
Raze Awakened

"What are you losers doing just standing there staring at him!" Eston shouted, "Get rid of the mage, he's on their side!"

Eston was deeply confused; he was surprised to see that the person they were protecting was a mage, and not just any mage, but a Dark one at that. But it was even more reason for them to get rid of him.

If his mind was clearer, then maybe Eston would have ordered them to just injure him, and once injured, he could question why a Dark Mage was with a bunch of Pagna warriors; he was sure Idore would want to know about that.

The thing was, he could see that Amir, who had been stabbed through the back, was on his feet again, and the Crimson Crane, although weak, all of them were still somehow alive, and it was frustrating him.

"If you were still alive, then you should have just stayed down and pretended you were dead!" Eston shouted.