
Dare Me

Chris, Tyler and Mark are the closest of friends who play a stupid dare game every Friday. All the dares are almost impossible tasks that go against the things they love. On specific times, this dare game is always the start of their love life. It starts with Chris who loses and is dared to act as a kind and sweet guy who works in HIS own company. This sparks his love life by making him meet Iris who now hates sweet guys after a fresh heartbreak. They start on the wrong foot but end up falling in love. Excerpt... "Of all the dares to come up with it just had to be this one. He should have known that something was up when Tyler gave a wicked grin and whispered something in Mark's ear last Friday. Chris rolled his eyes and sighed one more time before making his way out of his closet. He had suits, blazers, designer jackets yet he couldn't find one... just one cloth to match with the ridiculous dare. As ridiculous as he thought the dare was, there was a certain thrill to it. This was the first time in years that he had to rack his head before picking an outfit. Bad boy and rugged Chris was known for one thing among many others; his accurate precision. His tanned hair and 'oh-you-have - to - give - me - a - second - look' face made him stand out in any crowd. Somehow, his arrogance was so persuasive and admirable; an appealing arrogance. He picked his phone and headed out of his room. It was time for breakfast and Chris was not about to miss that. His domestic staff knew better than to mess this up. "

Virtue_Ethe_Oghene · Fantasia
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4 Chs

Dare Me

Chapter One

Of all the dares to come up with it just had to be this one. He should have known that something was up when Tyler gave a wicked grin and whispered something in Mark's ear last Friday. Chris rolled his eyes and sighed one more time before making his way out of his closet. He had suits, blazers, designer jackets yet he couldn't find one... just one cloth to match with the ridiculous dare.

As ridiculous as he thought the dare was, there was a certain thrill to it. This was the first time in years that he had to rack his head before picking an outfit. Bad boy and rugged Chris was known for one thing among many others; his accurate precision. His tanned hair and 'oh-you-have - to - give - me - a - second - look' face made him stand out in any crowd. Somehow, his arrogance was so persuasive and admirable; an appealing arrogance.

He picked his phone and headed out of his room. It was time for breakfast and Chris was not about to miss that. His domestic staff knew better than to mess this up.

"What's on the menu for today?" He asked as he descended the stairs with his briefcase in one hand. His personal assistant was waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs, he was there because there was a schedule for everyday;

Wakes up every morning - six am,

Works out in his personal gym till 6:30 am

Creates a to-do list which he sends to his assistant before 6:45am

Has his bath till 6:55am

Dresses up and descends the stairs by 7am.

"Uhhh, I asked the chef and he said..." Kyle paused for a couple seconds not knowing what to say or how to say it.

Chris raised his eyebrows questioningly and turned fully to face him. Without saying a word, Kyle knew he had to give an explanation... fast!

"The chef just realized that there are no fresh groceries to prepare a meal. All that's left is tea and toast bread." Kyle explained and waited for Chris' reply. He was anxious because this had never happened and Chris never takes a break in routine very lightly. The chef kept a straight face as he stood by the dining table, trying his best not to show his anxiety.

Oh great! Chris thought. What a beautiful way to start the morning, he felt uneasy about starting the week like this. Somehow, he just knew that his breakfast would not be the only thing out of place that week. Sighing he pursed his lips and allowed his eyes to stray towards the table, the look of his breakfast was not satisfying but he walked over there anyway and raised the tea to his lips, it took one sip for his eyebrows to crease in a frown.

"What happened?" He asked as if expecting the chef to tell him what was wrong immediately.

"Sir?" The chef replied almost bursting with anxiety. Anyone with eyes could see the veins in his forehead popping out.

"The tea?" Chris asked again. He hated repeating himself but he seemed to be doing so repeatedly that morning.

The chef started to explain, "The..." before Chris cut him off abruptly.

"How many cubes of sugar? No milk?"

"Two cubes of sugar and a teaspoon full of milk."

"What day is it today?" Chris questioned as he placed the tea cup gently on the saucer.

"It's Mon..."

"I take three cubes of sugar on Monday and two teaspoons of milk." Chris explained and faced Kyle again. "Was this a lapse in your judgement or his?" His gaze was sharp this time around, as if he was restraining himself from boiling over, and he liked it that way. There was no need for people to know that he loved making angry expressions while he had his emotions under perfect control.

Kyle blinked twice as he tried to clear the fog that had gathered in his head, "ahh yes, I forgot to remind him about that. It's been a while since you took tea on Monday morning for breakfast, normally you take black coffee. I'm sure that's why he... We forgot." He swallowed.

Thankfully, the dare was distracting enough for Chris at the moment. The next thing on his agenda for the day was to shop casual clothes for the ridiculous dare, the change in plans would be getting breakfast in his company's cafeteria after shopping.

"Post a notification for a job vacancy right away Kyle." He said and started moving out of the dining room.

Relieved, Kyle immediately brought out a small note pad where he penned down every instruction and wrote a reminder for later. He had suggested using an iPad to Chris once but Chris didn't buy the idea. He said it was too risky since anybody could hack it.

"What post would that be sir?" Kyle asked.

"A personal assistant." Chris answered and smiled before handing his briefcase to Kyle. There was a tinge of mischief in that smile and it was very visible but Kyle didn't know how to explain that or decipher what Chris intended to do.

They were out of the house already, the driver was waiting right in front with the car. As they approached the car, the driver opened the car door for Chris, but Kyle was still wondering what Chris meant. He was the person assistant, wasn't he? Did he get promoted?

Chris wished he could just get into the back of the car and relax, but the ridiculous dare kept changing a lot of his routines and snatching his comfort. "Thank you, that would be all. I'll be driving myself today." He said to the driver and stretched his hand to collect the key.

The gobsmacked driver could only widen his eyes in surprise and hand the key to Chris in astonishment. The last time Chris drove himself was... Never. He hated driving himself.

But the dare was to act like the opposite of himself; wear different clothes, act very kind, be more accommodating, paste a smile across his face at odd times, and... act like an average worker who isn't a multi billionaire. Simple but difficult! He wanted to refuse it but it had become a custom over years to attach a severe consequence for anyone who refuses to do the dare. The consequence this time was; any of his friends could go out with his only sister and get married to her, this gave him the creeps! How ridiculous!

How - dare - they - dare - him - like - this? He thought as he turned the ignition and prepared to drive out. How hard could it be to act like a casual worker, smile more and be kinder to people? Thankfully, it was just one day, what could possibly go so wrong in one day?

What he seemed to forget is that a day presents twenty four hours, 1440 minutes and 86,400 seconds for the impossible to dare the possible.

Whoever thought a dare is all you need to get out there. I personally think there should be more dare games like this.

Don't believe me?

I dare you to read this book, you're about to experience something phenomenal!!

I dare you to not fall in love with this book.

Do like, and comment your thoughts on this chapter so I can continue... (Oh no that's not a dare)

Virtue_Ethe_Oghenecreators' thoughts