
Dark Politics: The Journey to the Presidency in the DC Universe

Step into the underworld of corrupt politics in Gotham City, where power and corruption intertwine in a dark web. Follow the fascinating journey of a relentless politician aiming for the U.S. presidency, while challenging superheroes In a game of betrayal, secrets, and epic showdowns, this fanfiction offers a bold and unrelenting view of the dark side of the DC universe. Get ready to dive into an electrifying plot filled with twists and discover whether the villain can truly triumph over the hero in 'Dark Politics

MyrddinPeverell · Anime e quadrinhos
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5 Chs

The Trap

He had a trap. Something that could catch his enemy off guard, that could expose his weakness, that could end his threat. Something that involved deception, danger and death. Something that was clever, cruel and cunning.

He had a trap for Bruce Wayne, and for Batman. He knew that they were the same person, and that they had the same flaw. They cared too much, about their city, about their people, about their friends. They had a heart, and he would use that to break them.

He had a trap that involved one of Bruce Wayne's closest friends, and one of Batman's most trusted allies. He had a trap that involved Alfred Pennyworth, the loyal butler of the Wayne family. Alfred was an old man, who had served the Waynes for decades, who had raised Bruce after his parents were killed, who had supported him in his crusade as Batman. Alfred was a wise man, who had a lot of knowledge, a lot of skills, and a lot of secrets. Alfred was a good man, who had a lot of love, a lot of courage, and a lot of faith.

He did not know that John Smith was a metahuman, who could control his mind. He did not know that John Smith was his enemy, who wanted to hurt him, who wanted to use him. He did not know that John Smith had an ally, who was Lucifer, who wanted to destroy him.

John Smith kidnapped Alfred, when he was leaving the Wayne Manor, to buy some groceries. He used his power to subdue him, to make him unconscious, to make him forget. He took him to a secret location, where he had prepared his trap. He had a plan to use Alfred, to lure Bruce Wayne, and Batman, into his trap.

He had a plan to use Alfred, to make Bruce Wayne suffer, to make Batman fall, to make them both die.

He was John Smith, the future president of the United States. And he had just set his trap.

"Mr. Pennyworth, I'm John Smith, a councilman of Gotham City. I'm here to ask you a favor, that you can't refuse." John Smith said, as he entered the room, where Alfred was tied to a chair, with wires attached to his head.

Alfred looked at him with fear and confusion. He had no idea who John Smith was, or why he was there. He had no memory of what had happened, or how he had ended up there. He had no clue of what John Smith wanted, or what he was going to do.

"What do you want from me, Mr. Smith?" Alfred asked, as he tried to free himself from the ropes, but to no avail.

"I want you to help me, Mr. Pennyworth. I want you to help me with a project, that will change the face of Gotham, and the world. I want you to help me with a project, that will make you a hero, and a martyr." John Smith said, as he smiled wickedly.

Alfred felt a chill down his spine. He didn't like the sound of John Smith's project, and he didn't want to help him. He thought that John Smith was a madman, a monster, and a murderer. He thought that John Smith was his enemy, his captor, and his tormentor.

He did not know that John Smith had a power, that could control his mind. He did not know that John Smith had an ally, that was Lucifer, that could destroy his soul.

He did not know that John Smith was his doom.

"What kind of project is that, Mr. Smith?" Alfred asked, as he tried to stall for time, hoping that someone would come to rescue him.

"It's a project that will make Gotham a better city, Mr. Pennyworth. A city where good men like me can prosper, without the interference of heroes and villains. A city where I can make my own rules, and enforce them with my own methods. A city where I can be the master of my own destiny." John Smith said, as he used his power to plant these ideas in Alfred's mind.

Alfred felt a wave of pain and horror. He hated the sound of John Smith's project, and he wanted to stop him. He knew that John Smith was lying, that he didn't care about Gotham, or its people. He knew that John Smith was hiding something, that he had a secret power, that he had a secret ally.

He also knew that John Smith knew something, that he knew his secret, that he knew he was the butler of Bruce Wayne, and the ally of Batman.

He wondered how John Smith had found out, and what he was going to do with that information. He wondered if he could resist John Smith, to protect Bruce Wayne, to protect Batman, to protect Gotham.

He did not know that John Smith was using him, to lure Bruce Wayne, and Batman, into his trap.

He did not know that John Smith was his doom.

"I won't help you, Mr. Smith. I won't help you with your project, or with anything else. You are a lunatic, a villain, and a menace. You are the enemy of Gotham, and of Batman. And I will never betray them, or Bruce Wayne." Alfred said, as he used his willpower to fight John Smith's influence.

John Smith laughed, as he felt Alfred's mind resisting his control. He had expected that, and he was prepared for it. He had a backup plan, to break Alfred's will, to make him obey, to make him suffer.

He had a backup plan, that involved his ally, Lucifer, the Lord of Darkness, the Lord of Chaos, the Anticrist.

He had a backup plan, that involved magic, the dark and forbidden art, the source of his power, the source of his ally.

He had a backup plan, that involved a spell, a powerful and ancient incantation, that could bend reality, that could twist the mind, that could shatter the soul.

He had a backup plan, that involved a word, a single and simple word, that could unleash hell, that could summon demons, that could invoke Lucifer.

He had a backup plan, that involved a word, that was his name, that was his ally, that was his doom.

He had a backup plan, that involved a word, that was Lúcifer.

He was John Smith, the future president of the United States. And he had just activated his trap.