
September 28th

#Chapter18 September 28th

I watch Amelia as she drowns herself in a bucket of ice cream, and I cringe at the thought of her screaming and throwing things, my things, in the air because of the heartbreak she is now going through.

/"Why do guys suck and play with your emotions?/" She asked as I shrugged by answering her question. After all, even though I experience multiple heartbreaks, I still can't search for the right reason because I am a sucker for love myself.

Amelia looked at me as I try to contain myself from laughing just by seeing the dry black mascara that has rolled down her eyelashes and was now tinted on her face, making her look like a raccoon, /"I really thought he had feelings for me./"

Maybe one of the reasons we go through heartbreaks is mainly because we expected something back from the person we admire. We assume stuff, and to be honest, it's not their fault. It's ours... for expecting.