
Dark God Rising

Betrayed by his closest friend and brutally dying by his hands, Theodore is recarnated in a strange, mystical realm filled with ancient secrets, far removed from the world he once knew. Seeking redemption and a second chance at life, but as everything good comes at a price, he finds himself beset by adversity and hardship. As fate conspires against him, Theodore must summon the strength and resilience to overcome the darkness that haunts him, and forge a new path in this unforgiving new world. With an unyielding determination to survive, he confronts and overpowers countless obstacles, and forge unlikely alliances, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake as he relentlessly eliminates anything that dares stand in his way.

Larry_Sid · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 2 Death?

In an eternal void of darkness, a lone ball of light floats aimlessly, unable to change it's course, hear or produce any sound.

In the void there was nothing at front or behind, only completely darkness existed.

How long had it been since Theodore died? he didn't know. Time seemed to flow differently in the void and he had long lost his sense of time. He was unsure how long it had been since his death.

After getting killed by Mark, Theodore was engulfed in darkness only to regain consciousness in the form of a glowing sphere of light floating in endless darkness.

Awakening in this transformed state, he discovered that he had been reborn, his very essence reshaped into a novel entity, one that was both unfamiliar and strange.

He hypothesized that his current manifestation was a tangible representation of his soul, a corporeal embodiment of his essence..

Being stuck in endless darkness, for what felt like eternity, Theodore had enough time to deal with the mess of emotions caused by Mark's betrayal, but didn't bother, feeling his mind isn't strong and equip enough to deal with the damage done to him. He tried to bury all his disarrayed thoughts deep inside him, in hopes of forgetting but they still linger.

His wish of forgetting were just wishful thinking, a fleeting fantasy, for Theodore was painfully aware of the profound scars etched on his heart and mind, a constant reminder of the trauma he had endured.

'Mark.. that bastard..I wish I could get a chance to pay him back'

Theodore couldn't draw a single conclusions why Mark had taken his life, had he unknowingly offended him in a way that could justify his actions? He didn't know the reason nor was he sure he'll ever find out.

At first Theodore was thrilled to find out he hadn't died, but quickly grew bored and lonesome floating randomly in endless darkness. He was marvelled on how he still managed to keep sane despite his current predicament.

Well not that he was sure he had sanity to begin with, after all he was a floating ball of light.

'Urghh..this feels like torture, I am starting to wonder whether dying is a better option'

Alone in the darkness, occasionally, no matter how hard he tried, he would still remember his family back on Earth and how he wasn't going to be able to see them ever again. Theodore's past life was tragically cut short, dying at the tender age of twenty-two, while still pursuing a business degree to secure a brighter future for himself and his loved ones.

His hatred for Mark grew more immensely everytime such thoughts wandered back into his mind. But he kept on suppressing them, pushing them to the back of his mind.


Randomly floating for who knows how long, Theodore then noticed something unusual occuring in the void.


He notices from a distance a golden sphere of light traveling at super speed.

And it was currently heading towards.. him?

'Wait! what? '

Theodore tried his best to move himself away from the path of the the ball of golden light moving with immense speed.

'Shit.. why can't I move?! ' Theodore complained tensed.

Within a fraction of a second, the golden light was already in front of him, it collide onto him and mysteriously vanished.

'Huh? where did it go?! ' Theodore grew alarmed at the sudden disappearance of the golden ball of light.

Then suddenly he felt a faint tingling sensation all around him, which rapidly faded, replaced with blinding pain.

He felt so much torment that no physical damage could ever cause, luckily the pain lasted for a few minutes.


Being stabbed in the chest could not compare to a quarter of what he had just felt.

His confusion didn't last long, interrupted by something infront of him, he noticed and stared at the floating words in front of him.

A black window floated in front of him, on it golden text shined.



All of a sudden Theodore heard a robotic-like voice resounding in his mind.

'Okay.. it's official, I've completely lost it'

He couldn't help but wonder if he had given himself too much credit and had long lost his mind.

[Transferring host's soul into a suitable vessel..]


[Transferring... 12%]

[Transferring... 20%]

'A vessel..? '

Theodore suddenly felt a rush of emotions overflowing in him.

He didn't trust the words of the floating window, but couldn't help but feel excited at the prospect of leaving the lightless void and getting a body.

[Transferring... 42%]

He suddenly began to glow immensely brighter.

[Transferring... 60%]

'What's happening? 'Theodore began to panic a little.

[Transferring... 89%]

[Transferring... 91%]

[Transferring... 100%]

[Transferring... complete]



That was what Theodore saw last before being blinded by an immense light.


We're getting close to the fun part, let's keep on going...

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