
Dark Bond

Editing! Faolán Quinn, Alpha of Mac Tire Pack, becomes the CEO of a large company in order to better protect his pack from human intrusion into their lives. When he competes for land with another company, he meets Alanna Doyle, a strong and determined woman, the competition's CEO and, also, his mate. What happens when he discovers that the bond that unites them is far greater and darker than any other? Will they be able to unite and save their souls or will they be doomed for eternity? Talk to me! Instagram @m_zanakheironofficial Discord MunhozM#5017 Facebook M_Zana Oficial

M_Zana · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
154 Chs

Chapter 32

The next day arrived and Alanna washed up and went to the company, as usual. She had asked for the meeting with the shareholders to be rescheduled and they agreed to hold it in the afternoon of the same day.

During the morning, she talked to other investors and looked for land to replace the one they had previously chosen. That way, when she asked the shareholders to give up those lands, she would already have others prepared and the process would go faster.

After lunch time, the meeting would begin. Before Alanna entered the room, Tyr announced that she had just left the airport and was heading to his apartment. Alanna only responded with an 'Oh, great!' and informed him that she had a meeting at that time, so she would talk to him later. She put her cell phone on airplane mode.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen!" She started to speak as soon as everyone was properly seated. "I asked for this meeting to decide something about the lands of Wyoming."