
October 6th

#Chapter24 October 6th

It's already two am-midnight, and we're still here, watching the stars as we tell each other both of our stories. I still have trust issues now, but Cayden makes me feel at ease with his words.

And little by little, I'm pretty convinced and ready to tell him everything about what has happened in my life for the past few years, what is happening in my life right now, why I moved, why I got so depressed, and every single detail about me.

I looked into his eyes, and he looked into mine. I love the fact of looking into someone's eyes, it's like you're seeing a whole new different person, but you can only see it yourself and not other people.

/"My dad died when I was 7 or 8 years old, and I don't remember much. But, until now, I'm still mourning his death, and the fact that I still can't move on depresses me so much,/" I said. I wanted to cry but, will he be the one who's going to wipe all of the tears away?