
Dark Lords: A Noblesse Sequel

After the events of the Noblesse Webtoon where they defeated Dr. Crombell, the world is a safer, better place. However, the peace they are enjoying right now will not last long because new beings of greatness, terrible they may be, shall emerge. After they defeated the Union. Frankenstein quits being the chairman of Yeran, leaving it in the hands of Tao. He goes around the world locating every Laboratory and Head Quarters the Union made, aided by the 3rd Elder, he managed to put them under his control. about 6 years later, Frankenstein vanished without any trace. Raizel and the team started looking for him but clues are nowhere to be found, that is, till one night. Now, on their search for Frankenstein, they discovered an enemy they were not yet ready to face. Unfortunately, they sparked the continuation of a hidden war. Why did Frankenstein go missing? Where is he? Mysteries were piled upon mysteries.

Daeleon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

The Visitor

As they leaped from one rooftop to another, both of their attention were focused solely on what seemed to be the direction of the source where this aura they were sensing was coming from. As they came closer, it was not hard for them to determine who exactly was it that the energy was originating from. On one of the rooftops, a lone being was standing, looking up to them.

Takeo and Tao immediately came down, and stood in front of this person face to face. Slowly, they bowed their heads albeit slightly, and slowly, they lifted.

"Uh, hi!? We weren't expecting a visit from one of you guys." Tao said nonchalantly which made Takeo hit him with his elbow.

"Uhm, greetings. Welcome—(ahem) to South Korea." Said Takeo, clearing his throat. "We must ask why someone such as you would be here."

"Greetings, Humans. I must express my gratitude; You coming here has saved me the trouble of searching. You see, I was tasked to be here by Gejutel-nim, on the Lord's approval." Said the visitor. "I hope I'm not bothering you."

"Oh, not at all... Miss?" Tao asked, again, in a nonchalant air, clasping his hand together.

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself, have I? The name is Claudia Tradio, leader of the Tradio Clan." Said the visitor.

The visitor is a lovely young woman named Claudia. She has long purple hair which she keeps to two sections on either side of her head. Her hair in the golden hoops, located on both sides of her hair, were braided. She had pale skin, and wore a typical Noble woman's dress.

Her aura was both vicious and pure. With her beautiful crimson eyes, cute nose and alluring lips; she was nothing short of beautiful.

"Tradio?" Tao uttered.

"Oh, of course you've heard of that name before." Said she, forcing a smile. "Indeed, I am the daughter of the Traitor Lagus Tradio, pardoned by the Lord, I now devote my life in her service."

"Oh,... Ah, it's not that, forgive me, I was just surprised." Said Tao frantically. "Why don't you follow us to our place, Miss Tradio?"

"Your place? You meant where the Noblesse resides?" She asked anxiously, with a hint of excitement.



After traveling through the night sky, the three reached the house, and landed up front.

Tao walked up the door, and was about to open it, when—

"Wait!" Claudia said.

The two of them turned around to see why she wanted them to wait, as they did, they saw Claudia brushing and fixing her clothes, as well as posturing herself properly. After a minute, she was ready.

Tao opened the door, and they entered.

To their surprise, Raizel was sitting with himself in the living room, making himself a cup of tea, stirring it carefully. On the table was the cup he was using, a coffee maker, and another cup that is empty.

"Uhm, Raziel-nim," said Tao. "We're back, and look who we came across." Said he in a casual tone.

Raizel glanced towards them. Claudia stepped out from behind the two, and before Raizel, she kneeled down and bowed her head.

Fervently, she said, "Noblesse-nim, I am Claudia Tradio, leader of the Tradio Clan, wielder of Dolor, daughter of Lagus. It is a great pleasure to formally meet you."

However, Raizel did not reply, instead, with a gesture, he ushered her to the seat adjacent to him.

Claudia stood up, and sat at the seat opposite to Raizel.

He returned his attention to his drink. After a minute, he took the other cup and laid it in front of him. He poured and prepared another cup of tea.

There was only silence for a couple of minutes, and Tao and Takeo left in the middle of it. Leaving the two alone, and leaving Claudia fidgeting and looking around by herself.