
Dark Monarch: Battle Necromancer

When mana came into the earth, every living species was forced unto the path of evolution. Animals transformed into aggressive and terrifying beasts, even some plants evolved and gained consciousness. Humans who managed to survive the “mana invasion” obtained incredible power and awakened the ability to gain skills through something known as “The System”. Everything was turned upside down; the old laws fell and the world was ushered into a new era where the strong lived and the weak perished—a world of survival of the fittest. Blake, a young boy of sixteen years found himself lost in all these chaos. After losing both his parents to zombies, he made up his mind to get stronger and eradicate all zombies from the earth. However, after facing betrayal from someone he placed his trust in, he found himself as the very thing he hated and disgusted the most—a zombie! Determined to get revenge, he swore to get stronger while also dealing with internal crisis about his new race and identity. *** Note: This novel is purely fiction. The earth in the story is fiction and is in no way related to the one we live in. Join my discord: https://discord.gg/PqCseyu2Kh

Gladstone_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Meeting other survivors[1]


The sound of thunder reverberated in the air, the loud noise jolting Blake back to life.

He suddenly gasped as he opened his eyes.

Huff! Huff!

His breathing was heavy and uneven, and beads of sweat pooled on his face.

"Huh…?" Blake mumbled. His sight was a little blurry, and he blinked slowly to clear it.

"Where am… i?" He mumbled. His body felt very lethargic, and it was as if even the smallest movements would stress him.

There was also a weird ringing sound in his head, making it hard for him to hear properly.

However, he could still hear the sound of the rain falling heavily, along with the loud sound of thunder in the sky.

His head felt like it was cradled by a soft, warm surface and he found it very relaxing. He didn't even feel like he wanted to move his head away from whatever that was.

Soon enough, his sight cleared and his eyes widened upon finding an unfamiliar ceiling above him.

"Ohh, you're awake." A soft voice drifted into his ears, and the next thing he saw was a seemingly giant female face that appeared in his line of sight.

"What the—" Blake immediately sprung up, his mind finally clearing and the fatigue in his body suddenly disappearing.

The woman who's spoke earlier was sitting right below him. She was quite beautiful with short brown hair, and pitch black eyes.

She was wearing a black singlet that didn't do much to conceal the generous bust on her chest.

Her back was resting on a long shelf-like structure that was rooted to the floor. But what caught Blake's attention was her skirt that was rolled up to the top of her legs, revealing her smooth laps.

Blake's cheeks reddened in embarrassment as he realized that the soft, warm surface that was cushioning his head was actually her laps.

However, those thoughts didn't last long in his mind when he looked around and realized he was in an unfamiliar place

"Where am i?" Blake asked, instinctively stepping away from the woman.

The woman showed a light smile to his words, while trying to get him to calm down. The smile was meant to reassure him that everything was alright and he shouldn't panic, but all it did was make him feel even more wary.

His eyes darted around the place, his gaze trembling with wariness.

The last thing he recalled was fighting against those zombies; everything else that happened afterward seemed hazy to him.

And from what he had experienced yesterday, he knew better than to foolishly let his guard down.

From the look of things, it seemed like he was currently in a building, though it didn't appear to be a residential one.

The room was quite spacious, with several shelf-like structures resembling the one the brown-haired woman was resting on scattered throughout.

"What… what is this place?" Blake mumbled, taking more steps backwards.

The lighting was dim, and the light was just bright enough to see his surroundings.

Subconsciously, he activated his skill [Lightning Ball], causing small sparks of lightning to appear above his hand.

"Hey stop! We are not your enemies!" Seeing that he was about to attack, the brown haired woman immediately shouted.

Her voice managed to bring some clarity to Blake's mind, and he didn't turned to face her.

However, he didn't completely deactivate the skill; a few sparks of lightning kept flickering around his palm.

At the other end of the building, he could see a couple of people huddled together while trembling in fear, probably due to the sparks of lightning around his hands.

Just then, a black haired man appeared from the other end of 'shelf'. He was very tall, standing at 190cm, and he also had a bulky and muscular physique. A slight frown appeared on his face as he stared at Blake.

"You really should calm down… we saved you." He said.


A few minutes later.

Blake's head turned downwards with his face burning in shame and embarrassment.

What really happened had finally been explained to him, and thinking about how he acted earlier, made him feel so ungrateful.

After hearing what really happened, his foggy memories were restored and he finally remembered fighting with the huge dog-like beast.

Thinking about how weak he was against the beast, he couldn't help but clench his fists while gritting his teeth in anger.

He looked up, the image of a tall, bulky man appearing in his vision.

"Thank you…" Blake muttered in a low voice, finding it hard to find the right words to use. "…For saving my life."

However, despite his low voice, the man was still able to hear his words.

"It's okay." The black haired man said with a slight smile on his face.

"I wasn't actually the one that rescued you, she did." He said, pointing to a golden haired girl standing a few meters away from him.

A weird glint flashed through Blake's eyes when he heard the man's words.

With the man's bulky frame, he had an intimidating visage, making one feel like he was probably an unfriendly person, however, he was surprisingly very friendly and was even the friendliest among the survivors he had met.

Blake turned his head towards his said savior in a bid to thank her, but, he shrunk back in intimidation when he saw the cold look she gave him.

Blake might not know much about reading people, but it was clear that for some reason, the girl didn't have any interest in speaking to him.

He couldn't help but the surprised by her beauty also. Her face seemed like it was almost perfect and even her slender body seemed was well-rounded with slight curves.

However, apart from being grateful to her, he didn't hold any other feelings against her.

According to the muscular man, he and the golden haired girl found him unconscious under the huge dog-like mana beast.

And she was the one who saved him from the beast, before they decided to bring him to this warehouse.

This building in which he woke up in was actually a warehouse. From what the black-haired man told him, it was abandoned a few months ago when the company using it moved to another city.

It was in this abandoned warehouse that they sought refuse against the zombies and terrifying beasts that roamed the streets.

It had a large metal door that was strongly held by a thick plank, and the building itself was strongly reinforced, making it difficult for zombies or any beast to get into the building.

Apart from that, the space was also large, so except from the hard ground was quite uncomfortable lie on, it was more or less the best they could wish for.

So this warehouse was the safest place they could hide against the zombies, at least, for now.

Unsurprisingly, he wasn't the only survivor staying in the warehouse.

There were eleven people staying in the warehouse altogether. A few were middle aged men and women, while the rest were young teenagers who were also saved by the tall, black haired man.

'A refuge huh…' Blake mumbled inwardly, as he clenched his fists tightly, images of the zombies and how much chaos raged on the streets replayed in his mind, and he gradually got lost in his thoughts.

The rain was still falling heavily, and he could still hear the sound of it beating harshly against the roof of the warehouse.

"So what's your name kid?" The man in front of him suddenly asked, breaking him out from his thoughts.

"Huh…?" Blake muttered, finally realizing he hadn't even told the man his name.

"I'm Blake… Blake Greville."


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