
Good Work

I relaxing myself after a gentle voice came into my ear.. I turn around and saw a beautiful Sharp eyes first with green spectacles on a oval face.. she has a long silky long black straight hair... she is wearing one piece yellow dress with white stocking and small black heels ... eyecathing was her big chest.. little more than size B ... and flat waist.. and round bubble butt...

she stands with a calm look next to her is a middle aged man standing talking to her.

" YingYing don't pressure yourself.. do your best " he said with smiling face... but there is no change in girl.look...

" i know father.. I try to get i top 5... then after scholarship you don't have to worry about my futrue than... " she know her family can't afford such expensive school... her father is mechanic and have his own shop... business is going well but.. we can't fulfil every wish we have.. I had a small brother who died in accident.. we don't have enough money to have him going through operation.. relatives break ties with us denied they don't give us money.. if they gave we can't have enough to return our debts... that's why my father wants me to get in good school and became a doctor... he wants me to stand up with a good job.. and help those needy people... if someone also helped us.. maybe my brother is still around...

" good I believe you... after the test.. let's go on shopping.. your mother will make you favourite dish " he said with ease.. but u know he is waiting for my good result..

after listening daughter - father conversation... I think.. should I help her... I am no saint but.. looking such beautiful lady in tension... giving a hand is no problem... I see her room card.. then left

after making the decision...

I come inside the school.. and start walking to the middle room at the corridor ... Fuck these CCTV camera... after changing my clothes with a disguise... I use my vision to check inside.. after confirming no one is else here I open the room but it locked.... I use my particles to break down the lock... after a black line shoot inside the lock and it open effortlessly... I see... a big paper bag on the table.. and opened it..

these are this year entrance exam question paper... I take the one... and place everything as it is.. and left the room...

I came at back of the school and start writing answers of every question..

like i thought these questions are indeed hard.. but easy peasy for me ..

in 10 mins I fill the whole paper with answers...

after I fold it and start looking for that girl

after new minutes of searching I found her sitting on a bench under a tree and reading a book.. I can see it's a course book.. so she is still reviewing... I came from behind the tree.. and throw the paper on her book after I left without looking behind...

' huh.. who thrown it.... ' I see right and left but no one is there.. I look behind and saw a tall figure for a second after he disappeared suddenly... ' is this some sort of pank..'

I looked at the paper... up to my surprise its a neatly folded paper... ( OPEN IT ) is written on it...

she open it and looked at it..

she looked one time... then again. after again...with shocked expression ...




I walked back to reception counter. and wait patiently... after 10 mins or so... a middle aged strict looking women came she have short brown hairs which matching her brown eyes... and . blonde receptionist rich a electronic bell which sounded at the while ground....

all the students gather in front of her...sone looking .. some nervous... some like idiots to me...

" my name is Wu Wang... I teach English... homeroom teacher of Class A-1...you can call me teacher Wu .I am the encharge of this year admissioning... there are only less than 200 seats are present... so try to not answer incorrectly.... 5 top students get a chance to win scholarship... their every expense will be given by the school... except their personal ones.. now please go to your respective rooms for the exam... your room no. is mentioned on the card "

after saying this.. she left .... it's looks like general gaving order to his soldiers...

I go the same room... and sit on the last corner beach near the window... soon while room filled...

I see a yellow figure came into class... every one looks at her... she walk slowly ignoring the gazes and sit on the front row...

" what a beauty "

" yeah. she looks like k-pop star. "

" if she is my girlfriend "

" yuck.. look at your pimple face.. "

" stup the fuck up.. like you are some sort of superstar with your fat body "....




many people start talking.. ..

I look outside my window and saw.. a flower garden at a distance....

" SILENCE " A loud voice came as another came... he is old man with bald head...

everyone stop talking and sat down...

old man without talking another word start distributing question papers...

after getting my paper... I look at yellow figure... she looked stunned... i smile seeing her turning paper again and again...

" this year Entrance Exam is little bit hard.. but try your best.. alright you can start now.. you have 3 hours to fulfill your sheets.. " old man said while sitting on her chair without giving another glance at us...

many people looks like dejected... I see yellow girl.. look happy and start moving her pen...

I also start writing answers sowly....

after half an hour I finished my exam... I made some mistakes in some answers.. so teachers don't suspect me for cheating ( well i am using cheat thou )

after I finished.. I sit for a while but there still 2 hours left before finishing the exam...

I staand up. and take my answer sheet to old man...

seeing me coming he look at me closely

" you want to ask something? " he asked

" nah... I finished my exam.. I want to say i am leaving... i don't want 2 hours to sit doing nothing.... " I put my sheet on the table .. old man take my sheet and observe it..

when people hear me.. they stunned and looked somewhat jealous....

" who is he.. "

" whose know he finished the exam in less than 1 hour "

" he is so good looking. it's pissing me off "

" he is so handsome. "

" what a stud "..

" does he really finished whole paper "




a green spectacles girl also looked at him for a while but soon start writing again her answers....

old man observe my paper for a bit... and stunned.. for a minute..

" you can go " he said and get back to his solemn look..

I took the last glance of yellow figure.. and left the room...

after I make a call to Mr.lin to pick me up...

short while after he came... I get in the car...

" how's the exam little Feng "

" boring... those are just normal questions for me.. "

" well it's good you done well " he said with a smile.. and start driving...

" Yeah.. it's good.. I done a Good Work " ...

I glance at the school while remembering that figure under the tree