
Cruella de Vil

Looking at their skin, the doctor sighs. "It seems like your skin having a severe irritation from the product you use." and the doctor averted his eyes to Ramona's head.

It had a few bald spots, and it looks awful too. The doctor couldn't help but sympathize with her. "For your hair..it'll take time to regrow back. I suspect you use a wrong product or mistook the product as a shampoo."

Ramona squinted her eyes after hearing the doctor's explanation. There's no way she uses the wrong product. On the bottle, it states, it was shampoo. "But, it clearly a shampoo."

"No, its…hair removal shampoo." One of the doctor's assistant walked out of the bathroom and took out the shampoo bottle that Ramona uses.

"What?" Ramona snatches the bottle from the assistant and looks at the label. He was right! It says 'Hair removal shampoo,' except that the word hair removal is printed in a super tiny size, and she couldn't see it clearly.