
October 17th

#Chapter29 October 17th

/"So, tell me. How did we end up sharing a beach house with them? I thought this beach house is only for us,/" I said, crossing my arms over my chest as I look down on her, unpacking her stuff.

She stood up from the floor and left her suitcase open, she lets out a deep sigh, and all she gave me is a shrug. She continues unpacking her stuff, putting out all of her clothes, and putting it inside the wardrobe.

I rolled my eyes and sat down on the bed that Amelia and I later. Once she was done unpacking, she closed her suitcase and pushed it on the side to block the way. She sat down next to me and took a deep breath.

/"I didn't expect them to be the ones we're going to share with,/" Amelia said, looking at me straight into my eyes, making me furrow my eyebrows.