
November 10th

#Chapter57 November 10th

/"I got you there. I hope you like them,/" Caleb said as he lends me the bouquet. I grabbed the bouquet of roses from him, gladly accepting it as I smile. I smelt the roses and looked at him.

/"Thank you very—/"

My words are suddenly cut off by Caleb when he kissed me out of nowhere. I was really shocked, and I do not know what to think, but I know that this is not the right thing to do, and kissing him back will make him get the wrong idea about what's happening between the two of us.

I opened my eyes and pushed him away from me, /"I like you, Hailey,/" Caleb said.

I hear someone drop something heavy wrapped in plastic. I look over and saw Cayden and Amelia staring at us, shocked at what they just witnessed. Cayden dropped the bouquet of roses he bought me. So that's what his message is all about...