

I take long strides towards the room, by now, numb to all the fearful stares thrown my way. From fear and desperation to horror and finally a cold calm I've cycled through it all. With my flashing red clothes I'm not just a killing machine but also a mascot of sorts. No, that's wrong. Instead, I represent a warning, a blaring warning of the fate awaiting any traitors.

"Hey Crim!"

I flinch. Aaah I figured she'd be here, probably getting more terrifying ingredients I don't want to know the name of. I pause and turn to face the only person at this base who talks to me like I'm a normal person. She's also the only one at this place who's almost as dangerous as me, the type of person who, I could probably kill, but in turn I'd die an even more gruesome and painful death. Or, I may not even die. Knowing her she would probably keep me alive in the most painful way possible.

This is Mecha: master of technology, magic, and potions/poisons. She specializes in magical tools (mostly weapons) with a poison component. People didn't take her seriously until she manufactured her own aphrodisiac and used it on two high ranking old officials who refused one of her demands. It'd have been one thing if she gave them a couple of women but they were having a meeting and were the only two in the room. The next morning...clothes were strewn everywhere and...yup, let's skip over that. And did I mention, both were men. Stubborn old chauvinistic men to whom anything not between a husband and wife is indecent.

Upset does not do the situation justice. There was so much chaos that they even forgot to send me out on missions. My thoughts return to Mecha standing in front of me. She has a short bob of redish brown hair and freckles, looking rather like a country bumpkin with her messed up hair, no doubt caused my negligence in the face of some other creation. If you didn't know her you'd truly think she's harmless. The next think you'd know she'd have you strung naked to a tree.

"Crim! You heading up to see boss? Ooh, by the way they got some new prisoners. I'm wondering if I can use them for my new experiment. It's actually-"

Oh, did I mention, she's a chatterbox? Mecca's actually the one who coined my title: The Crimson Demon and she spread it far and wide so before I knew it fearful whispers had spread all throughout the compound and beyond, it may have even spread to another country by now. She also gave me a nickname, a shortened version of my title, used exclusively by her.

But then my mind goes to her words. Prisoners? We never have prisoners, at least not here. It's always kill straight away. Who could possibly be important enough to keep as a prisoner? Or rather, what important information could they have? I shake my head again, seriously, why as I thinking so much today?

With great difficultly I extract myself from Mecha and continue on my way, this time uninterrupted. Just as I'm about to knock the door opens by itself and for a second I catch my breath.

Pretty. I haven't used such an innocent word in years but that's what comes to mind. With short fluffy locks of chocolate brown and large baby blue eyes the being standing in front of me is an angel. Her eyes are pure and uncorrupted, just like the me from before...

"Destroy..." Rai's hiss brings me be back to my senses and with a blink my cold mask slides back on. The girl looks at me a little curiously before she leaves down the hallway. I internally laugh at myself, how can someone coming out of the boss's office be pure and uncorrupted? My mind flashes to the hand cuffs I hadn't bothered to think about before. She's a prisoner.

With my thousandth mental head shake of the day I clear my mind and step forward into the room. Immediately I come face to face with a pair of eyes I never thought, nor wanted to come into contact with again and a boiling rage lights up within me.

"Hello, Esme. Or is it Crimson now?" Asks Millie, my non blood related sister and the cause of all my suffering.