Mica asked. "Sure." I said as I went to the carpet with her. We played with the doll for a while before Mica went to bed.

~The Next Morning~

The next morning Lizzie was trying to play with a walker. Me and Carol ran outside. "Get away from it." I yelled as Carol pushed Lizzie out of the way and jumped on top of it. She was playing with me. She was my friend." Lizzie yelled. "She was trying to kill you." I yelled back. Lizzie started yelling you don't understand over and over again. I swear this child is a fucking psycho.

I was sitting on the porch when I saw Mica follow Lizzie out to the tracks. I wonder what there doing .A couple minutes later the girls came back screaming with a bunch of walkers behind them. Once again we were back at the table with Lizzie. "I had to help stop them." Lizzie said "Do you understand what they are now?" Carol asked. "I know- I know what I have to do now. I know." Lizzie said. Carol gave the whole everything is worth something type speach. God it's not gonna help. I thought.

~The Next Morning~ (Once again. I know. I'm sorry)

Carol was talking about fixing up the house so we could stay. I don't wanna stay. I want to be with Carl, and dad, and Tanner. Tyreese started talking about Karen and how he sees someone kill her in his dreams. He says it's a total stranger. Little does he know the person who killed her is standing right next to him. We were walking back when we saw Lizzie with bloody hands. I ran over there and saw Mica dead on the ground. "Wh-What did you do? What did you do!?" I screamed. "Don't worry. She'll come back. I didn't hurt her brain." Her voice alone made me puke.

I wiped my mouth then looked over to see Judith laying on a blanket right next to Mica's dead body. I cried realizing that Mica was dead. Lizzie was smiling like a mad man and it was sickening. Carol grabbed a knife to put Mica down but Lizzie pulled a gun on her. "I need to show you you'll see. You'll finally ge-" she was cut off by a gun shot. A gun that I had shot. Lizzie fell over as the bullet went through her skull.

Carol and Tyreese looked at me. I couldn't tell what they were feeling. I was crying. Hard. Tears were streaming down my face. But I didn't make a sound. I grabbed my knife out of it's holster and walked over the Mica. I stroked her hair back before plunging the knife into her skull. As I did this I let out a loud sob. I then quickly walked over and picked up Judith before running into the house and to one of the back bedrooms.

I held Judith close to me as I sobbed my heart out. I'm sure they could still here me from outside. My chest hurt so bad. I couldn't breathe. She killed my little sister. I continued to cry until I fell asleep with Judith in my arms.

A/N- Hi Lovies! This was a really sad chapter all though it was not well written. Anyways this was a very relevant chapter and I hope you guys liked it. Also sorry for all the "The Next Morning"'s.

Word Count- 1602 : )