
Dark Designs: Star Martial God Technique

Oneshot turned into a mini series. Waking up in Star Martial God Technique, surviving is one thing. Not killing people due to their views is another. No profit gained in the creation of this.

Magmatide · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
101 Chs

Beiming Mountain 110-140 Part 2

The camp was set up with a decent night guard out. Those brought over by Liang Yin were on watch. The fighting they witnessed by Liang Yu was enough to garner respect as well take the people in the camp seriously after seeing them try so hard.

Considering they fought without rest for the last few days left them exhaust. All but Liang Yu, Liang Jian, Linlin and Liang Yin. And that was mostly due to their cultivation levels. Lin Yin was not liking the outdoors to much and the constant moving.

In the center were the youngest and weakest. Popeye had gathered a few Fire Bird demon beasts to his side. A total of 5 that were at the 3rd Heavenly Realm. All it took was Liang Yu passing a little Flame Core qi over to them, to subdue the wilder instincts while in camp at the least.

"Good a place as any to rest up." Liang Yu said. His Astral Sense let him know the place was peaceful enough. Not a lot of activity of demon beasts passing through the area. "Need to rethink a few small plans after seeing the way they fight."

Heading into his tent, he was joined by a few others.

Lin Yin read over some of the plans Liang Yu wrote and found her self at a loss. The optional part of her ruling over the Lin clan was appealing due to some sentiments to her family. But the idea of killing her father for what he done to her and earning something to boost her cultivation was tempting in it's own right.

But only that.

The plans revolving the Heaven Family was not something she thought was ok in the least. The fact that they basically sold their daughter off to the Imperial Family disgusted her. But overall Liang Yu had no plans to get involved directly and only had a few plans that anyone in the group could take up if they wanted to deal with it.

"Haaa, I can not kill him for that but I can not change the Lin clan on my own. Let alone the situation with that girl's family. Even Liang Yu can not change this. Know matter what he thinks at this time." She got up and moved to Liang Yu's tent where he was talking to Liang Jian and Ye Mu. "Sorry to interrupt but I have come to a decision."

"I think it best I go, I will come back in the morning before training." Ye Mu excused himself. He was tired for one but he also did not want to know about certain matters. The documents Lin Yin held looked important.

"Night." Liang Jian said. He was about to leave as well to join his wife in their tent but was stopped by a gesture from Liang Yu. "What is it cousin?"

"You need to hear this I think."

"Yes he does." Lin Yin sat down and took a deep breath before starting. Both Liang men proved to be fair friends. She rather be straight with matters. "I want to be better than what I am. Power more than anything but not by betraying my ideals. Even if it means I will have to.."

"Woah woah, hold up!" Liang Yu stopped her pretty quickly. "You are with us, no need to make any special platitudes. Never betray and keep moving forward and things will be fine. You are still young, no need to put so much stress on yourself."

"Yeah, you are like family. A lot of the Ye members are following along because of you." Liang Jian chimed in with a grin on his face. "Linlin really like your company and so do I. I honestly thought there was something between you two at first."

Looking at his cousin he thought it odd he never made a move on Lin Yin. But he finally understood they really were just friends.

"I prefer my woman older." Liang Yu rolled his eyes in annoyance. 'This place is full of such a different culture clash I will loose my mind if I am not careful.' The vast age differences between some people were one thing, but seeing a few adult with obvious underage females and boys kind made his stomach turn.

"Humph! I am older than you both!" Lin Yin pouted.

"Physically yes but hardship increases age. In that sense, you are younger than both of us as well as Linlin." Liang Yu grinned at the display of her pout. He couldn't just say he was a different person that fused with the actual Liang Yu. That would be weird. "But I am happy for your decision about some things. Take this and cultivate. Be mindful, it is way more dangerous than any resource you had before."

*Fwish! Fwish!* A glass about a foot long was passed to her that emitted a strange qi. The fact it flared up twice with intense flames made Liang Jian shake a little. The power he was able to sense, he felt it really deeply. His dantian throbbing a little in fear but also anticipation.

"Thank you!" Lin Yin felt it was something powerful but the fact her fingers tingled instead of burned was enough to make her excited. "I won't fail!" She left to get started pretty quickly. 'With this, I should be able to reach higher! Then I can focus on those techniques I have from that weird woman!'

"Yah know..." Liang Jian started to say something.

"You need to learn those spear techniques better." Liang Yu squinted at him. "Your wife is excelling in those hammer techniques and she just picked them up. Gonna get left behind at this rate."

"Yeah yeah, I know. It is just so hard!" Liang Jian got up frustrated. Her progress made him happy but that didn't mean he want to be outshine by her. "Have any pointers for me?"

"I do but not until I figure something out first. I rather not pass over something incomplete and mess you up." He shook his head quickly not even wanting to risk the matter. 'The more people grinded down by the Flame Vortex Core the more my understanding of cultivation increases from their personal knowledge.' The danger of how quick he could grow was there but also fear if it would warp his sense of self. So far he was good but still so much he didn't understand about Cultivation as well as being a Champion. "It is important you understand you have a long road ahead of you with mistakes to be made. I do as well. But we will get there."

Passing over a set of documents, Liang Yu activated his Astral Sense to do a quick pass over the camp. Nothing of note at the time really. Not a single demon best close by. Well besides the Flame Birds.

"Eh tomorrow, discuss tomorrow!" Liang Jian left quickly. 'Need to get stronger for several reasons not just Linlin. Plans that he have are dangerous. Have to reduce some of that burden, But then again..' Turning back he noticed that Liang Yu never really looked bothered by matters. Always taking things as he could and just trying to do what he could when it happened. '..is he not afraid of death!?'

What he didn't understand was that Liang Yu was mostly reacting to what was in front of him at the time. And the face he showed completely hid his actual thoughts on matters. A lot of time when it was not entertaining, he wish he had a remote to change the channel as it were.

Putting it off for another time, Liang Jian went to Linlin.

"Haaa, time to get started again." Liang Yu sighed. Pulling several jars out full of demon beast blood he purchased, as well as those killed and drained by him in traveling. The meat was given to the others for meals. Checking inward, he started to cultivate the Astral Sense. The Flame Vortex Core spinning quickly. 'Have to resist the grinding from the Flame Vortex Core. But so many are in there that have to be finished off.'

Inside the Flame Vortex Core were the bodies of those killed during the Azure Feather Family attack that remained. Breaking them down into qi had gotten easier but the intensity of the Core was more than before.

Much more than before.

"Here goes nothing..." Liang Yu relaxed and allowed himself to be swept away. He focused on the Metal Seed, Fire Body, and more on the deeper parts of Astral Sense. ".. focus dammit! Resist the pull!"

Redlines appeared over his flesh on the outside. The surroundings turned out as a sense of fiery destruction emanated outward. The good news, was that his tent was completely emptied before he started.

The bad news, a few of the cultivators could sense what was going on. None went over to check it out. Which was a good thing considering they were all rebels heading out.




The Imperial Army detachment were moving around in the forest after receiving a few hints about the activity in the area. Not realizing they were getting lead by the nose to be closer for later. In a few days another announcement would would be made to have them move to try and get the treasure of Emperor Tianlong.

Status: Liang Yu Health: 1100 Qi: 1900

Power: 31 Defense: 22

Willpower: 31 Intellect: 26

Connection: 5


Flame Vortex: 5th Heavenly Layer

Flame Martial Arts: 6th Heavenly Layer

Metal Seed: 3rd tech level

Fire Body: 3rd tech level

Astral Sense: 2nd tech level

Magmatidecreators' thoughts