
Darkness Unvieled

Her world was different, Unheard of, she thought she was a normal, depressed girl, until she met Ash, he became her lifeline, Her best friend, but he was there with her for something else........

Aiman_wastii · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


He nodded at her friends and featured at Hazel to sit with him in the back

"sure" replied Hazel.

Lia raised an eyebrow .

"excuse me girl, you are gonna sit with us"

"not sitting with you once will not kill you guys"

Lia rolled her eyes and featured them to go.

"come on"

Ash was so focused on what they were talking about that he didn't pay attention to his new class fellows all starting at him, 9 boys and 8 girls, his attention hot caught at a guy who was starting at him like he was meat.

Ash gritted his teeth as he realized he was the enemy, one of their opposite clan.

it's not like he wasn't prepared, Hazel had Royal and ancient blood, She was sure to attract lots of enemies.

They guy approached him and offered him his hand "I am Jay, head prefect"

Ash clutched his hand, both were trying to break each other's hand, Hazel sensed the tension between them and laughed uncomfortably, "uh guys?" They parted their hands

"I am Ash" Ash smiled , as though a second ago they weren't trying to crush each other's hands.

"Nice meeting you, this school is a dangerous place by the way, better start safe, keep your head down and play the mouse" Jay winked.

Ash laughed without humor. "I could say the same without you"

Hazel interrupted "okay okay, jeez Jay, what's your problem?"

"nothing" Jay said and walked away

"ignore him he's mad come on"

Ash followed Hazel to the back of the class and they say together, Jay yelled at them"you two gonna sit together?"

"use your eyes Jay, not your 2 brain cells, yes I am sitting with him, mind you're own business"

Jay rolled his eyes and turned his head away.

Ash smiled at Hazel.

*she's interesting*he said laughing to himself


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