
October 30th

#Chapter46 October 30th

I woke up, stretching my hands and my feet. I rub my eyes and decided to get out of my bed, I slipped on my comfortable slippers, and suddenly, I hear my phone ring, and I look at the caller ID, seeing Cayden calling.

I smile and slide to answer, /"Good morning, beautiful,/" He says, and I can't help but smile widely, /"Good morning, douche bag,/" I said, and I hear him chuckle at the other line.

/"Now, now. That's not how you call your boyfriend, is it?/" He says, and I roll my eyes at him, smiling. /"Anyways, I'll pick you up in 20,/" He added.

/"Alright, I'll see you later,/" I said, and before I was about to press the red button, he speaks again, /"I love you,/" he says, and I chuckle silently. I say nothing, /"aren't you gonna say it back?/" He asks, sounding a bit sad.