

 Sirens blared as soldiers ran through the winding halls of the underground facility. It was utter chaos as lights flashed brightly and dimly before anyone's eyes could adjust. No one knew what to make of it. It was an emergency but no one knew what it was all about. This was a first since the facility had been built.

Jasper ran through the winding corridors. He adjusted his helmet so it wasn't blocking his view. He was just a new transfer to the facility and everything was already going wrong for him.

"It's the critters!" Someone yelled down the corridor. Jasper turned a corner and nearly hurled. A soldier's face was being gnawed on by a giant ant like creature. His breath caught when it looked up at him and opened up it's mandibles. He could see the eye of the now dead soldier staring straight at him from inside the creature's mouth. His eyes bulged and he spun on his heels.

"They're here! It's the Ants!" He screamed at the top of his lungs and went running back where he had come from. He could hear the sound of it's many legs scrambling after him as well as the faint buzzing of wings. His heart pumped blood through his body too fast as his face turned red. He tripped over something and fell down as he turned a corner. His blood froze when he heard the sound of the buzzing stop right behind him. Jasper looked back slightly to see what had tripped him and threw up what he had eaten for lunch that day. Below his feet laid the carcass of a man who's insides were being eaten up by an Ant. His pupils grew wide with fear when it looked up at him. He could feel his mind reeling and thinking up all the possible things he could do to get out of this situation but they all ended with him being digested by an Ant.

Just as his eyes rolled to the back of his skull and he lost consciousness, he heard a shrill whistle and could vaguely make out a humanoid form step forward as the Ants backed down.

With that, he concluded his life over as his mind shut down...