
Darkness of Remnant

A man dies and gets reincarnated with wishes and he only has one thing on his mind fucking some sexy remnant bitches and killing people.

Webmonger · Anime e quadrinhos
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9 Chs


Waking up the next morning Hooodini stretches and gets ready to meet his team. After showering, brushing his teeth, and getting dressed he heads out.

He wore a black long sleeve wool shirt with white jeans and black boots. He decided to not wear his top hat or suit because he wanted a change of pace.

"Cynthia said they should be here already." Hooodini says before his scroll dings.

'I have put all of your numbers in here this will be your team chat.' Cynthia sent a text before exiting the chat leaving the 4.

'Let's meet at MgRonalds in 10 minutes.' Hooodini types before taking off into the sky.

He arrives early to get his food faster and goes to sit at a booth table to wait for his team mates. Soon he spots Spindra she wore a tight purple dress and had on black sunglasses with purple lipstick. She held a small white purse and had black heels.

"Hello handsome." She said dipping her glasses.

"Didn't expect you to be the dress up type." Hooodini moved over.

"Sometimes a girl wants to look beautiful." Spindra said sitting next to him.

"Well you did a good job." He grabbed her waist and pulled her into his chest before kissing her neck and nibbling on her ear.

"MgRonalds huh quite the difference from the luxury restaurant you brought your two friends to yesterday." A voice said causing them to turn towards it.

A beautiful woman stood infront of the table she had long curly brown hair with yellow and green eyes that had vertical slit pupils. Her skin was pale and flawless her lips were nice and plump and a fork tongue slipped through them at quick speeds.

She was 5'10 with a small chest but still larger than Spindra, a slim body, and delicate face. She wore a large white coat over a plain green shirt and skinny blue jeans with green shoes.

"Stalking me and we haven't even met." Hooodini says watching the woman slide into the seat across from them.

"Not really I have eyes all over the city nothing escapes my notice. Like that woman over there she just had an affair with her boss last night for a promotion and told her husband that she had to work over time." The woman pointed to a blonde lady.

"Hooodini this is Komi our resident poison expert and spymaster. She controls most of the information in our city but her network of spy stretches across the entire world." Spindra says.

"Impressive that will be very useful." He said watching her tongue flick out every so often.

"Thank you anyway as our leader that information will be at your disposal." Komi sits down.

"Curious what kind of snake Faunus are you." He asked.

"Hmm have I caught the attention of our leader Spindra you better watch out I might take him from you." Komi giggled

"That wouldn't be the case if I wanted both of you then I would have both of you." He said seriously.

"Oh my well I'm an Inland Taipan Faunus sorry if my tongue bothers you I can't help it." She said.

"It doesn't bother me in fact I find it beautiful." He replied receiving a smile.

"So we are waiting on the last person." Spindra said.

"Oh he is about to walk through the door." Komi looked towards the door along with the other two.

What they saw shocked them walking through the door was a gargantuan man standing at 7'6 and was built like a tank. He had white skin with closed eyes, his face was intimidating and black hair with 2 large white spots on the front. He wore a nice suit that had a hole specially made to fit the large black dorsal fin on his back.

"Who the hell." Hooodini was so surprised he dropped his fries.

"That is Maur Ora also known as the Apex. He is our number four." Komi said smirking.

"Maur over here." Komi waved and the massive man walked to the table but could barely fit in the seat.

"Maur here is an Orca Faunus and is said to be the physical strongest person in our organization and can definitely compete for strongest in the world." Komi placed her hand on his broad shoulder.

"Maur was it can you talk." Hooodini asked.

"Nope he is mute but you don't need to worry about him he follows orders exactly and completes them without fail." Komi's eyes looked crazy for a second.

"So Hooodini as the leader of team he will follow your orders as will I." Komi said.

"You have my abilities at your command as well." Spindra said.

"Good." Hooodini smirked.

-5 hours later-

After getting to know each other for a couple hours the team stopped at park.

"I have some thing to do today so I'll be off unless it's urgent just do your own thing until we start school." Hooodini said taking off into the sky.

"I guess I'll go to I still have so much work to do come on Maur." Komi smiled jumping on his shoulders.

"I don't have anything to do today and I'm at the park so I might as well have some fun." Spindra says hopping on a swing.

After a couple minutes a young girl in a black and red outfit walked past her before stopping and turning around.

"Ma'am you should probably change if you want to swing." The girl said quickly blushing.

Spindra tilted her head then looked down at her dress. 'Oh she must have seen my panties.' Spindra smiled.

"Well aren't you just adorable." Spindra said hopping off the swing and pinched her cheeks.

"I'm Spindra what's your name." Spindra hugging Ruby and rubbing her face with her own.

"I'm Ruby." Ruby said quietly while blushing.

"Oh sorry I just see a cute little thing like you and can't help myself. What are doing out here by yourself." Spindra asked.

"I was practicing with my weapon."


"Yup Crescent Rose my baby. She's a high impact sniper rifle that's also a Scythe." Ruby pulled out Crescent Rose and swung it around.

"How neat it looks power yet light."

"Haha thank you." Ruby blushed rubbing the back of her head.

"Do you plan to become a huntress." Spindra asked

"Yup I'm at Signal right now." Ruby smiles

"I'll wait for you at Beacon then I'm starting this year."

"Really my big sister Yang is starting at Beacon this year too." Ruby yelled.

The two talk for a while before Ruby had to head home but Spindra gave Ruby her number.

'Ruby huh I'll have Komi investigate her. Sorry Ruby but I can't let you out of my web when you served yourself up to me like that.' Spindra watched Ruby walking away and lick her lips with a crazy look in her eyes. Spindra went to find Komi to asked her about her lucky new find.

-later that night- [In a dark warehouse]

"Spindra to what do I owe the pleasure." Komi said not looking back as she seemed busy.

"I need you to investigate someone." Spindra said walking towards her lab table seeing A flashlight and mask on Komi's face.

"Oh really who." Komi asked a blood splash over her face and lab coat.

"You already know who I know you were watching." Spindra watched Komi slice open a body with a scalpel then pulled out some of the organ and examining them.

"Actually I wasn't me and Maur have been working hard since we left isn't that right Maur." Komi placed down her scalpel and took off her bloody googles.

Maur didn't say anything but threw down another three bodies that were alive but unconscious.

"Give me a second and I'll be ready." Komi put on reading glasses sat down in her chair and rolled up to her computer.

"What are you doing to need this many bodies." Spindra looked around the warehouse to see dozens of corpses piled up.

"I'm experimenting on the how the human body reacts when my poison is mixed with different kinds of dust. Today was fire dust day if you couldn't tell by the charred organs I was accurate with my hypothesis too." Komi smiled and typed.

"Maur throw the fresh meat in the freezer for the next experiment we are done for today." Komi said taking off her lab coat and cracking her neck.

"And done so who is the person you what to know about." Komi asked

"Her name is Ruby I didn't get her last name."

"Ruby does she have silver eyes." Komi asked.

"Yes I'm guessing you know her."

"Oh my Spindra you are a lucky duck." Komi starts to type on her computer and pulls up a file.

[Name:Ruby Rose

Height: 5'2

Weight: 110lbs

Primary Hand: Left

Eye color: Silver

Hair color: black

Three sizes: 30,22,32

Looks: Adorably cute and small

Weapon: Sniper Scythe

Semblance: Petal Burst allows her to

Relationships: daughter of Summer Rose and Taiyang Xiaolong. She has a half sister same dad different mom whose happens to me Raven Branwen leader of the Branwen tribe. Her mother was a silver eyed warrior and a powerful huntsman, she inherited her mother eyes but doesn't know how to use them yet she is currently at signal academy and trains with her Uncle Qrow Branwen.

Extra info: sources says Ozpin might have her enter this year.]

"You never fail to impress me." Spindra says.

"Her profile is more detailed than usual because of her origins." Komi sipped some coffee and put one leg up the other.

"Her three sizes are important." Spindles gave her a deadpan look.

"Yes they could be useful for disguises or something." Komi shrugged.

"And what is this camera box at the bottom." Spindra asked before getting interrupted by a scream.

"Just photos of her…Maur could you quiet down." Komi said yelling and clicking the icon.

In it was around a dozen pictures of her some in public and some at home there was even a shower picture of her.

"How did you."

"Shh Spindra just accept that I can." Komi giggled.

"Anyway I can send the file directly to you if you want but why would you be so interested in her."

"She looks so cute and innocent it makes me want to ravage and corrupt her you wouldn't get in the way of that would you." Spindra turned around with a creepy smile on her face.

"No but if you plan to kill her give me her eyes first."

"Kill no I would never." Spindra started walking towards the door.

"Thanks for the info Komi see you later." Spindra said leaving.

"What a crazy bitch." Komi sighed standing up before locking eyes with one of the new people.

"Go ahead and run I always love a nice chase." Komi smiled letting the person take off.


Name: Komi [The Viper]

Faunus Type: Inland Taipan Faunus

Faunus Trait: Snake eyes,tongue, and fangs

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color:Green Yellow mix(pupils are vertical slits)

Height: 5'10


Semblance/Aura Color: Unknown/Green

Fun fact: Can create poisons out of her blood that she uses to coat her weapons, poisonous pills, and drugs. She also have fangs the can produce deadly venom.


Name: Maur Ora [The Apex]

Faunus Type: Orca Faunus

Faunus Trait: Orca back fin

Hair Color: Black with two large white circles on top of his head on either side

Eye Color: black completely with white pupil

Height: 7'6

Age: 17

Semblance/Aura Color: Unknown/Black

Fun fact: Dispute being an Orca Faunus he can't swim that well.