
November 10th

#Chapter59 November 10th


I should've not said those stuff to her. I know I hurt her feelings, and it also hurts me to see her crying. If I could just go back in time and punch myself in the face before I started rumbling up those words just to let her see how it hurts for me, seeing her with someone.

I should've not let her go before. I should've just told her the truth, even though she'll end up hating me every other way. I should've told her that I love her before. I should've told her all those things that I have regret before making such a dumbass move that made her slip through my fingers even more.

I can't see the worth of my life, living each day full of regret. I cannot do what I want to do without her by my side, supporting me, giving me love, and showing me what is right and what is wrong, what to do and what not to do.