
The plan for my revenge

I set my cards down and collected what little winning I had won back in to money purse as the last of the guards left the table. Angie had left and now it was time for me to head back to the were-lands.

I got up and took a look at Pun who was sleeping on the floor curled up like a baby and snoring loudly. A mug of milk half empty set on the bar surface. I looked at Drake.

He waved me to the door. "I put something in his drink to let him sleep a bit longer. By the time you get back with the girls I'll have him working in here. I'll pay him a few gold coins. Go on." He said.

I nodded and headed for the back. I had plans to attend to and I had to move fast when I finally got back to the were-lands. I started to yawn and realized that I really needed to get some sleep in somewhere in between the day.