

-Avery Silas PoV-

"Bloody hell..what time is it?" I asked tiredly yawned once the alarm went off."If it's a Tuesday and there's no pancakes for breakfast,I refuse to wake up."

"Get up Ave, it's six in the morning." Luca demanded,sliding the curtains aside to let all the sunshine enter our room with it's own free will.Groaning,I burrowed under my blankets and ignored Luca's demands.Luca calmly had seen this attitude before.

He slip one of his fuzzy slippers off and started to smack my blankets,even though it won't give an affect."¡Levanta tu culo perezoso o llegaremos tarde a Ave!"

"Nooooo!" I wailed as he now grabbed my legs and pulled me away from bed."Luca please get off my back lad! I'm too knackered for this!" I begged desperately.

"No way England boy,you're coming with me to the cafeteria once you're done wearing regular clothes." Luca said,picking my clothes while I rested on the carpet.

He picked me up,swung me over his shoulder and headed to the bathroom.As soon as we arrived at our dormitory bathroom,Luca dumped me there and tossed me my daily clothes at my face.He slammed the door shut,leaving me on the dirty bathroom floor with clothes on my face.I sighed,finally gave up and began putting them on.

While getting my strawberry milk shirt off,I stared at the mirror,insecurty washing me over.White smudges and patches covered my torso until it reached my ankles.I was diagnosed with vitilgo at birth which disappointed my parents.It disappointed them more to know that their male child is having the interests and a behaviour of a girl.

I sighed once again but this time more…guilty.I brushed off my long blonde hair into a tidier hairstyle.A small ponytail at the back of my neck ,a side braid and topping it off with a white shirt,a pink checkered sweater vest with a pair of sky blue jeans. Accessories are a must for me,so pastel blue star earrings,a few cute pink hair clips and a white daisy clip.Looking back,maybe I'll be fine.I'll forget about it somehow.

I escorted myself from the bathroom and saw Luca waiting for me on my bed."Chico,you have a strange interest.Half of your room's covered in rosa."

I shrugged."Dunno,my taste has a mind of it's own.Wanna go or what?" I was already at the door while Luca took a sceond for his eyes to travel around the room.

He smiled small but I knew he appreciated my personal answer.We both exited our dormitory and the moment I step foot outside,all eyes began to stare at me.I lowered my head down to try and make no eye contact with anyone as we made our way to the cafeteria.As we were walking,I could feel a mocking aura coming from everyone.

I could also feel a murderous aura coming from Luca.So I muttered to him nervously, "Luca no need for a big kerfuffle okay? I'm gonna be fine,don't worry." I smiled.

Luca noticed my confidence and gave in.He lowered his murderous intentions and continued our walk to the school cafeteria.I was feeling confident at first but whispers and idle talk began to start.I wanted to disappear into thin air immediately!

Finally,we have reached at our destination.The cafeteria was bustling with hungry students and as usual,eyes were glued onto me.I nervously walked behind Luca and stood at the back of the que with a tray in my hands.The line slowly decreased and it's finally me and Luca's turn.We began to select our choice of breakfast and purchased it after.Others would prefer crowded locations to eat but Luca and I prefer silence.

The rooftops or rare staircases would be our choose,which made me very relieved.As we munched into our food,Luca told me something exciting."Y'know,our school's having a music audition tomorrow.Think of joining pequeño? It'll be worth it."

I slightly flinched at the request."M-me?! Perform?! N-no,I shouldn't.I have stage fright after all and you know how I am easily blumbering!" I stuttered, thinking that Luca might get the signs.Obviously he got it but chose to ignore about it.

"Are you about that rosa? I know you wanna try~" He slyly smirked.

"O-of course I am! I'm just not good enough to try out…" I pouted.

"You made ten grownups cry at the mall yesterday! Is that good enough?" Luca pointed out the performance I did with him at the mall,trying to sound convincing.

"I…I guess.I-I don't know about that.."

"Then you have your answer chico,you're trying that audition."

"Hey dorks!" A familiar tough voice called out,making me and Luca wince."What'cha doin' at these lonely parts? The canteen's always free for you guys to swing by!"

Chad,the football captain at our school.Like every cliché high school stories,Chad is indeed the bully at our boarding school and we're most likely his victims.He swung both of his arms around me and Luca's shoulder,squeezing the soul out of us both.

"Hey…Chad." I chuckled nervously."We're actually doing fine here…I guess…"

"Why are you even here?" Luca grumbled in annoyance at Chad's appearance.

"Someone's cranky already." Chad snickered along with his friends.

"Someone needs to shut the fuck up already." Luca shot a merciless glare.

Chad's eyes widen in anger while his other jock friends gasped at the comeback.While Luca is the 'stand up for your friend' type of pal,I'm more of a 'let's shut the fuck up if you want to live a peaceful life to see tomorrow' a kind of gal.

"What did you say to me nerd?!" Chad grabbed Luca's collar harshly.

"We prefer to call it intellectual badass Chad.I don't think I should tell you because you're stupid ass brain doesn't know what intellectual means am I right?"

I snickered at the burn,ignoring Chad's glare towards me."You got a smart mouth don't ya? Let's see who's smart when I beat the shit out of you." He pushed Luca down to the surface hard and left the scene with his minions and with his pride.

Now was just left me and Luca at the ground,speechless and thankfully alive.We stared at Chad and his minions as they wlked away,processing the moment.

"You really fucked up." I said deadpanned.

"I really fucked up." Luca repeated after me.