
Dark's Black

Dark was misunderstood and hated by Black because of Susie's death. Susie is Black's best childhood friend. Dark and Black fight every time they see each other. One day, Black meets the man he's betrothed to because of his grandfather's plans. ....In the moment, Black saw the face of a person who will be with him for the rest of his life..... **They both loved black.It was always such a coincidence.Black could see himself in Dark's sparking beautiful eyes under the sexy eyebrows. His lips under the beautiful nostril.They were so sexy every time. Dark was wearing a black shirt without a necktie and a coat over it. His skin was visible under the shirt. ** ** "You and me?Oh no no no,this is never going to happen." "Never?" Dark teased Black. So Black became mad and ran in front of Dark and said, "Not even in your dreams,Dark get out before I punch you in the face." Dark stood up fast and walked near Black.Their faces got so close that Black stepped back a bit. As Black stepped back a bit,Dark went closer and closer and Black almost hit the wall. "You!Always you!!" And Dark hugged Black from his waist and pulled close. Then he stared at Black's baby pink lips. Black suddenly remembered something.This wasn't the first time for him,right? Dark had touched him before .... in the elevator. "Don't touch me,move!" "You'll fall if I move." "It's none of your business,just move." "What do you mean ' not even in your dreams '? " "I mean the reason why you're here.What else can it be??" Dark hugged more tightly.And he turned Black to his side. "Excuse me,what the heck are you doing?" Since they were face to face,Black's heart was beating fast.Dark was taller and bigger than Black so Black couldn't resist him. "Why do you think I'm here?" Black was mad but he fell for Dark's long beautiful eyelashes.Dark also loved Black's eyes so much that he almost kissed him. "My grandpa told you to,right?" "Hmmmm.." "What hmmm?" "You're right." When Black heard Dark's answer,he felt more depressed.Not only he was shy but his groom was also the person who he hated most. "MOVE!!!" "You know that I never let you go easily." **

Darkness_165 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


Chapter - (15)

His uncles phoned Black and and talked to Black a lot.Not one word was satisfying for Black.

"Hey Black.We're done preparing your wedding invitations.Also now we're back at home to attend your wedding.Why don't you come see us and check how tired we are for your wedding."

Black bit his lips hardly.

"Where are the guests to invite with the wedding invitations?"

"It's our dad,U Min Thaw Tar Myaing's plans,so we can't be against him.Oh and by the way ,we heard that he's very handsome."


His uncles told him how busy all Black's relatives are in the phone.After one hour of talk,Black hung up.Then he looked at his condo.

Dark had the CCTV record of Black doing dirty things so Black couldn't resist Dark anymore.Black's friends couldn't help Black this time.But Khant said

"I didn't want you to do this.But you'll carry on even if I ask you to stop.I was just worried if Dark blackmailed you.But don't do like that anymore."


Dark also didn't have a chance to do like that anymore.With his mommy,Black had to go to meet Dark's parents.Dark's father,Black's grandpa's friend was so handsome.Dark's mom was also so beautiful and Dark looked like his mom.

Dark's parents were full of greatness and they looked so pleasant… How could Black turn against people like them…

Three times in a week to Dark's parents but Black didn't see Dark.

Today Black's family cooked coconut-milk noodle,so he shared some with Dark's family.

"Boy if you're bored you can go upstairs.My son used to live on the third floor but not anymore."

At first,Black didn't have plans to go up but he wanted to know about Dark so he decided to go.

When he got upstairs,he went into the first room he saw.The room was dark so he switched on the lights and walked around the room.

The first thing he saw was a huge double bed and on the head side of the bed,there was a big painting covered with a golden curtain on the wall.

Black couldn't see what drawing it was but he could tell that it was an expensive one because of it's golden boundaries.

There were not a lot of things in the room only the painting and the bed.Black stood up on his feet and was very interested in the painting.

Black knew touching others' properties without a permission isn't something he should do but in his mind,he's already touched and opened up that painting for like a hundred times.

Black knew that he might really do it if he kept staying there so he decided to left the room.But before he closed the lights he went near the painting once more.

"Don't Don't do it,Black."he thought in his mind.

"Oh what do I have to care? He even does what he wants.Why not me?!"

As Black changed his decision ,he let go off the switch and re-approached to the painting.He laid his hands on the head-side of bed and when he almost pulled the curtain….

"What are you doing???"

"Oh shit!!"

Black felt scared for a while.He knew whose voice this was.

"You wanna see?"

Black turned back and stared at him.

He was a wearing a black sport shirt with a pair of short black pants.

"See what?!"

Dark walked step by step into the room.

"If you want to,you need a remote."

Black didn't know where to stay..He felt embarrassed.He didn't want to face Dark so he walked away from the bed but it didn't work.

Dark pulled Black's arm so Black fell into Dark's arms as usual.

"What are you doing?!!"

"You didn't answer me."

Black tried to pull his hand out of Dark's grip.But he couldn't… Dark looked carefully at Black's body which was fashioned with the white color.

The yellowish baby hair above his pink cheeks always made Dark's heart beats ran fast.

"Let go!"

"Sorry but no."


"Ahh what are you doing?"

"Imm hmmmmmm"

Black fell onto the bed and his heart rate increased.Not only that but both of his hands was also stuck on the bed.So he became mad and … said,

"Dark!Do you want to be in a fight?"

"Remove 'a fight' ".

Black became more angrier and struggled harder because of Dark's words.

"Is this how you treat your guests???"

Dark released his grip a bit but he went on the bed so their faces were quite close again.

"No because it's you."

"Move back."

"I can closer because I didn't want to move back."


Dark always replied Black's words romantically that Black always felt so shy.

Now Black pushed away Dark's face.

"…. …"door opens..

"Oh boys.."

Both of them looked at the person who came in at the same time.


"It's okay .It's okay. Just feel free at this house.I was just going to tell you that the food is ready downstairs and you can have them anytime."

"Umm "

She didn't wait till Black's words end.

She closed the door tightly and left.


"Shut up,Black!"

Dark suddenly held Black's wrists tightly again because of his voice tone.Then he held Black's palms with force and put them in a crossed sign and said
