
Danmachi: The Great Unique Sorcerer

The great goddess and titan, Hecate, remained hidden for the vast majority of the time she spent on the mortal world, her curiosity for the humans never failing to amuse her even though hundreds of years have passed since she first descended. Attracted by the stories of the adventurers of Orario, she now wishes to create her own Familia, unknow to others that her Arcanun powers aren't as limited as that of the other gods, she uses her witchcraft to summon the soul of a boy from the distant realm of Earth. -- OBS: The protagonist is the one summoned, Hecate is one of the main characters. DISCLAIMER: A/N: The cover and Damnachi don't belong to me, but the girl in it represents pretty well Hecate's appearance in my vision, just that her eyes are of a different color.

GreatMageHarkan · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


She was troubled. After leaving the nearby inn and heading directly towards the guild, the thought crossed her mind and she couldn't dispell it.

Hecate's lean and delicate figure, charm as it was, presented itself as a difficult challenge of endurance for the slightly shy Leofric, who had to walk while holding her arms with his own.

It seemed that being approached by a stranger sooner was enough to make her use him like a statement, as if she was telling the drooling males surrounding them that she was already conquered by the fine lad in humble attire.

"We can sleep together..."

The goddess blushed slightly and the sight almost made him faint.

This!? Right now? Such a good moment to speak of the matter!

Control yourself Leofric! Hold it in your pants!

"Don't worry goddess! You can take the bed, and I'll just stay on the floor, so long as I have some blankets, it should be fine to sleep."

"But..." Hecate had a face full of guilty as she looked towards him. Living by herself, she was never able to make a lot of money, now that she's starting a Familia, the lack of money became a problem very quickly.

"No! It's my duty as a man and a member of your Familia! Don't worry, it will be fine, soon we will have enough money to afford separate rooms."

"I'll have to refuse your proposal." Hecate approached Leofric and hugged him, her voluptuous breasts squishing his chest and making him shake with the feeling that could only have come from heavens. With trembling lips, she could only ask him to forgive her lack of resources. "You're the first member of my Familia, it's my job not only to make you stronger but to help you as well, what sort of goddess would I be if I were to let you sleep on the cold and hard floor? I really don't mind sharing a bed with you..."

Thankfully this conversation went unnoticed within the crowded streets of the Labyrinth City Orario, if anyone paid attention to what they were talking about, they might end up being mistaken for a couple rather than an adventurer and his goddess.

They had just arrived in the city, after all, there was no solution to this problem.

When Hecate was living just by herself, any odd job would be enough to pay for her food and lodging.

It didn't matter if she was working on farms or small towns, there was always a way, but the necessity for money would only increase from now on. Hopefully, the small amount she managed to gather in the last few months will be enough to last them for one or two weeks.

"I... Alright..." Leofric gulped and nodded slightly with a face just a few shades away of becoming red like blood. He might have been 19 years old before dying, but he was still helpless with girls back in his previous life.

Not wanting to sleep with her was more due to his fears and lack of control rather than his honor as an adventurer. In his heart, however, he was already eager for the event.

Would they cuddle up like a couple? Would the goddess reveal a naughty side of hers and ask for the pleasures of the flesh?

No matter how unlikely it was to happen, his mind was already fantasizing about the many scenes that could play out that night.

As if noticing his dirty thoughts, the goddess pouted slightly with a blushing face. "I hope you're not having any indecent thoughts, I might reconsider letting you sleep with me if that's the case."

"Ah!? How could I? I would never have any thoughts like that towards my goddess!" Leofric started nodding to himself with a face that shined self-righteousness.

Seeing how she sighed a breath of relief, he almost did the same but was quick to stop himself. 'Fuu... I have to be careful...'


"Do you understand Halrod?" Sitting on a throne, a tall man with a long grey beard looked at an old white-haired elf with eyes full of caution.

"So... she is like you, my lord?"

The man nodded. "To avoid the other gods from knowing this, I want you to personally attend them. I can't afford any information about her slipping away by accident."

"Very well, my lord." Halrod kowtowed and then left the throne room from which one could easily observe the entire landscape of the circular city.

Looking bellow from the highest point of the tower that scraps the skies in the middle of the city, his elderly eyes were like that of an eagle, easily locking on the figures he had just warned his trusted subordinate about as they approached the guild main build, the Pantheon.

Shaking his head, he frowned and massaged his temples. "Why wait so much to make an appearance... Ah... Hecate... I'm too old to deal with these troublesome matters."


"Please, make yourself comfortable at the waiting area, someone will be assigned for both of you very soon."

Nodding, Hecate and Leofric left the counter and sat down on the nearby stuffed couches.

It was so luxurious, to afford these kinds of couches for public use, the guild must make a very considerable amount of money every year.

Leofric couldn't even imagine how right he was in this regard.

Had he know the actual numbers, he probably would have fainted right there from the sheer size of the numbers.

It didn't take long. Soon an old elf approached and guided them to a more secluded room within the Pantheon.

"Sorry for the lack of introductions." The man apologized slightly as they all sat down.

Leofric was quite curious by the appearance of the man. He had seen quite a few elves since he arrived in the city, but most if not all of them looked young and beaming with vitality, this one, however, had the appearance of a middle-aged man, with wrinkles already appearing and his grey hair already showing signs of becoming dull and lackluster.

"My name is Halrod, I'm a retired veteran Adventurer now working as adviser and coach for the guild. I heard that you already finished filling the registration papers, is that correct?"

Hecate nodded and smiled. "Yes, I already registered my Familia and Leofric's status as an adventurer."

"Alright, that makes things easier..." Halrod turned to Leofric. "Let's begin with your guidance then."


Exhausted, this word was barely enough to describe my state after that conversation.

If I knew there would be so much to learn in regards to the dungeon, I would have bought some drinks or snacks to help pass the time.

I have been seating for so long in that chair I can't even feel my legs! If that man wasn't an elf, I would have believed anyone who said that he was the reincarnation of my history teacher, the drowsiness spell was at least at the same level of proficiency... godly!

If he said one more word, I would definitely have died from falling too deep into sleep, with body and soul forever unable to wake up.

Arriving at the inn, I quickly greeted the attendant at the counter and went up the stairs to the room my goddess had rented.

Stepping inside I froze.

"Oh, you're finally back, I was starting to think that Halrod would teach you until morning of the next day." Hecate greeted me with her sweet and warm smile.

She held my hands and dragged me inside before locking up the door behind us, I don't know why but she didn't seem to mind that I could see pretty much all of her skin beneath the slightly transparent pajama she was wearing. Only her more sensitive parts were fully covered by underwear, still. I-I had never been so aroused before!

Is this actually hell!? Why would god allow me to see paradise only to barr me from entering?

Hecate ignored my state of despair and threw me in the bed after removing my shirt.

If only I didn't know the reason behind it, my mind would have already started picturing a beautiful scene...

"Now, turn your back towards me and let's start."

With his back towards her, Hecate sat on him and started caressing his back. Her hands were cold but felt incomparably comfortable, wherever she touched would become slightly sore for a second and a feeling of ecstasy would soon follow behind, dragging away all the tension accumulated on his back.

"Huh..." Hearing him moaning like that made Hecate blush slightly but her face showed a smile.

Her technique to scribe the Falna was special, after all, she wasn't simply reading her child, there was an active effort to ease the pain of bearing such a responsibility, it was her way of thanking him for not leaving.

"Okay, it's finished. Here, I wrote down your status so that you can read them by yourself."

It was pretty straight forward, Leofric thought.

Leofric Aldrich: Level One

STR: I - 0

END: I - 0

DEX: I - 0

AGI: I - 0

MAG: I - 0






Because he basically went from level 0 to level 1, every status was reset, if it was possible to read his level 0 status, they would probably be around whatever the average number for a human was.

So they were all 0 at the moment, but they would grow in the future.

However... "Goddess, what's the meaning of those question marks?"

Hecate turned to look at him and after thinking for a moment she replied. "You're not from this world, bringing you here was done through my divinity, as such it can be said that you are under two heavy influences, my blessing and destiny. I don't know what they did with you, but it's now something inherent to your existence, and as such, it gave birth to a skill. Although I can feel it because if my connection to it, I can't say what it is right now... but it will probably reveal itself eventually as you grow stronger and collect Excelia."

Excelia, in other words, experience gathered by fighting monsters, using and doing things...

"Experience huh..." Resting his head on the nearby pillow he couldn't help but let his mind wander in a weird direction.

This world felt so much like a game... he wouldn't be surprised if at some point there was a skill tree with various gameplay mechanics for him to explore in real life.

"Don't think too much about it..." Hecate's head dived in his embrace without him noticing. "Let's sleep now, tomorrow will be a stressing day for you..."

Cuddling up with her like that made his heart beat faster than light, but it was so good he said nothing about it and just pushed her closer.

"Tomorrow..." Whispering those words, he soon fell asleep.

Point out the grammar mistakes, I had to write on my cellphone and I can't see everything wrong by using webnovel shitty text editor, I'll be fixing them as you guys notice them.

GreatMageHarkancreators' thoughts