‘Gray is a normal young man who was just kicked out of school. Again. He keeps receiving nightmares, showing him, a dark place with a dreamy woman in danger. These bad dreams bring him to a small town where everyone know each other and where he knows absolutely nothing. Including cursed mysteries surrounding this place. Gray encounters the woman from his dreams and vows to protect her at all cost. Except, she’s not human… She’s a dark, fallen angel. It is only a matter of time before sinister forces come after the both of them. It is also only a matter of time before Gray falls in love with his fallen angel.’
Chapter 31: At Night, We Can Be Anyone
We must act in the shadows of the town of Point Pleasure! No one can see us! Gray thought during the middle of night, an escapade in the woods surrounding the area.
Reports of mysterious lights from a couple of nights ago encouraged the two of them to investigate in one of the more wooded sectors of the entire town. Gray and Ravana were both scouting the same location in the woods. Gray was wearing a thick windbreaker jacket, and Ravana wore something a lot lighter and skimpier: A dark gray tank top and a pair of shorts. It was pretty cold that night, too, but apparently not for someone such as Miss. Ravana. She was never cold, it seemed. Even so, the young man was quite worried about her and her well-being.
Which was totally understandable, but at the same time, he enjoyed it when she was under-dressing herself like this. All those wondrous shapes, jiggling around wherever she moved… Her generous cleavage was so easily visible with this revealing tank top on. He could never have enough of it. He always had to keep an eye or two on her bountiful cleavage.
"You could have stayed home and rested, I'm able to handle this by myself, you know?" Gray mentioned the older and more mature woman. To be exact, Gray wasn't too certain how much older Miss. Ravana was compared to him. Ravana wasn't human. She was an entity from another dimension… Another place entirely… Yet, to him, she was still the perfect woman. The perfect voluptuous woman.
"No, You need me. This can't become very dangerous," Miss. Ravana had a great point. If they encountered something anywhere near as bad as the monster they fought sometime ago, this could become ugly real fast. Team-work was a much better idea when navigating through the dark places of Point Pleasure.
"I've become your protector. I can take the heat and the danger. As much as it's needed. I'm no longer the same man I used to be when I first arrived in Point Pleasure. So much has changed since then…" Gray explained to her, making it something drastically important for him to be first in line while investigating in the woods. Always first. Always in front of Ravana. Always covering her.
"And I appreciate that. You are indeed the one from the prophecy who is supposed to be completing me. I am certain of it. But you are still only a human. You have to be careful, Gray. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. There's no playfield around here? Do you know what happens when mysterious lights are seen in the sky around here? Um? Bad news! All the time," she explained.
"I'll never let anyone hurt you or steal you away! Do you understand, Miss. Ravana? It's never going to happen," he announced to her, stopping right in front of her and looking straight at her in the eyes. Even though it was immensely dark here in the woods, he could still see her eyes pretty well as they were partially lighting up through the darkness. Her bright yellow eyes were lighting up.
"I have been waiting for so long for you, Gray… I feel like I want to kiss you right now…" Ravana lovely suggested to him.
"Um… I'm not sure if now is the best thing, but—", before he knew it, Miss. Ravana stepped closer toward him and romantically kissed him right on the lips. A smooth, luscious and perfect kiss. This kiss lasted for a long time. It felt like Ravana never wished nor intended for it to end until it eventually did… Ravana did not insert her tongue inside, but she was happy to be with Gray and so excited to be in his presence that she almost did… Almost… When the sensual kiss finally ended, they could go back to their night investigation.
"We should probably go now," she erotically mentioned.
"Yeah. That might be good…" Gray was still charmed by her.
"You are not going anywhere!" All of a sudden, a dark and rugged voice was heard around them in the shadowy woods. Someone was here with them. Someone was lurking around in the woods and stalking them. They couldn't see their assailant just yet, but as soon as they heard their voice, Miss. Ravana's eyes lighted up with a pure red color, replacing the yellow color in her eyes. Instinctively, Ravana had swiftly changed into a different person.
The moth woman was close.
The dark angel was so close to slipping into the woods and replacing Ravana. The guardian and the angel were constantly moving their heads from one side of the woods to another, desperately attempting to find the one who just spoke to them.
"Told you it wasn't going to be a ride in the park?"
"I knew that from the get-go, Miss. Ravana…"
"Keep a low-profile and be careful. We are being hunted here," she warned him, hoping he was going to stay calm.
"Who are you? Show yourself! Show yourself right now!"
"Exactly what I just told him to do…" Ravana murmured.
"Very well, then, I'll show myself!" The next moment, a bright white light blinded the both of them, then, their assailant jumped down from a tall tree and showed up right in front of them. By the time they were able to re-open their eyes again, the dark creature was already in the process of charging toward them, intending to attack them. Even though they couldn't see the monster too much because it was so dark in the woods after the bright, white light disappeared, they could make out a certain shape—the monster was a beast with huge and sharp horns. Could it be a demon? This was the feeling Gray had when first seeing it rushing toward them.
"Gray! Careful!"
"Oh, great! Another monster to beat!" He confidently shrugged his shoulders.
"Now is not the time to be overconfident."
"I'm not."
"Anyway… Fallen Angel: Moth Woman!" Ravana shouted, so she could transform into her angel form.
In the blink of an eye, she was the moth woman again!
Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please leave comments to let me know what you think about the progression of the novel.