
Dark Lords: A Noblesse Sequel

After the events of the Noblesse Webtoon where they defeated Dr. Crombell, the world is a safer, better place. However, the peace they are enjoying right now will not last long because new beings of greatness, terrible they may be, shall emerge. After they defeated the Union. Frankenstein quits being the chairman of Yeran, leaving it in the hands of Tao. He goes around the world locating every Laboratory and Head Quarters the Union made, aided by the 3rd Elder, he managed to put them under his control. about 6 years later, Frankenstein vanished without any trace. Raizel and the team started looking for him but clues are nowhere to be found, that is, till one night. Now, on their search for Frankenstein, they discovered an enemy they were not yet ready to face. Unfortunately, they sparked the continuation of a hidden war. Why did Frankenstein go missing? Where is he? Mysteries were piled upon mysteries.

Daeleon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Lukedonia Map Illustration

This Auxiliary Chapter is created to show and Illustrate the Map of Lukedonia. I will also add information about the story. After all, we are barely shown anything about Lukedonia. We have not been able to explore it beyond the Castle of the Lord. Click on the paragraph to see the pictures uploaded in the comment section of the paragraph.

1.) Lukedonia— The Home of the Nobles. Lukedonia is a hidden country, about 53,000 km² or about half of South Korea, located inside the Bermuda Triangle.

2.) Lukedonia Geography— Lukedonia has mountainous ranges and forests. Though some features of the land may be unavailable right now.

3.) Lukedonia Domain— These domains are the division of Lukedonia, divided between Clan Leaders. Each of the Thirteen Clan Leaders have their share of land they have to manage. The Clan Leaders also have to manage their citizens who lives around their mansion, inside their domain.


Hi! Dear Readers, I want you guys to know that writing this sequel is something I really enjoyed. I hope you enjoy reading it, and I appreciate if you comment anything you'd like to say. 😊

I also wanted to Inform you that we are only starting. I planned this series to span for about 300-600 chapters, depending on the circumstances ahead.

Please, do stick around. I have more stories in my head. ✍️ 📖