
Dark Abyss...

It only took one look at her to know demons haunted her. Her eyes showed the pain she has endured and her body reflected the cruel way life had reduced her to a broken shell. ... "What group of rogues are they?" he asked as he raked his eyes over us. "Most were born rouges, others were chased out of their packs for minor crimes. They won't be a problem." The beta said, aiming the last part at us. Nobody would be foolish enough to cause trouble within the king's palace. It was a death wish.    The alpha began from the other side of the line where the strongest stood. I could hear positions being given to the wolves by the male as he crossed the line. His rough voice put me on edge. I shut my eyes in fright as I felt him stand in front of my trembling body. I was the last to be judged; I was the weakest link. The sound of his growls almost brought me to my knees. Tears ran down my cheeks as I held back a sob. Why do I always have to cry, why am I weak? "Mine."

Christerbelle_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

20 years earlier

3rd person P.O.V

On a rainy night, a couple stood in the pack's infirmary. A middle-aged woman lay on the bed audibly breathing in and out with perspiration coating her forehead. She had finally given birth after hours of labor. She heaved a sigh of relief seeing her wailing young one being tended to by the midwife, the baby she had almost lost due to her complication in pregnancy. A smile covered her face as her child was given to her after being wrapped in a white cloth. Both husband and wife peered at the child.

It was a baby girl, an omega.

With disgust, the father took steps from the bed, glaring daggers at the oblivious child who was desperately trying to latch on to her mother's breast. A pained look crossed the woman's features as she tore her gaze away from the crying toddler in her arms to her seething husband.

"What the hell is that Rose? We have been waiting and preparing for 9 months for a son. She is no daughter of mine, the omega won't tarnish my reputation", he said in a cold voice. The father stood a distance from the bed holding himself from pouncing on the child in his mate's arms. His natural father instincts were holding him back. He left the room immediately shifting into his wolf and running into the dark despite the rain.

Lost in her thoughts, the woman was left in a dilemma. She had to pick a side. It was either her mate whom she loved so dearly or her newly born daughter who would with no doubt make her an m, mockery in the pack. She had been carrying her daughter for months and now she had to get rid of her. Unshed tears filled her eyes daughter he knew with no doubt whom she'd pick.

She looked at the hungry oblivious toddler who was unintentional, reaching out to her, craving her mother's affection. With much difficulty, she tore her gaze away and placed the unnamed child on the bed who had begun crying sensing the change in mood.

The woman broke into painful sobs as she took in her daughter. "Mamma is sorry. I am so sorry but you are a mistake. You'll live with us, but not as ours. You have no mom."

The child was no daughter of hers, she was a mistake. With one final look, she gazed at the wailing child and turned into her wolf, and ran into the night to look for the husband.

She chose her mate.

The midwife came back later only to find the infant by herself. She seemed to have been alone for quite a while. In horror, she realized the child had been rejected. She couldn't adopt a child, she wasn't stable enough to feed another. She was also an omega, omega's weren't allowed to have children.

The night turned to dawn as the lady fed and held the infant as she slept. She cried for the child; the child who had been rejected at birth for simply being different, the child that had been born only to be hated her whole life, and most o all she cried for the child who had no opportunity for growth like other children, she would forever be nothing but an omega.

She was born on a rainy night and her life would never have bright days. She was a child born for darkness.

She named her Raine.


.....16 Years Earlier...

3rd person p.o.v.

A child stood by the window on the second floor of her home. From her position, she could see the other kids her age playing. She yearned to join the others in their game of hide and seek but she couldn't. Her parents had warned her against leaving her room and the other kids were warned from playing with her by their parents and alpha. She had to stay at home every day and wasn't even allowed to play with her sister and brother.

Her three-year-old mind couldn't understand why, all she knew was papa would hit her and lock her in the closet the whole night if she disobeyed. She couldn't help but cry when she remembered that night and the nights following that. She tried being like other kids but she was bad, maybe something bad happened in baby heaven. Even Santa never gave her presents like she gave Marissa and Loyde, her siblings. Every Christmas she would watch as they opened their presents while she had none.

Wiping away the tears furiously, the little girl thought if she tried harder she would become better. She didn't want her mamma to hate her more and send her back to the children's store like they planned to. Her teacher, Ms. Greene, always told her she was different but she looked in the mirror every day and she couldn't see the difference. She had ten fingers just like the others and all ten toes. Maybe it was her hair and eyes which were a different color not like mamma or papa.

All she knew was, that she had something that everyone hated. Other wolves would get mad when they got a whiff of her scent. She had never known what made it different from the other wolves. But she did bathe every day. She would compare herself to other kids in school but they were all alike.

Taylor had the same color of hair, so that couldn't be it. Maybe if she tried so hard to be like Marissa, her sister, she won't seem different. Though Taylor, her only friend in kindergarten, had told her she liked her, she couldn't believe her. Taylor's mamma loved her so she couldn't possibly understand. Maybe she was just as mean as the others and was lying to her. Deep down she knew, that even if Taylor was lying she wouldn't care because she was her only friend.

And a friend is what she craved, even if the friend only talked to her when others weren't looking.

But what she knew with certainty was that she would change.

She would be better for her mom and dad.

They say that abandonment is a wound

that never heals. I say only that an abandoned child

never forgets.

*Mario Balotelli*

The bruises heal

but the scars last a lifetime.


......Thanks for reading.....

Christerbelle_creators' thoughts