
Dark Lords: A Noblesse Sequel

After the events of the Noblesse Webtoon where they defeated Dr. Crombell, the world is a safer, better place. However, the peace they are enjoying right now will not last long because new beings of greatness, terrible they may be, shall emerge. After they defeated the Union. Frankenstein quits being the chairman of Yeran, leaving it in the hands of Tao. He goes around the world locating every Laboratory and Head Quarters the Union made, aided by the 3rd Elder, he managed to put them under his control. about 6 years later, Frankenstein vanished without any trace. Raizel and the team started looking for him but clues are nowhere to be found, that is, till one night. Now, on their search for Frankenstein, they discovered an enemy they were not yet ready to face. Unfortunately, they sparked the continuation of a hidden war. Why did Frankenstein go missing? Where is he? Mysteries were piled upon mysteries.

Daeleon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Gathering Part II

"What took you guys so long?" Shinwoo asked as the girls sat down.

"We had to stopped by the grocery." Hana replied. "Had to buy ramen, and other ingredients. Tao asked us to. Apparently, Takeo forgot to buy a couple of ingredients." Hana placed the groceries besides her. "Hi, Rai! Everything good?"

Raizel nodded.

"Sorry Rai," said Yuna. "You're going to be surrounded by noisy people tonight."

A faint smile appeared on Raizel's face.

The kitchen door opened and Tao entered the room. With a relieved eyes, he clapped his hand in delight.

"Thank heaven you're here." He said. "It's pretty late and I still have to cook the main dish. This is stressful. I wish Seira was here."

Tao strode towards them, received the groceries from Hana, and returned to the kitchen right away.

"Speaking of Seira," Suyi began. "Did she? did they stop by and visit by any chance."

Raizel nodded.

"""What !?""" they all exclaimed.

"When?" Shinwoo asked.

"A week after your visit last time." Raizel said in a small voice.

"Oh!" they groaned.

"We missed them."

"They're still on their homeland, huh?" Ikhan said.

"Yeah, Lukedonia." Shinwoo replied. "I wish they'd frequent." he said sadly.

"Hey, Shinwoo, that's selfish. You know they have responsibilities. Incredibly important responsibilities. Especially at a time like this." said Suyi, berating him.

" C'mon, you don't missed them? "

"I do, but what can we do?"

"As for me, I want to meet them." Hana interjected. "Are they all as silent as Raizel?"

"Nah, not really." Yuna replied.

"That's right. Seira is a little silent, but she talks way more than Raizel. Regis can be noisy, and Rael is just always grumpy. Well, I think he's mellowed down lately." Shinwoo enumerated.

" I guess that's about it. Karias is also a 180° of Rai. "

" They must be very busy, huh? " Hana said.

" You bet. "

" Ever since the world learned of their existence years ago, the world's been in chaos. Well, humans have always managed to find excuses to embrace chaos. " said Hana.

" There you go again with your deep talks. " said Ikhan.

" The nobles have been trying to control the situation for the past few years. It's not as bad as it used to but... I don't think the uproar will die soon. "

" Indeed. Then there's the increase in terrorisms, and bombing that's been happening to many countries around the globe after their presence were revealed."

" Alas, even natural disasters were being blamed on them. sigh! "

" Hey, hey! Let's stop with this gloomy topic, okay? " Shinwoo said, swooping-in in front of them. " Hey, Ikhan, get Rai a refill of his tea. We'll be on for a long game. "

And so the night goes on for the group. Shinwoo conducted a series of games, and Rai even joined in. After half an hour, Tao and Takeo invited them to the kitchen, and they all dined.

After they cleaned after their meal, Tao and Takeo joined the group as they chat with each other. The night was filled with laughter and snacks. They talked about their week; their jobs and study: Yuna studying to be a surgeon; Suyi as a famous actress and model; Hana as a lawyer; Ikhan as a computer network architect and system analyst; and lastly, Shinwoo as a businessman as well as a dojo owner. All the night long did they had fun, and by 11:30 pm, the group started to dispersed.

"Well, I still have something to do back home, I'll be going on ahead." Ikhan said.

"Yeah, me too." Yuna said.

"Well, I'm not really busy tomorrow" Said Shinwoo. "But it's getting pretty late. I'm going to send these guys home. See you next time, Rai!"

With that, they stood up and bid their farewell to Raizel, Takeo, and Tao. They fixed themselves and went out of the door.

"Call if you guys need any help. Got it?" Tao said.

" Yeah, yeah. You too. "

" Bye Rai, call us if you're bored. Though. I'd probably drop by again this week. Not sure. "

""" Bye. Raiii! """

With that, the girls entered their car, and the boys to Shinwoo's motorcycle. A minute later and they're all gone.

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(Update: The First Chapter has been updated. [Chapter Name & Additional Content.])

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