
Dark Eye's

A World with Mysterious beast and Powers gifted from GODS.

LunaRenFA_11122 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 3- Answers.

Some say that many worlds and universes are created from God's or a GOD and other's think that these worlds and universe are created from a scientific way like the Big Bang. But this world is created by many other God's.

In this world Gods weren't dormant they sometimes even roam the ground of this earth, they gave everything in the world something called Halo Force, halo force is a balance of light and dark energy that courses through every living organism.

As time grew by human's started to explore this found new power mixing both light and dark and gained ability's that they manifested, some had more dark energy than light and some the other way around. Many of their GODS started to roam the earth teaching the mortals of their power trying to lead them in a right direction… but humans are beast… once some have a small taste of power, they become more and more hungry for it.

War broke out killing hundreds and thousands of innocent or guilty people. Some humans and GODs work together to stop the war, some started to doubt them because they think that they could just end the war in any second. Although as powerful as they were the human's kept breaking limits every time, they were close to death almost some becoming demigods.

So, the obvious choice was to set limits for the humans. Those limitations where when one becomes to engulfed in the dark, they started to hurt themselves the more they used their ability but yet grew stronger at a cost.

Another was when being captured in light energy for too long they will lose control of their mind and body and one of the GODs will be in control. This didn't stop people from doing so though, the war raged on and it eventually ended with ocean of blood.

But after the war they all seemed to disappear from roaming the earth many years ago with almost none to be seen since those 50,000 years. It was rare to even have evidence that they still walk the earth.

With their disappearance strange beast manifested creating monstrous things like the Ravengers or other mystic creatures like dragons and wyverns started to roam all around the planet. As humans evolved even further to create technology so did the creatures, they evolved by being able to form their Halo Force into destructive things. There was a time where it was peace but mysteriously these creatures started to go berserk destroying everything in their way. To deal with this people created the Predator Slayers to protect their city's and people.


The falling rain stopped, Tokume and Hako eye is started to sparkle as they saw the 3 took down the Ravenger with little effort. A minute passed and a siren of an ambulance drew closer to them, Shuka walked to Hako and ruffled her hair saying she did great job.

The sirens stopped and people in blue and black uniforms started to run out to Tokume and Hako. They slowly walked over to a vehicle while bombarding them with questions. Sitting down on the huge white and red vehicle Tokume felt a huge sting on her legs. A small red stream started to run down her both of her legs but looking back to Hako she was fine not even a small amount of blood was in sigh.

Tokume gave a sigh then whispered, "Guess it's only temperately for me."

The medics cleaned her cuts and rapped her leg in white bandages, the 3 started to walk over to the two who immediately fixed their posture and straightened their back. Finally, they stopped right in front of them, Ragnar took his helmet off and showed his head.

His tan skin sparkled with the sun shining down on his bald head. His face looked like a rough road in the dessert, looking at him for the first time was the most menacing thing the girls felt but yet with his soft smile he almost seemed like a teddy bear.

Fubushi had her right arm resting on her swords sheath, while her left was covering her open yawning mouth, her bright blue eyes became teary as she kept yawning. Shuka sat next to Hako and started to talk about how great they were. Both Tokume and Hako face started to turn red as a tomato as Shuka gushed about how incredible they fought and how brave they were.

Ragnar smile turned to a frown as he got the two girls' attention with a simple, "UHM, I want to apologize for us not being here sooner. You two must have been worried to death. Also Fubushi can you not yawn in front of these 2 it really rude and Shuka don't bother them too much they just got of a dangerous situation."

"I can't help it I'm tired and plus I just woke up not so long ago." Fubushi barely said as she kept yawning.

"Who are you my dad," Shuka pouted and started to pinch at Hako's cheek, "and plus don't worry too much and look there fine and look at them so cute!!"

Tokume head started to spin with excitement but she calmed herself down, "No, no it's fine no need for a apology but if there is something I can ask?"

Ragnar talked over Shuka's giggling and Hako's struggling of trying to stop her from pinching her cheek, "What is it?"

"I thought that Ravengers are supposed to have little light energy and more darker but even though they should have little Halo force." Tokume worries went away with the question.

Ragnar was taken back when she sparked up, "That is why we were late, we were told to not go yet because they wanted to get more information on that Ravenger, lately we have been getting more and more Predators like this one. Where they have a ton of Halo Force built in them, so when a Ravenger came in the city they where excited because a something like this came in so close. But when me and Shuka saw the two of you fight for your lives we couldn't just stand there anymore. So, let me say it again We are very sorry for not being here sooner."

Tokume was silent for a little bit then though of 2 things she felt like she needed to ask, "Um what about the people that where caught in it and in the building?"

"Oh, don't worry about that there were only a few injuries no one died, and you know the ceremony is today, so most people where already gone." Shuka stopped pulling Hako's red cheek only for a second then immediately went back to it.

"Oh yeah the ceremony…," Tokume looked down, "guess we won't be able to make it."

"Well, your in luck it's been cancelled today because of what happened," Fubushi stopped yawning for a second, "are you two apart of it?"

They both nodded.

"Well, we will be seeing you soon then, it's been pushed back for three days." Ragnar came back with his smile.

Tokume and Hako gave a sigh of relief then she asked her second question, "For my second question, earlier the Ravenger just started to chase after me when I hid it even waited for me to move?"

"That's pretty rare in some cases because there are not many Predators that go after the person with the highest Halo Force in the area around them. And which case you two surprisingly have a high amount for your age's and I guess you two are…15?" Ragnar answered.


Fubushi stopped in the middle of her what was probably her 500th hundred yawns. In the corner of her squinted eye, she spotted the 2 black lines that went down Tokume's right eye. Immediately her attention was caught the tired look in her eye turned into a knife-like stare that could pierce your soul.

Slowly walking over to Tokume she put her hand out and lifted up her hair that covered her left eye. The eye that was black as ink she stared into her eye studding it, Tokume heart started to pound again as the only thing she saw was Fubushi smooth silk face in front of hers.

Fubushi soon realized what it was, putting down her hair she went to Hako. Slapping Shuka's hand that pinched her cheek, she looked into her round pink eyes, then looked into her left seeing no sign of black.

Shuka rubbed her hand and was about to say something but when she looked at Fubushi face she knew something was important. Soon she also noticed the black that was in her eyes, she was faster to realize what it was. A cold sweat ran down her face as she put on a awkward smile, Ragnar noticed it too but told Fubushi to give her some space. A sudden trace of black left her left eye for second then disappeared in the air.

"You're a-." Fubushi was interrupted when a small noise that came from her ear.

It was the same for the other two. Shuka jumped off the vehicle standing next to Ragnar, comparing Ragnar standing next to Shuka he looked like a titan while Shuka look like a small mouse. The two girls stared as they all stood next to each other.

"We are being called in so we have to go now," Shuka gave a small sad voice, "see ya soon!"

As they slowly walked away both Ragnar and Shuka waved. Tokume and Hako did the same and waved, Fubushi head was slightly turned and was staring at Tokume for a short while then she looked forward. A small chill went down her back, a small sound of rumbling came from Tokume.

Hako slowly turned her head at Tokume's smug face as she gave a small look of disappointment. Tokume held back her laughter giving small little chuckles here and there while

Hako jumped off the vehicle and nodded her head in a way of saying "lets go". She smiled and jumped off walking towards Hako but before they left, they thanked the paramedics that came and left walking off to their house.

"Hell, of a day huh!" Tokume said with an extremely excited tone.

"Yeah, definitely." Hako seemed very calmed despite what happened in the past hour.

"AWWW come on you liked it; I know you did!" Tokume started to copy what Shuka did and pinched her cheeks.

"That depends what part you're talking about, running for my life from a beast that can destroy an entire city or meeting three of the six strongest people here." Hako smacked the hand that pinched her cheek.


"Shut up, let's just go get something to eat."


Chapter 3-End