
Dark Lords: A Noblesse Sequel

After the events of the Noblesse Webtoon where they defeated Dr. Crombell, the world is a safer, better place. However, the peace they are enjoying right now will not last long because new beings of greatness, terrible they may be, shall emerge. After they defeated the Union. Frankenstein quits being the chairman of Yeran, leaving it in the hands of Tao. He goes around the world locating every Laboratory and Head Quarters the Union made, aided by the 3rd Elder, he managed to put them under his control. about 6 years later, Frankenstein vanished without any trace. Raizel and the team started looking for him but clues are nowhere to be found, that is, till one night. Now, on their search for Frankenstein, they discovered an enemy they were not yet ready to face. Unfortunately, they sparked the continuation of a hidden war. Why did Frankenstein go missing? Where is he? Mysteries were piled upon mysteries.

Daeleon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Gathering Part I

"Rai!" Shinwoo shouted with delight as he entered the room. "It's been a long time."

"It's not that long." Ikhan replied coldly. "it's only been a few months." Then, he directed his gaze to the other side of the room. "Rai!" he said as a wide smile appeared. "long time!!"

"See? you're just the same." Shinwoo remarked.

The two entered the house, and into the living room. The Chairman's house was spacious and elegant. Just recently, they laid a thick dark red carpet, and renew the sofas into something much more comf'table. A chandelier hanged above them, and directly beneath it was a table.

"So, how's school?" Shinwoo asked as he sat besides Rai. "I heard a district wide activity was held the other day, did you have fun? I bet it was fun."

The two stared at him for quite some time while Raizel took a sipped at his tea.

"It was fun." Rai replied and then returned to silence once more.

"ha!? C'mon Rai, you never changed. Do you really have to be so cheap with your words?"

"Hey, Shinwoo, quit it, at least he had fun." said Ikhan.

"Yeah, having fun is important, but he needs to learn how to talk. He'll never get girls with that no matter how good-looking he is. All he does is bewitch girls with his face."

"Shinwoo, speak for yourself, you also don't have a girlfriend yet. In the first place, Rai is a Noble, he doesn't need something like that. If he did, Raskreia is there, am I right, Rai?"

"Huh, Ikhan? what did you say?!" Shinwoo said in a raspy voice and glaring eyes. "Are you so proud of yourself because you now have a girlfriend and I don't?"

Ikhan's eyes widened. He immediately stood up, and ran, deciding to hid behind Raizel's back.

"Rai, blast him or something, Protect me~"

"What, you're asking Rai something like that?"

Shinwoo swiftly jumps towards Ikhan, as the latter ran away to the other side, and the two ran around the room, chasing one another.

It didn't take long until Ikhan was spared from one of Shinwoo's headlock. The two paused from their childish ruckus, and listened intently to the noises outside.

"Is that them?" Shinwoo asked.

"I think, yeah."

As they paused, they heard the sound of tyres right outside the gate, and the honking of horn. They heard the gates opening, a metal clank as it was closed again, and after a few seconds, the door opened widely, and from there entered three women.

One had lustrous green hair, fair skin, and a proportionate frame to her beautiful face. She wore a leather coat over her simple dress. The other, a lady whose skin was porcelain, a cute nose and an alluring lips, wore a lab coat over her dress. The third one has short blonde hair, wore a formal attire; on her hand's a bag of groceries. Each of them were beautiful and slender, bringing dazzle into the place's atmosphere.

" " Suyi" " said the both of them as the first lady entered.

" Yuna" Shinwoo delighted.

" Hana" Ikhan said, and went towards the last girl to hug her.