

#Chapter37 2011

It's been 4 weeks since Nana died. Nana didn't make it.

It broke our hearts when we heard the news. The neighborhood sent us their condolences and their pure broken hearts to offer us a nice casserole. My mother was depressed. I know she was. Even though Nana isn't really her real mom, she still considered her as her own mother.

I remember the story when my mom used to tell me that her parents abandoned her, and Nana was there to pick her up from the ground when she was at the most desperate moment. Nana loved her with all her heart, and my mom loved her with all her heart as well. I guess my mom wasn't ready to let her go.

Since it's not yet her time to go.

Because she was shot. /"We need to pack up once again. We need to leave this town. I know it's Trevor's fault why she died,/" Dad said as he continues to fold his clothes and stack them inside the bag. /"We're not safe here./"