
Dark Eye's

A World with Mysterious beast and Powers gifted from GODS.

LunaRenFA_11122 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 16- A Break Part 2

Resting her head on her hand she looked out towards the window playing with the fork in her mouth. Sighing she pulled out her phone messing with it till she felt a sudden light shine in her head, once she was done typing a message, she stabbed her final piece of cake and ate it. Almost instantly she heard her phone go off, smiling she placed down her fork and headed to pay.

"So did you figure out what you are going to do?" Hako asked.

Taking out the amount she needed Tokume handed it to her, "Yeah gonna met with another friend!"

"How many friends do you have?" Hako questioned sighing.

"Not much." She painfully smiled


"Sorry for asking." Hako sincerely said.

Heading out of the door she waved to Hako as she did the same, multiple intruding clouds came and blocked out the lifeful sun. Heading back towards the fountain, she sat on the edge, playing with danger she put her body back almost touching the surface of the water. Pushing herself up she could feel a bit of her cold wet hair touch the back of her neck. After a couple of swings, Tokume grew bored, setting herself up she hovered her hand on the water making it twirl and spin in the air. Manipulating the water when she pressed down it had a vase-like shape, but it spun slower, putting her hand up it grew narrow but spun rapidly.

Seeing her reflection on the fountain Tokume whispered to himself, "Hmm…I wonder when she's gonna be here? Well, I can't blame her I did just send her a message out of nowhere."

"But I'm right here." A voice came right next to her.

"AAH!" Tokume fell inside of the fountain, her wet hair covered her eyes, but she swept it back in its place.

A girl with her hood stood in front of her with her hand out, "Are you ok?"

Taking her hand, she was helped up, "Fuyu!? Since when did you get here?"

"When you started to play with the water," Fuyu replied putting her hand back into her jacket pocket.

"So, since the beginning," Tokume didn't even sense her at all, the sudden strike of remembrance came to her as she noticed the small bandage on her cheek, "Actually how are you! How are all your injuries?"

Fuyu lightly tapped her bandage feeling the slight sting, "It's all completely healed. This one is new."

Tokume noticed something but it wasn't on Fuyu, moving closer she gave a smile, "You've gotten better at talking huh?"

"N-no it's just easier talking to you…" Fuyu pulled down her hood hiding the redness on her face.

Pulling her hood up to see her eyes Tokume kept her smile then let the hood go. Walking away Fuyu asked, "Where are you going?"

Reaching out her hand Tokume answered, "Well what do you think? We're gonna have some fun!"

A sudden spark ran through her as Fuyu's eyes lit up, slowly reaching out her arm Tokume didn't waste any time and clenched it then dashed out of the plaza.

"Hey Fuyu!" Tokume yelled out to her looking to see if she was able to keep with her speed.

Trying not to drag her feet Fuyu replied, "What?!"

"Ever been to an amusement park?" Tokume questioned.

Then she started to run faster making Fuyu almost trip along the way. Right before they knew it large, towering rides were in front of them as they stood at the gateway. Rides going up and down, others looping around, but one that caught her attention the most was an enormous wheel spinning around. Hearing the sounds of laughing and screaming Fuyu's violet eyes sparkled as she saw everything that was in front of her.

Smiling Tokume noticed the hidden excitement in Fuyu's smile, "Have you never been to an amusement park?"

Fuyu shook her head, grabbing her hand Tokume started to walk, "You really are weird…well that doesn't matter! Come on we can't always stand here forever let's go in!"

"EEH!" She didn't even her hand was grabbed as Tokume dragged her in.

Kids everywhere begging their parents to get sweets, groups of friends laughing and talking as others just came to enjoy what it was. Asking her what she wanted to do, Fuyu looked around and couldn't choose. Smiling Tokume just pointed to one to see if she was able to choose one, slightly nodding they walked over to a large ride with rails of red climbed up to the sky with multiple loops.

"So….are you good with motion sickness?" Her smug voice came out.

"What's motion sickness?" An immediate response came out as she tilted her head.

"How do you not know what motion sickness," Tokume couldn't help but sigh as they sat down on the cart, "Well we're about to find out trust me and hold on tight to the bar. Trust me."

Then it started to move, slowly it started to climb up at the sky, hands gripping tight they reached the sky. The next thing that happened couldn't prepare Fuyu, at lighting speed they were led down to the ground as the wind brushed pasted their head blowing her hood back releasing her long braided hair. A thrill of adrenaline rushed through her as they went down steep slopes not giving any chance of rest. Breathing heavily as she saw the multiple loops her heart started to pound. Once as they reached the loops her head started to spin, at times her hair blocked her eyes and almost came undone, once those loops were done, she had lost count of how many times her body was looped around. Finally, to finish it all they were slowly pushed down and stopped to where they were.

Getting off of the cart Tokume stretched as she laughed and smiled looking at Fuyu who was stumbling. Her head was spinning as well as her vision, walking up to her Tokume put Fuyu's arm around her neck and led her to a bench. As they sat down Tokume went to a stand and came back handing Fuyu a bottle of water she slowly sipped on it.

"Then I guess you kinda do have motion sickness but it's not that bad," She giggled, "I think you'll get used to it…probably. But anyway, what was it?!"

"I feel sick…" That was all she could think of that made Tokume laugh, " I don't know how to describe it, but it was thrilling and exciting. I guess."

"Then you had fun!"

"Fun?" She repeated.

"Yeah, fun! It's when you are enjoying something or feel excited about something!"

"Then yeah I guess it was fun!" She said smiling.

Standing back up she looked at her, "Are you hungry because I am!"

"A little."

"Alright!" Then she pointed at another ride with a large wheel, "Can you go stand in line for a bit? I'm gonna get us some snacks to eat on the Ferris Wheel."

"Uh sure." Then she started to walk to the line.

Reaching the line, she stuffed her hand in her pockets as she looks at the enormous wheel. Multiple carts all around it with different symbols, one with a trident, another with two swords crossing each other, and one with the symbol of a Sun as the opposite side was a Black circle. An Eclipse. Staring at the eclipse symbol she realized that she was being called, turning around Tokume was behind her with a bag in her hand.

"You, okay? I was calling to you for a bit." Tokume had the concerned face on her.

"Oh, uh yeah I was just looking at the cart with the Eclipse." She pointed at it.

Looking at it she touched the bottom of her black eye, noticing Fuyu's face became red, "I-I'm sorry! Did I offend you?"

"Nah don't worry about it!" Tokume reassured her as they sat down on a cart with the Eclipse, "I'll tell you something about this eye and some things about myself. Also, don't worry this one doesn't go fast so just relax and chill out."

Still, she stood up straight as Tokume slouched down a bit, putting her hand in the bag she pulled out a small bag, "So I know it's a bit too late to ask but are you good with sweet stuff?"

"I can eat about anything." She grabbed the bag that Tokume held out to her.

"Alright cool." Laying back to the seat she started, "You know the legend of the God of Light and Dark right? Where the two fought each other for centuries because one believed dark couldn't live without light or something like that. Pretty stupid huh? Two people fighting just because they had a disagreement."

Sighing she opened the small bag and bit down on a small blue color orb, "Well anyway ever since I was born, I had this black eye and my other only had two black stripes going down. Do you know what a Dark Divine is?"

Nodding her head, she took out a small orb from the bag and a burst of sweet flavor filled her mouth, then Tokume continued, "Nice then that saves me some time, well when I used to live in a village almost every day, I was taken to a facility so people can research what I can do. I won't go into the details, but it was mostly training on my abilities, but the teleportation didn't kick in as soon, so I guess they kinda lost interest in me or something."

Taking another bite, she looked off into the wonderful view of the city, "People used to make fun of me or avoid me because of it and what I was. Pretty weird huh. Doing all of that just because someone looks a little different, well I'm still human with or without the eye and so are so many others. But I don't hate my eye whatsoever. How do I say this…special isn't the right word but it makes me feel that I have something to prove or something to do. So, if I pass the ceremony test then once they ask me for my design then I'll proudly say The Eclipse. Plus, I just think it makes me look cool."


"Huh, you don't know? When you get accepted you get a special design something to show that you're there like for example Shuka's design of being a shark."

"So how about you?" She looked at Fuyu who was still staring at the view.

"Um…" She sat and thought, "I'm sorry I can't talk about it."

"No, your fine if probably family problems sorry for asking."

"Well, I guess I can share one thing." Quickly her face turned a bright red.

"Ooooo! What is it?!" There was nothing but excitement.

"R-remember Hisuku…" She put her hood up hiding her face and twirling her fingers.

Tokume's excitement died as she heard that name, "The brat with the red-tipped hair? What about him?!"

"Um…well first please don't insult him." She pulled her hood down more.

"Why shouldn't I! He basically put you in the emergency room! The next time I see him I swear I-!"

"HE'S, MY BROTHER!!" She yelled out with her face fully red.

"…Huh…" Her face was completely blank as she heard that.

Complete silence went by for a couple of seconds as then it clicked, "WHAT HE'S YOUR BROTHER!! B-B-BUT YOU LOOK NOTHING ALIKE!!"

"Well, he's not my actual brother but we grew up together, so I consider him as one." She still hid her face.

"But why did he almost kill you then? That doesn't make sense!"

"He wasn't always like…he used to be very caring and loving but some things happen, and he changed so he can make sure that…" She stopped right there.

"So that what?" Tokume's interest was peaked but they stopped when it was time for them to get off.

Getting off of the seat Fuyu started to walk away with her head down and Tokume followed, "Sorry I said too much."

"Nah don't be sorry if I brought up some memories. Here I'll make it up to you!" Tokume took her hand again and they walked over to a small shop.

"What this?" Fuyu asked.

"Well, what do you think? It's a small shop they sell some stuff here!" The place was filled with clothing and jewelry like bracelets.

Grabbing a pair of glasses, she placed it on Fuyu, looking at a mirror she saw the red outline of the lens. Standing behind her Tokume placed both of her hands on her hips, "Glasses are really versatile!"

"I don't know I don't think I really need them." Fuyu took them off turning to Tokume who had her finger in the air waving it around.

"No, no, no you don't understand! "First, you can have glasses-wearing girls take them off and suddenly become beautiful, or have girls wearing glasses flashing those cute grins, or have girls stealing the protagonist's glasses and putting them on like, "Haha, got your glasses!" That's just way too cute! Also, boys with glasses! I really like when their glasses have that suspicious-looking gleam, and it's amazing how it can look really cool or just be a joke. I really like how it can fulfill all those abstract needs. Being able to switch up the styles and colors of glasses based on your mood is a lot of fun too! It's actually so much fun! You have those half-rim glasses, or the thick frame glasses, everything! It's like you're enjoying all these kinds of glasses at a buffet." Her rant went off.

"Did you just copy Fubuki from Holo-." She was stopped as Tokume put another pair of glasses on her.

"Yes." She immediately answered without hesitation.

Time passed by as they messed around putting glasses on each other from one with large circles and others with a more glaring look. The two laughed till their stomachs hurt, then Tokume looked at her noticing.

"Hey, you finally laughed!" She pointed out with a wide smile.

"Oh yeah, I guess I did!" She wiped away a tear that came from her eye.

Then something caught Tokume's eye, a light purple bracelet laying on a table. Grabbing it she held it in her palm showcasing it to Fuyu. Her eyes sparkled like the Amethyst that she held.

"Here put it on!" Tokume placed it in the palm of her hand for her to put on.

Wrapping it around her fingers it slid down with ease stopping at her wrist, then Tokume ran over to the desk as Fuyu gazed at it with every ounce of her attention, "Hey mister! How much is that?"

"Oh, that yeah you can just have it for free."


"Yeah, I've been trying to get rid of that for a while but seems like your friend over there really likes it so go ahead." He spoke.

Walking back, she looked at her, "Well good news! You can have it for free!"

"Really? Is that okay?" She didn't believe it at all.

"That's what the guys said! Well anyway, what do you want to do next?! We can go on another ride; we can ride the log ride. Ooo! How about that-." She was interrupted at she heard sudden dings coming from Fuyu.

Digging through her pockets she pulled out her phone, a couple of seconds passed by as she put it back, "I'm sorry I have to go."

"No don't be, I had lots of fun today!" Tokume smiled as she saw Fuyu turn around.

"Yeah, it was fun. Thank you." Then she disappeared without a trace.

"I gotta get used to that now huh," She chuckled then started to head towards the exit, "Well I guess I should go too, not much for me right now."

Once she passed through the gate she headed straight for her house.

Chapter 16-End.